Archive through July 20, 2004


Silver Member
Username: Pawnmaster


Post Number: 131
Registered: Jun-04
DDirty South, part of what was at the nation for 3m's? Same gang? If so, good to see you all still around, if not Hello anyhow!

Bronze Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 76
Registered: Apr-04
anyone check out the spanish hack? there seems to be a little activity over there someone claiming to have gotten in!!!!! maybe asked for a response will see keep it up peaceb

New member
Username: Silent_listener

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-04
leslie has been reported that the fta after first of the year will no longer work due to dish doing away with rom3 and rom10 cards in my surfing you may want to look at this sight it will tell you how to do everthing if you cant find what you need i will post another sight

Silver Member
Username: Tvlonely

Post Number: 103
Registered: Jun-04
Larry - I checked it out and it looks good. If we don't have a DTV hack by the end of August, I'll make a purchase and let you know.
In the meantime I watch a lot of Netflixs and go to the gym a lot. Thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 79
Registered: Apr-04
leslie did you get a copy of the spanish p4? im just wondering.....i see activity in the dominican republic could this be related......a spoof?.....peace all

New member
Username: Martin

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jul-04
why is THE TRUTH so conserned about anyones posts? does any one realy know who he is he is not even regesterd. makes me wonder why he is attacking people on this site it serves no good to do that. walter come back i enjoyed reading your stuff .

New member
Username: Martin

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jul-04
i was wonering if there is anything availible for the cards that are not wide open. i dont care if i get ppv., my kids are driving me there a partial hack and if so would it screw up my card when the full hack comes out?

Unregistered guest
Can you change the ATR from a p3 to p4?

Unregistered guest
I have never posted here before but for the last few months read the posts. To the 'Truth' who seems to be slamming every Tom, Dick and Harry, why don't you just leave things alone. You don't know what Walter knows, none of us do, but one thing I loved about reading his posts is he keeps your spirits up while others slam people and yet others say there will never be a fix. Walter and others here seem to have some knowledge, connections, etc.... maybe not all are coders and hackers but if we can all contribute the knowledge we do have, every little bit may count. Countless coders have gone under ground or left totally because all the slamming and some of the one's I know have even told me if they beat this puppy, they would keep it to themselves.

unregistered guy
Unregistered guest
Hey everybody Martin Kordos is retarted. Keep up the great work Martin.

New member
Username: Martin

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jul-04
whats your problem?

Bronze Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 86
Registered: Apr-04
that was not called for unregistered guy.....maybe you are........



Silver Member
Username: Pawnmaster


Post Number: 132
Registered: Jun-04
So tell me again whom is going to pay thousands of dollars for somthing that costs less than $100 a month? Somone that will pay for it and then out of the goodness of their heart and for the fight for freeware will give it to us. I tell you not likley. You are all hanging onto somthing that is long dead, and the time has long passed to let it go. If you want DTV now, its simple, PAY FOR IT! Other than that have fun getting scammed and waiting for a "fix" while all us Bell and Dishnet watchers enjoy our flawless free TV.

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 83
Registered: May-04
As far as setting up a website no it wouldn't be hard but you would want the person who it is regesterd to to not be a U.S. citizen (granted you can register a domain name with a fake name) then the person who is on record for paying the server (wich also must not be in the U.S.) also shouldn't be a U.S. citizen (a little harder using fake info here) Then finding someone to set up the website wouldn't be to hard (I could do it after refreshing my memory on html perl php and cgi and a few other things I haven't used in a year or two and checking out all the freeware-shareware bbs programs) but depending on how many files are a available and how much is dowloaded that 110 a year figure might be a little low (you are charged by bandwidth or the amount of sh*t downloaded be it html images or files they all add up when I was doing p*rn a couple years ago I payed $25 a month for 5 gigabytes a month(okay images use a lot of band width)

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 84
Registered: May-04
Uh magicusertoo it doesn't cost less than a $100 a month if you include the p*rn and ppv and the wwe ppv and other sporting events, but yes if you want to watch free tv it is simple at least temporarly switch to dishnetwork and/or bell express.

your a idiot
Unregistered guest
magicusertoo, you sick pup, get a life, you sorry pe ii ce of SHI-T! GO KISS A-S-S YOU DIRECT TV FA-G-GET ! dont mind HIM he works for dave guys!

Bronze Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 91
Registered: Apr-04
taz thanks for the info.....i guess it could get exspensive...but what if we kept file to a minimum just p4/p5 that would save bandwith and a forum where we had members helping out. do you think with your expertise and help from others could this actually happen/? think about it folks im serious with a few sponsors and some volunter help well who knows peace all

Bronze Member
Username: Rysportfan

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jul-04
oh man I go away for one weekend and the forum go's to hell. TRUTH go F@#k your self man we can all see what we want to see with our own eyes and think what we want to think with our own minds. You had to run your mouth and upset the best guy on this site the one guy that has been really trying to help. Yes he has made some mistakes but so do I and you and every one else but you dont see everything stopping just because we f@#ked up Walter is a great guy and a great help to all of us. Im not trying to get more started just want sh!t to stop.



Unregistered guest
How would we go about this?...willing to help out! I'am Canadian

Unregistered guest
Thank You Richard well said......

