I have a Visio GV47L FHDTV20A LCD. I turned it on and heard a loud pop and then smoke coming out of the top. I opened it up and inspected the main power supply assembly and found Cap C241 had exploded. I went down to RS and picked up a replacement 470uF at 35V electrolitic cap, the same as the one that was there. I installed the cap and turned it on. The screen came up to blue (no source connected) After a few minutes, I heard another pop and smoke coming out again. Inspection of the PS showed C241 had blown again. I went to Shop Jimmy and got a replacement PS. I installed the TV and thought everything was well. Put it all back together and hooked it up to the Cable. Turned the system on and started programming cable channels. Video and audio was great. After about the same amount of time as the last repair, I started seeing smoke coming out and sizzeling sounds. I unplugged the unit and disassembeled. Inspection of the new PS showed that C241 had blown again. Now with this being a new PS, this wasn't the problem area. My question is, "What next, the main board?"