Mitsubishi wd-60c10 has a scratching sound and the picture is snowy


New member
Username: Socalpls

Temecula, California

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-12
Mitsubishi wd-60c10 about 2 yrs old, on 3rd lamp. First one popped after 1 1/2yrs. Second one dimmed after 3 months. Have new one installed and now other problems not sure if its from lamp or other issues.
Mitsubishi wd-60c10changed out 2 lamps past 3 months, now the tv has a scratching sound and the picture is snowy when on cable. When I change it to hdmi 1 (ps3 hookup) picture is miss colored and flashing looks like a strobe light. I pulled it apart cleaned it very good fans for sure. Put it all back and the scratching sound quieted a bit. The picture is still the same. The tv shuts down automatically after several minutes. Does anyone have a clue? Hoping its something I can take care of myself. Please help thanks

New member
Username: 74f100

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-12
That sounds like a color wheel issue.

It can be removed to see if the motor is causing the noise.


Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2747
Registered: Oct-07
2x color wheel.

I'd hope the OP comes back with the 'cure' when fixed.....or junked out.

I'm not sure I'd put any $$ into a DLP at this point.
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