New member
Username: Yupaid

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-04
well well .. I have been away for 3 weeks... touring the great U... S Of A and I come back and still no TV ... well to all the coders and hackers thanks for all your work... it was a great ride while it lasted ... Save the anger and put it to good use people... karma is very powerful and may help us out of our dilemma .. peace all

Unregistered guest
First off, news most of you apparently are gonna love to hear, I don't believe I'll bother posting anymore. A while ago, people who acutally had knowledge when it came to hacking would come and post here. These days, 99 per cent of the people posting here know NOTHING WHEN IT COMES TO ANYTHING TECHNICAL. I'm sure some of you are getting angry at this moment and are thinking to yourselves what's with this guy and all his constant bashing? Well the answer is simple (that is, the answer is simple for any one with atleast half a brain and some common sence), I ripped into Richard Sole a bit because he challenged me and pissed me off. And when it comes to Walter Brown, if you check back a few days in the posts I didn't just start bashing him, I asked him to explain to everyone how he was able to set his ppvs on his p4 card to $650 (he posted that he PERSONALLY did it no problem). Once I posted that, Walter Brown realized he was caught in a lie and didn't have the balls to reply(Also, HE DECIDED TO LEAVE EVERYONE HERE HIMSELF, I NEVER ASKED OR TOLD HIM TO LEAVE, CHECK THE POSTS). I asked this question to Walter because I thought everyone would be interested in being able to set (and thus get free) ppv. I GUESS I WAS VERY VERY WRONG. IT HAS BECOME EXTREMLY CLEAR TO ME THAT MOST PEOPLE WHO POST HERE WOULD RATHER NOT KNOW WHEN PEOPLE ARE MAKING STUFF UP AND LYING AND ACTUALLY PREFER TO HEAR LIES THAT MAKE THEM FEEL COMFORTED. If the scams and lies that are told about cracking the p4 aren't brought to light at this forum, then what good is this place? How's anyone here supposed to know what's true or not? Wait, why am I asking? No one here wants to hear the truth (sorry, I forgot for a moment). Just so you know, I'm pretty sure that if everyone here gets together and concetrates hard on pretending to know how to hack a p4, then how could it not get hacked (were any of you smart enough to detect some sarcasim there)? Honestly, the people that don't understand or agree with all the points I've made as of late, you guys are way way way beyond pathetic. And if it's mainly pathetic people who post here at this forum, well then I guess the forum itself has become pathetic. My intentions the entire time have not been to bash, but to help clarify the truth. I realize that concept is above and beyond most people's (at this forum) comprehension. So I leave you people here knowing I'll be watching a dave 3m months before any of you. Your choice.



Long post reader
Unregistered guest
Good words TRUTH. I hope for a hack soon but I can't provide it. I don't want to cast doubt on this endeavor, but dave does seem a step or 3 ahead. But in the meantime I have just subscribed. Yes I miss all the 3M bonuses, but I still get alot of great programming. With a Tivo and correct hardware and software on your PC you can get alot of great entertainment and replay value including creating DVDs of your movies and shows. Not preaching-just letting some know. Not pro-dave, just sick of no TV. Godspeed to a fix! But I guess I'll pay until then.


Unregistered guest
Thanks Truth, now dont let the door hit your as* on the way out!

[link removed] claims they have hack

Bronze Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 96
Registered: Apr-04
truth i have never bashed you or anyone else as far as i remember...we need people here that can assist.we dont need the fighting.i know lots of people are discouraged and on edge lets do whats best for all find the missing link and then we can all celebrate......peace to all deaf lets keep in touch seems like we and taz are the only ones interested so far maybe a possibility...

Concerning the Forum,

I know not how to hack, though I read these posts dialy. Hoping to hear that my Dish will be back up and running, I sift through the garbage and read. I do not bash, because I have no base. I could easily drop a line stating that "I did this" or "my buddy did that" but I don't, becuase to anybody that has any knowlege, I would be trasparent. And to the rest, I must say , you would hardly know the difference!

People forget that there are certain questions that need be answered for a fix. This is a point I would hardly say is arguable. For a solution to appear, it will take hard work behind the scenes. The Truth may be one of those people trying to get answers that will help all of us in the long run. If not, his point is still valid! Walter has made claims. When one makes claims on a forum that is dedicated to understanding and finding solutions, it is there responsibility to explain what it is, they exactly did or did not do. God forbid share information.

Having to bounce ideas around about what is really important at this site should not be a chore, rather it should be encouraged. For all that digress, maybe this forum fills a void in another way. Maybe you have created friendships and shared some info on alternitive methods of watching Cable t.v.. If that is the case great, but don't trash someone that is looking for answers???? That is less fair than Walter feeling he has to leave.

Bottom line, I would like my DTV up. I am incapable of doing it, like most of us. When someone(Truth), who may be working there a$$ off reads at a forum like this, that some is capable of a "enter hopethetical(Walter)", it would seem logical they(Truth) would have questions for that individual(Walter). What happens here though?? Everybody piles on him(Truth), when all he does is ask HOW!!!

I hear you brother,
Keep asking question Truth!!


Concerning the Forum,

I know not how to hack, though I read these posts dialy. Hoping to hear that my Dish will be back up and running, I sift through the garbage and read. I do not bash, because I have no base. I could easily drop a line stating that "I did this" or "my buddy did that" but I don't, becuase to anybody that has any knowlege, I would be trasparent. And to the rest, I must say , you would hardly know the difference!

People forget that there are certain questions that need be answered for a fix. This is a point I would hardly say is arguable. For a solution to appear, it will take hard work behind the scenes. The Truth may be one of those people trying to get answers that will help all of us in the long run. If not, his point is still valid! Walter has made claims. When one makes claims on a forum that is dedicated to understanding and finding solutions, it is there responsibility to explain what it is, they exactly did or did not do. God forbid share information.

Having to bounce ideas around about what is really important at this site should not be a chore, rather it should be encouraged. For all that digress, maybe this forum fills a void in another way. Maybe you have created friendships and shared some info on alternitive methods of watching Cable t.v.. If that is the case great, but don't trash someone that is looking for answers???? That is less fair than Walter feeling he has to leave.

