Vizio VT470M LCD no pic no sound only vizio light


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Username: Brody131

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-13
After being unplugged the tv will power up and function properly for seconds until it freezes. Try again and most times no picture and no sound. Only thing powered up at this time is the power supply (with all good voltages except the "sw on" 5v) and the vizio sign lights up. I get proper 5v sw on voltage while the screen is lit up and when frozen usually reads 2 or 3 volts. Upon trying again with blank screen result i get 0 volts. Tried jumping the reset holes out on main board and just sends it blank from whatever state it was in. I assumming its a main board chip or v reg circuit on main board. Any one with any common issues with this main board can help?
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