I have the dct416 III by Motorola. The tv I have is the Samsung PN51D550 51-Inch 1080p 600 Hz 3D Plasma HDTV. The popping sounds I have mentioned in the subject are very annoying. These have not happened though when using the tv's speakers in combination with the Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3 or a pc. That is why I think the problem may be the dvr/pvr/cable box. I do recognize thought that it may be a problem with the tv or the hdmi to hdmi cord I am using with it although in regards to the cord it works with the PS3 and the Xbox 360 with no problem providing sound for the tv.
The situation is so bad that I now have turned on mono sound with the tv in hope that this fixes the problem. I went into the advanced sound settings with the dct416 III by Motorola and changed the audio settings to :
Audio Output: Advanced Compression: Heavy Stereo Output: Mono
Should I really have to switch a tv to mono these days ?