Bottom line, I would like my DTV up. I am incapable of doing it, like most of us. When someone(Truth), who may be working there a$$ off reads at a forum like this, that some is capable of a "enter hopethetical(Walter)", it would seem logical they(Truth) would have questions for that individual(Walter). What happens here though?? Everybody piles on him(Truth), when all he does is ask HOW!!!

I hear you brother,
Keep asking question Truth!!


Bronze Member
Username: R_sole

Post Number: 96
Registered: Jun-04
maybe you need to learn to read "truth"... 5'7" not 57
and I laughed out loud when you said you ripped into me... I have had way worse by way better...
as far as you having the hack before WB.. good for you... I would switch to reading books before I got it from you... I don't watch that much TV anyway...

Bronze Member
Username: John4949

Post Number: 44
Registered: Jun-04
Why cant we all just ignore posters who come here just to bash others and cause trouble. If we stop responding to them then perhaps they will go elswhere and good guys like Walter and the rest wont feel the need to leave. Please ignore all bashers!

Bronze Member
Username: Rysportfan

Post Number: 34
Registered: Jul-04
Well I have another thing to say I do beleave that TRUTH is a smart guy and could help every one alot but he hasent helped on this site he has never helped answered any ones questions, he is unregistered so we dont even know if he's the same person (not saying he's posting as someone else). Maybe some of the things Walter said didnt pan out but were not stupit we can figure things out on our own and we dont bash them when a person was wrong. Walter has been a great help and has answered more questions right than wrong. It would be nice if every one could post here without bashing others I would like to see Walter and TRUTH stay and HELP others (would like truth to register though so we can always make sure its him posting)


New member
Username: Windup

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-04
hi guys
this web site claims to have a cardless reciever that gets dtv. has anyone ever heard of them or a reciever that can do this

Bronze Member
Username: R_sole

Post Number: 97
Registered: Jun-04
The "cardless reciever" was advertised in a Toronto newspaper a few months ago but I have never heard of one working, I would stay away until you know some one that has one. if they did work 'forever' I would imagine they would be more than $225
..if it sounds too good to be true...

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 85
Registered: May-04
Interestin about the scam cardless reciever
*CONDITIONAL ACCESS NDS CA with smart card reader*
nds being the company that makes dtv card (except the p5-d1) CA conditional access and why does it have a smart card reader if it is a cardless solution and yes I know the cardless dishnetwork boxes also have a card slot but that is in case the system is ever hacked they can send out new cards for the cardlless systems and make them carded systems.

Bronze Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 100
Registered: Apr-04
hi all i did a little snooping around on the "cardless reciever" i wrote the company and they sent me the would'nt this be nice....planetscript

there is nothing involved just plug it in and watch tv, this receiver comes with a 1 year support package

Message date : Jul 19 2004, 05:38 PM
From :
To :
Copy to :
Subject : direct@v
this reciever gets all directv? what is invilved is there programing do you offer support? let me

Silver Member
Username: Tvlonely

Post Number: 104
Registered: Jun-04
Planetscript sounds good to me. All except for the part about sending cash to Be-Cash a company in Panama whose policy is: "Customer agrees that any and all transfers or exchanges made within the BE-Cash system are NOT REVERSIBLE." Not much fraud protection here.

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 58
Registered: May-04
Please go up the page and read about Planetscript.I emailed them I posted it on this link go up 3/4 of a page.
I think it's a scam.

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 86
Registered: May-04
I think it is pretty obviosly a scam the only reason that the fta can decrypt nagravision one is because it was fully cracked unlike the previos dtv cards wich were only compromised (we never cracked the asic we just exploited flaws in the cards thus there has never been a cardless way of hacking dtv unlike dish and bev (thanks to nds and their isreal team cracking nagravision and releasing it).

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 87
Registered: May-04
Oh yeah two more site that shouldn't be trusted are newcardnesdotcom they hacked hack-this stole the database and destroyed the original and then sent emails to all the members saying it had been hacked and info compromised and we should check them out for news on it. And dssmarinesdotnet who stole name and logo and are currently at war with the true marines.

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 88
Registered: May-04
whoops that should have been newcardnewsdotcom

New member
Username: Butts1968

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-04

Bronze Member
Username: Tazspin

Post Number: 89
Registered: May-04
dam did you have to yell so loud (just kidding)good points

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 59
Registered: May-04
JUST IN OR I SHOULD SAY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boots,Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
He is right 745 bootstrap still works and nice to have some TV. All 500s up and running!!!
Ops No guys not 594 - 598 or PPV
But still nice to have the rest!!!

need to know
Unregistered guest
Dennis Bargamian or Boots, please explain. I know that Boots said his appollo no 745 bootstrap been working for over 70 days, but with what? Is it with a p4 or p5 that was accitvated by Dave and then cancelled? I don't understand please explain.

New member
Username: Harley

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jul-04
Hey Dennis...........
Where can I find the specs on the 745 Bootstrap. Is this P4 or P5........

Unregistered guest
Dennis how did you get the 745 bootstrap to work? Please give step by step instruction as I am a newbie....Thanks

New member
Username: Harley

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-04
Your the man Dennis.............

Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 102
Registered: Apr-04
dennis wow did i overlook that....... great report i guess they are big time scamers.....thanks for getting me to backtrack it worked what an as-sss whole company or scammer.....hey dennis you should go back and ask to speak to management and send them a copy of the email you recieved.....they remind me of kevin mamon or what a group of assswipes...peace all

Silver Member
Username: Elgringoviego

Post Number: 129
Registered: Jun-04
Walter -- Get your butt back here or I'm going to have you banned from all future Peach Festivals, which means no more Tractor Pulls! You have geat insights, you're as knowledgeable as anyone on this or any other site, and most importantly of all: You help people!

The Truth -- No need for you to register. There are very few people around that could pretend to be you and get away with it: You're as literate as any poster I've seen, which disqualifies 98% of the would-be imposters, and you seem to be among the elite as far as your technical qualifications are concerned. That's a combination that can be matched by only one person that I'm aware of, and he ain't postin' no more. I can find only one lone fault with your post(s), and that's that you insist on being right. I used to be that way, and still am on occasion (hard habit to break). My humble suggestion is that you should make your point, allow those who are capable of understanding you to reap the benefits of your insights, and then move on. Don't tear down the forest because of the complaints of the littlest tree. Stay with us.

Taz, Dennis, Richard, Leslie, Tony, et al, how the fu#k are ya's?

James Millard, especially, but also NFLGUY2003, deaf, wayne upshaw, and j.a. fernandes -- you guys have your heads on straight. I like your posts.



Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 60
Registered: May-04
I am using a virgine P5 card and a red Hu bootstrap. I know Boots is using a virgine P4 card and a blue bootstrap. Your card or cards must be virgine or one from Dave. You must have or order at least basic service with Dave which is $29.95. With your virgine card in the receiver, go online with Dave and upgrade your order to the Premium package with sports & locals. They should switch you over immediately. Scroll thru all 500 & 600 channels to make sure they are working then take your card out of the receiver and put it in your 745 bootstrap. Re-insert the card into the receiver. Scroll thru all your channels to make sure they are still on. I personally waited over night before I went back online and cancelled my premium channels and switched back to the basic package. You still will have to pay $29.95 a month as opposed to $92.00. This worked the second time I tried it. But as of right now, all 500 & 600 channels are working and I am back to a basic package. Sorry guys, I don't know anything about the 745 specs. Hope this works for all. This will not work for PPV but it's nice to have some TV.let me know how it works for you. Boots would know a lot more than I do. Sorry for the extra E in Virgine but it must be a bad word on this site.

dennis where do you recommend purchasing the red hu bootstrap.....thanxz much

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 61
Registered: May-04
Got it thanks.
Will be in the mail as of Tuesday.
Walter,come back to the site and start posting!!! Just play the sticks and stones game. Good or bad everyone is intitled to post that what makes it the good ol US of A

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 62
Registered: May-04
I got my bootstrap from Satansplayhouse 2 years ago, there long gone.So someone on this site should be able to tell you where a safe place to buy one is I really don't know who are the scammers and who are not anymore.

Unregistered guest
I purchase appollo no 745 bootstraps and never succeeded to get them to work. was using Mikobu 3..I guess I just wasn't smart enough to get it right.Also can"t get visionplus PCI card to perform. Just gives message "failure to play program" Tinhan is lousy support

Unregistered guest
Meant to tell you has bootstraps, doesnt sell except thru dealers and expect you to get support from them. Satshack no longer carries that brand.

Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 103
Registered: Apr-04
taz you to are welcome to the file if i missed anyone else let me know.....

Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 104
Registered: Apr-04
ken dennis walter leslie truth and anyone i overlooked i recieved a surprise...if you want it email me i take no credit for the file i dont even know how to open it but your welcome to it my friends peace

Bronze Member
Username: Rysportfan

Post Number: 35
Registered: Jul-04
What is in the file?


New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-04
james wut is in the file

Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 105
Registered: Apr-04
i am not sure but it came from a i can say here......

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-04
anybody know if the blackbird reciever is a good system to buy

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-04
anybody know if the blackbird reciever is a good system to buy

miami number one ' /WE THE PEOPLE /what time it is
Unregistered guest
helio guys, can anyone check if there are for real! they say , Yes! We have P4 files for your P4 cards! Working with our partners, we have successfully hacked the P4 Cards! / now a day we don t know if true or fause!

Full p4 Dump
card Type=P4Trying to reset card...
Reset Successful

RX ATR : 3F 78 13 25 03 40 B0 20 FF FF 4A 50 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 80 CD 2E 4E E8 5B
6F 02 AE A0 0C 11 40 E6 A4 92 32 E7 3B 76 F4 72
76 47 9C BB A3 4A 69 AF D2 52 96 87 F7 17 EC 10
01 2A 71 D6 68 FF 32 07 90 20
RX Data : AB 00 4A 00 69 00 AF DA 00 5A 00 9E 8F FF 1F EC
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 40 37 A6 12 99 75
74 8C 88 CE 5C 51 F2 33 19 B0 14 7F F4 3C 3D C8
12 02 DE 13 95 0E 92 3F 4B 20 8E 00 9E 72 8C E0
14 80 79 2B 6D EB 91 12 90 20
RX Data : 00 B8 00 1C 7F FC 00 3C 3D 00 C8 00 1A 00 0A 00
DE 1B 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 75 63 6E FB 07 2E
43 D3 88 9C 71 58 82 B5 9E 69 8F DB B5 13 F1 D9
A0 8F 19 D4 49 A4 C4 EA 6F F6 B7 7C AD 76 FC 7D
A2 FB 0E 1E 23 4E D9 50 90 20
RX Data : 6E 00 FB 00 0F 2E 4B 00 DB 00 88 9C 79 00 58 00
8A 00 BD 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 F2 19 1A A4 A3 D3
C6 AE 1D 1E 9D AE B4 CB 69 63 1D 96 E6 E6 3E BC
AE 9F 2A B2 7C A9 B1 EC 3A F1 13 34 62 62 94 B1
73 BD 57 B0 47 04 9D D6 90 20
RX Data : 00 08 08 3A 00 4A 00 98 38 48 00 0C 00 FA 00 19
00 1A 00 AC 00 AB 00 DB 00 CE AE 00 1D
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 E4 7C 7D 9F 17 B4
08 D6 1F 32 13 39 09 B7 5E 25 CF E6 CD 16 3F 7D
73 4B 7A E8 4C ED D0 BF 34 DB BC A8 A3 EF D8 AF
C7 34 16 E2 1A A3 E3 5F 90 20
RX Data : 00 5F B8 00 4F 0C 00 9D 00 DE 00 98 28 00 48 4A
00 08 08 3A 00 4A 00 98 38
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 CA 0E 61 04 8D 92
FE 4B 70 34 C0 47 5B 6B 77 F1 8A C9 D5 27 63 93
96 7A 00 8E C4 10 F0 51 1B 0B E4 9A 6A C6 BC F8
65 C5 1F 5A E7 12 D2 BD 90 20
RX Data : BC 00 A8 00 AB 00 EF D8 AF CF 3C 00 1E 00 EA 00
1A 00 AB 00 EB 00 5F 98
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 B0 3D 25 82 77 D7
D7 C1 77 CD E7 01 C5 CE C9 FC 87 B0 D1 F5 1C 96
50 ED 96 12 55 E8 CF 86 5B 3B A0 78 B1 CF 41 41
E7 CB 26 65 7E F0 0F 9A 90 20
RX Data : 7A 00 08 8E CC 00 18 00 F8 59 00 1B 00 0B 00 EC
9A 00 6A 00 CE BC 00 F8 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 09 78 CB 9C BC 6E
8B 05 65 3B 9B 71 91 C5 79 E1 AC DD 29 9F 3E 65
1A B1 2E 78 34 69 CE BB 2E 07 84 AA 6A 0A 3B 26
B9 7A CC 51 D2 91 F7 8B 90 20
RX Data : 8F B8 00 D9 00 FD 00 1C 00 9E 58 ED 00 9E 1A 00
5D 00 E8 CF 8E 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 74 95 4F AA A3 3D
06 33 1C AE 13 2B 1A 41 FD E1 14 83 0E 95 AC D8
BD E2 FF 39 7F B1 43 57 9A 89 56 CA 8E 82 E3 35
24 08 B9 CC 67 43 5E 15 90 20
RX Data : 00 3B 00 9B 00 79 00 99 00 CD 00 79 00 E9 00 AC
DD 00 29 00 9F 3E 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 71 72 96 A1 DC 81
18 A1 A6 1E D2 84 6C 10 FE 9A 28 AF EA B6 78 2F
8B 70 4E B8 75 41 64 8C 0F 6D D3 83 1F 17 A2 5A
85 A7 49 23 12 A2 93 40 90 20
RX Data : 00 0C 00 7C 9D 00 4F AA 00 AB 00 3D 00 0E 3B 00
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 32 42 90 30 40 04 1F 9C 80 94 DE CD
0B 14 BB 8D B2 BB E1 D6 DB B4 EA F8 55 7F CB 47
3B E1 E6 67 82 A0 D4 B4 71 96 38 11 7B AE D7 B8
D8 C3 07 B4 A8 F6 75 CE 90 20
RX Data : 4B 00 5E 00 1D 00 98 28 00 48 4A 00 08 08 3A 00
4A 00 98 38 48
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FA 82 6D 14 5E 37 5B CF 09 30 10 00 01 7A 1B 2C
C7 02 49 60 C9 14 03 85 E6 FF 78 10 12 85 D5 E6
FC 19 43 01 10 81 47 F7 DC F7 BB 00 03 33 35 00
03 61 D9 00 03 61 FA 00 03 62 BF 00 03 62 C4 00
0C BC 00 4C B6 CC 90 20
RX Data : 00 4A 00 98 38 48 00 0C 00 1F 9C 88 00 9C 00 DE
CD 00 0B 00 1C BB 00 8D 00 BA 00 BB
TX Data : 48 40 20 00 50 40 7E 10 C2 7F 1E 5D 23 04 6B CE
FA 82 6D 14 5E 37 5B CF 09 30 10 00 01 7A 1B 2C
C7 02 49 60 C9 14 03 85 E6 FF 78 10 12 85 D5 E6
FC 19 43 01 10 81 47 F7 DC F7 BB 00 03 33 35 00
03 61 D9 00 03 61 FA 00 03 62 BF 00 03 62 C4 00
0C BC 00 4C B6 CC 90 20
RX Data : 6D 00 1C 5E 00 3F 5B 00 CF 09 00 38 18 00 08 09
00 7A 00 1B 00 2C 00 CF 0A 00 49 00
TX Data : 48 40 20 00 66 40 7F 11 0E F5 48 0A A8 DF 65 25
9C 5D F4 8C 06 D9 7C 38 11 7E 10 4A 90 90 A5 39
8B 80 53 A0 9F B3 78 A2 7A B6 D4 09 30 10 00 01
7A 1B 2D 43 02 49 82 1A 00 06 42 EF 0C FE D1 74
5B FE D1 78 9A 2A 13 2A 88 01 1C 00 88 35 0A 01
B9 F9 03 33 35 00 03 61 D9 00 03 61 FA 00 03 62
BF 00 03 62 C4 00 0C DA 8C 2E B1 6D 90 20
RX Data : 00 CE 00 FA 00 8A 00 6D 00 1C 5E 00 3F 5B 00 CF
09 00 38 18 00 08 09 00 7A 00 1B 00 2C 00 CF 0A
TX Data : 48 40 20 00 66 21 00 BD 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 01 01 00 00 00 00 FF 00
00 00 00 00 CD 00 00 C3 9B 9C 9D 9D C6 E0 20 CD
43 0F 3C 6A 26 F6 BE 69 5C BF 69 A3 F0 26 ED 9A
9D E8 00 60 00 60 21 00 C4 01 02 03 A4 05 06 07
08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 02 03 04 0A 06 07
08 59 5A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 C1 02 03 D4 05 06 07
C8 29 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 31 D2 03 04 05 06 07
08 39 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 41 02 03 D4 05 06 07
08 49 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 51 02 03 04 05 06 E7
08 59 0A 0A 0C 0A 0E 0F 10 61 02 03 04 00 01 02
03 04 05 0B 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00 F1 02
03 04 05 E6 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C FD 0C 0F 00 01 02
03 05 0A 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 01 01 01
00 00 00 FF 07 52 56 73 03 CD DC 34 C3 9B 9C 9D
9D C6 E0 20 CD 42 D7 3C 66 26 F6 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D
9D 9D 9D ED 9A CC 07
RX Data : 00 8C 00 2E B9 00 6D 00 98 28 00 48 48 00 28 00
08 6E 29 00 08 BD 00 38 39 00 3A 00 3B 00 3C 00
3D 00 3E 3F 49 00 4A 00 4B 00 4C 4D 00 4E 00 4F
48 09 00 09 00 08
TX Data : 48 40 20 00 50 21 00 BD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 01 01 00 00 00 00 FF 00
00 00 00 00 CD 00 00 C3 9B 9C 9D 9D C6 E0 20 CD
43 0F 3C 6A 26 F6 BE 69 5C BF 69 A3 F0 26 ED 9A
9D E8 00 60 00 60
RX Data : 00 0E 00 0F 18 00 59 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C
TX Data : 21 00 C4 01 02 03 A4 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 11 02 03 04 0A 06 07 08 59 5A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 C1 02 03 D4 05 06 07 C8 29 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 31 D2 03 04 05 06 07 08 39 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 41 02 03 D4 05 06 07 08 49 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 51 02 03 04 05 06 E7 08 59 0A 0A 0C 0A
0E 0F 10 61 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 05 0B 07 08
09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00 F1 02 03 04 05 E6 07 08
09 0A 0B 0C FD 0C 0F 00 01 02 03 05 0A 06 07 08
09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 01 01 01 00 00 00 FF 07 52
56 73 03 CD DC 34 C3 9B 9C 9D 9D C6 E0 20 CD 42
D7 3C 66 26 F6 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D ED 9A CC
73 81 E8 00 00 00 60 55
RX Data : 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08
08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08
08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08
TX Data : 21 00 25 A0 20 00 00 20 8F AB C2 64 44 9A FE 70
1D E7 62 FA B1 4C 31 06
RX Data : 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08
TX Data : 31 00 C4 01 02 03 A4 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 11 02 03 04 0A 06 07 08 59 5A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 C1 02 03 D4 05 06 07 C8 29 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 31 D2 03 04 05 06 07 08 39 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 41 02 03 D4 05 06 07 08 49 0A 0B 0C 0D
0E 0F 10 51 02 03 04 05 06 E7 08 59 0A 0A 0C 0A
0E 0F 10 61 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 05 0B 07 08
09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00 F1 02 03 04 05 E6 07 08
09 0A 0B 0C FD 0C 0F 00 01 02 03 05 0A 06 07 08
09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 01 01 01 00 00 00 FF 07 52
56 73 03 CD DC 34 C3 9B 9C 9D 9D C6 E0 20 CD 42
D7 3C 66 26 F6 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D ED 9A CC
73 81 E8 00 00 00 60 55
RX Data : C9 00 0A 00 0B 00 DC 0D 00 0E 0F C8 00 29 00 0A
00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 18 00 39 00 DA 00 0B
00 0C 00 0D 00 0E 0F 08 00
RX Data : 39
RX Data : 00 0A
RX Data : 00 0B
RX Data : 00 0C 0D 00
RX Data : 0E 00 0F
RX Data : 18 00 49 00
RX Data : 0A 00 0B 00
RX Data : DC 0D
RX Data : 00 0E
RX Data : 0F 08 00 49
RX Data : 00 0A 00 0B
RX Data : 00 0C 0D 00
RX Data : 0E 00 0F 18
RX Data : 00 59 00 0A
RX Data : 00 0B 00 0C
RX Data : 00 0D 00 0E
RX Data : EF 08 00 59
RX Data : 00 0A 00 0A
RX Data : 00 0C 0A 00
RX Data : 0E 00 0F 18
RX Data : 00 69 00 0A
RX Data : 00 0B 00 0C 00 08 09 00 0A 00 0B 00
RX Data : 0C 00 0D 00 0B 00 0F 08 00 09 00 0A
RX Data : 00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 08 F9 00
RX Data : 0A 00 0B 00 0C 00 0D 00 EE 00 0F 08
RX Data : 00 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C FD 00 0C 0F 08 09 00 0A
00 0B 00 0D 00 0A 00 0E 0F 08 00 09 00 0A 00 0B
00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 09 00 09 00 09 00 08 08 08
FF 0F 5A 00 5E 7B 00 0B 00 CD 00 DC 00 3C 00 CB
00 9B 00 9C 9D 00 9D 00 CE E8 00 28 00 CD 00 4A
00 DF 3C 6E 2E 00 FE 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00 9D
00 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00 ED 00 9A 00 CC 7B 00 89 00
E8 08 08 08 68 5D 00 29 00 08 2D 00 A8 28 00 08
08 28 00 8F AB 00 CA 00 6C 00 4C 9A 00 FE 00 78
00 1D 00 EF 6A 00 FA 00 B9 00 4C 00 39 00 0E 39
00 08 CC 00 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 AC 00 0D 00 0E 0F
08 00 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 18 00
19 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 00 0A 00 0E 0F 08 00 59 00
5A 00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 18 00 C9 00 0A 00
0B 00 DC 0D 00 0E 0F C8 00 29 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C
0D 00 0E 00 0F 18 00 39 00 DA 00 0B 00 0C 00 0D
00 0E 0F 08 00 39 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00
0F 18 00 49 00 0A 00 0B 00 DC 0D 00 0E 0F 08 00
49 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 18 00 59 00
0A 00 0B 00 0C 00 0D 00 0E EF 08 00 59 00 0A 00
0A 00 0C 0A 00 0E 00 0F 18 00 69 00 0A 00 0B 00
0C 00 08 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 00 0D 00 0B 00 0F
08 00 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 0D 00 0E 00 0F 08 F9
00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 00 0D 00 EE 00 0F 08 00 09 00
0A 00 0B 00 0C FD 00 0C 0F 08 09 00 0A 00 0B 00
0D 00 0A 00 0E 0F 08 00 09 00 0A 00 0B 00 0C 0D
00 0E 00 0F 09 00 09 00 09 00 08 08 08 FF 0F 5A
00 5E 7B 00 0B 00 CD 00 DC 00 3C 00 CB 00 9B 00
9C 9D 00 9D 00 CE E8 00 28 00 CD 00 4A 00 DF 3C
6E 2E 00 FE 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00 9D 00
9D 00 9D 00 ED 00 9A 00 CC 7B 00 89 00 E8 08 08
08 68 5D 00
TX Data : 48 28 00 00 02
RX Data : 00
RX Data :
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 36 00 00 FF
RX Data :
RX Data :
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 5A 00 01 08
RX Data : 00
RX Data : 08 00
TX Data : 48 58 00 00 17
RX Data : 1F
RX Data :
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 5E 00 0B 17
RX Data : 00
RX Data : 1F
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 5E 00 0E 4B
RX Data : 00
RX Data : 4B 00
RX Data :
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 52 00 00 04
RX Data : 0C
RX Data : 00
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 2C 00 00 02
RX Data : 0A
RX Data : 00
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 42 00 00 19
RX Data : 19
TX Data : 09 04 00 00 30 27 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 11 22
33 44 00 0C 97 AC 9C 74 2A
RX Data : 3B 00
TX Data : 48 38 00 00 00
RX Data : 9C
RX Data : 7C 2A
RX Data : 00 48
TX Data : 48 56 00 00 35
RX Data : 48
RX Data : 5E 08 08 3D 00
RX Data :
RX Data :
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 56 01 00 35
RX Data : 3D
RX Data : 00
TX Data : 48 56 02 00 35
RX Data : 3D
RX Data : 00
TX Data : 48 56 11 00 35
RX Data : 3D
RX Data : 00
TX Data : 48 56 12 00 35
RX Data : 3D
RX Data : 00
TX Data : 48 56 13 00 2F
RX Data : 2F
RX Data :
TX Data : 48 58 00 00 17
RX Data : 1F

Script Transmission Completed


Bronze Member
Username: Simple_minded

Post Number: 50
Registered: Jun-04
Ken- Work sucks but I need the bucks...E-mail me.
Yours pickled in 151 rum and hemp.
Simple Minded

Silver Member
Username: Elgringoviego

Post Number: 130
Registered: Jun-04
james millard -- What's this all about?

From : Mail Delivery Subsystem <>
Sent : Tuesday, July 20, 2004 4:14 AM
To : (Erased by me)
Subject : Returned mail: User unknown

| | | Inbox


Attachment : attach4 (< 0.01 MB)

The original message was received at Tue, 20 Jul 2004 00:14:31 -0400 (EDT)
from []


Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its
delivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in the section
labeled: "----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----".

The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section
labeled: "----- Transcript of Session Follows -----".

The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail could
not be delivered. The next line contains a second error message which is a
general translation for other e-mail servers.

Please direct further questions regarding this message to your e-mail

--AOL Postmaster

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to
>>> RCPT To:<>
550 <>... User unknown


Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 107
Registered: Apr-04
ken did you get the attachment? thats where the problems are i cant figure it out

Silver Member
Username: Elgringoviego

Post Number: 131
Registered: Jun-04
james -- I got what you see above, and the attachment. Is this the way you received the e-mail? If you don"t know the sender, my suggestion is that you dump it. I receive lots of junk like this, and I immediately $hitcan it, and I advise you to do the same unless somebody more knowledgeable than me can convince you/me otherwise.

This is the second time I wrote this message. The first time I tried to send it, my previous post erased the post I was trying to send and the previous post popped back into this window. If it happens again, I'll e-mail somebody so they can post this information. Ken

Silver Member
Username: Elgringoviego

Post Number: 132
Registered: Jun-04
Come on all you geniuses, where are you when we peons need you? What do you make of that "P4 dump" and what's your take on james millard's "problem"? I requested info from him at the addy he posted, and this is what I got back.


Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 108
Registered: Apr-04
ken ok ill dump it but i thought it came foma x buddy through a email i had been talking to him and he said he would send it from verizon oh well had my hope up thanks all others sorry for the false alarm....

Silver Member
Username: Elgringoviego

Post Number: 133
Registered: Jun-04
James, I'm confused. Isn't that your addy? If so, why couldn't I connect with you? As soon as I hit the send button I immediately received the response posted above.

AOL would not connect me with "you!" Someone jump in.


Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 63
Registered: May-04
Must be something in the water down south of the borter. I got & sent James email and files fine.
I sent them on two other people one you know.
Got both of yours as well Thanks.

Silver Member
Username: Elgringoviego

Post Number: 134
Registered: Jun-04
Dennis -- Thanks for steppin' up. What you said about "south of the border" is a very good possibility: As a server, they suck.. I have a problem even getting the internet at times, and when I do a lot of sites, like ecoustics, give that "this page cann ot be displayed " BS. Or when I get to the site and try to post, I get the same message then. The one that I know: Is it the one I introduced to you, or is the the one we both helped out one time?

Anyway, maybe I'd better move to Martha's Vineyard or someplace like that. I should find a very good friend there.

Were you able to open the attachment? What's it look like, if you were? Maybe I'll try again.

Thanx my friend, Ken

PS James millard: Sorry if I caused you any undo concern. That's why I was asking for someone else to jump in.

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 64
Registered: May-04
It's good to watch HDTV 5.1 Sound,Just a little SKIN on some of the 500s.Boots come out come out where ever you are.
Come take a bow brother!!!
Do you see what a little TV can do to you!

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 65
Registered: May-04
Ken, I don't have a clue thats why I sent it on to - two others if I hear back from them I'll let James and the site know.

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 66
Registered: May-04
Oh Ken I'm sorry I did not know what to make of it but it was open and part of my email I did not even have to click the attachment it was right there for me to read but it's way over my head to understand.

Bronze Member
Username: Bootlegger

Post Number: 13
Registered: Apr-04
Dennis, glad it worked for you, all mine have been running since late april. one bootstap went down.lost everything, called dave an they said it was a problem on their side. they turned back on the IRD. I went thru the proscess again an it's back an running. enjoy getting More for you Money. Boots.

Bronze Member
Username: R_sole

Post Number: 98
Registered: Jun-04
J.A Fernandes.
If you read back a bit I have never picked a 'fight' with anyone except "truth" in over 100 posts. in fact I am usualy the one trying to calm things down.. but he just pissed me off because he had nothing to say except to run WB down... as for the fighting with Simple Minded comment... its an on going joke... as we both used to compete.
I looked into Balckbird systems, they do get a bunch of free TV but with 2 problems... there is no channel guide so it is a pain in the a$$ to find a show AND rumor has t the stream will be incripted within a year and the box will be useless


Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 109
Registered: Apr-04
ken that is my addy must be something in the might be ken try defragmenting your putr sometimes that helps just a bit of advise.....peace

New member
Username: Butts1968

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jun-04
Richard S.--fair enough,please accept my appologies,it was just my interpetation.PEACE.

Bronze Member
Username: R_sole

Post Number: 99
Registered: Jun-04
No Problem at all...
I was impressed by the fact you didn't flame!!

New member
Username: Dsstvdude

Houston, TX US

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-04
Previously you posted your e-mail with 2 L's...See below:
Posted on Monday, July 19, 2004 - 10:15 pm:

ken dennis walter leslie truth and anyone i overlooked i recieved a surprise...if you want it email me i take no credit for the file i dont even know how to open it but your welcome to it my friends peace

Bronze Member
Username: Simple_minded

Post Number: 51
Registered: Jun-04
Simple Minded

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-04
hey guys anybody know if the blackbird reciever is a good system to buy

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jul-04
is dishnetwork going out soon

Silver Member
Username: Jmill1948

Chester, Va Usa

Post Number: 110
Registered: Apr-04
damm i cant are correct its sorry for the confusion

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jul-04
anybody hear

Bronze Member
Username: R_sole

Post Number: 100
Registered: Jun-04
Ken.. Good to see you again..
Mike. I answerd you post. re blackbird. scroll up a bit

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 67
Registered: May-04
Ken, It's in the mail.

Bronze Member
Username: Skulls

Post Number: 68
Registered: May-04
Ken, It's in the mail.

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jul-04
thanks Rich

New member
Username: Dtv

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-04
Richard Sole what is your email address

New member
Username: Butts1968

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-04
o.k. guys,need some honest advice,what card is better to have P4 or P5 ? and why?can someone please point me in the right direction!like i said before i don't know $hit,this is why i decided to ask the people who know. thanks in advance!

Silver Member
Username: Tvlonely

Post Number: 105
Registered: Jun-04
j.a. I bought a P5 from eBay, still in plastic with serial number starting with first 4 numbers of 0013 or less. I've heard P4 will be hacked first and also that P5 will be around longer. I'm not sure anyone knows.

Silver Member
Username: Tvlonely

Post Number: 106
Registered: Jun-04
I also bought a used P5 and P4 on eBay to play with and have around just in case. They are pretty cheap right now. Over the last few days, on this thread, I think we've been told how to get Platinum DirecTv and PPV for $30 a month. That's all I need and so I've ordered a boot strap.

Silver Member
Username: R_sole

Post Number: 101
Registered: Jun-04
I don't think anyone is sure which card is better but one thing is know and that is you are way better off having a card that has never been put in reciever, I bought a P5 on ebay that is still in the plastic and glued to a letter welcoming me to DTV for $50 on ebay... just be carfull on ebay for the people who state "tested and gets preview" that means it is married to that machine... or so I have been told

If you click on my name to PM me and I will send my email.

Bronze Member
Username: John4949

Post Number: 45
Registered: Jun-04

"Platinum DirecTv and PPV for $30 a month."

I understand ordering the Platinum package then inserting the bootstrap and canceling but how does this effect ppv?

Is the bootsrap the same thing as that 745 board i heard about? What site did you buy yours from and how much did it cost ya?


Bronze Member
Username: John4949

Post Number: 46
Registered: Jun-04
Does anyone know how many cards Dave will let you have at one time?

Bronze Member
Username: Rysportfan

Post Number: 36
Registered: Jul-04
The boot strap will not give you the PPV's. Dennis said " This will not work for PPV but it's nice to have some TV" on his post july 19th at 8:06pm. So you can only get the platinum package channels.

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