Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 73 Registered: Feb-04 | Harry: The HBOHD feed of the Sopranos is in 1.78:1, which is the same as 16X9 (divide 16 by 9). There shouldn't be any bars in the picture. |
Dave in San Diego Unregistered guest | Got my Ghosting problem fixed today. Tech came out and was supposed to replace a card. Instead he took the remote and punched in a Hitachi supplied code and got into a special menu and fixed it there. Nice... two tech visits for something I'm sure the phone technician could have walked me through. |
New member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Apr-04 | It has been 9 days since I "fired-up" my 60v500a. I finally received the Hitachi Stand from CC. What a rip-off for $499. The $300 Bush stand that CC temp gave me was of much better quality. The glass on the Hitachi stand seems to sag a bit in the middle, with just a small DVD player and center channel speaker. * Watching the Soprano's last night I noticed an occasional flicker of the blacks in the backround scenes. Anyone ever notice this? |
TAG Unregistered guest | Got my 60v500a from Sears a month ago and want to share some advice for those that are disappointed with the standard definition picture quality. I was disappointed with the SD picture quality watching local channels on my Directv, but then I upgraded my original S-Video cable to a Monster 3 S-Video cable and it really made an improvement. I was skeptical of the prices of the Monster 3 cables, but the results tell me that they are worth the premium price. The same goes for my Monster 3 component cables for my DVD player. I only wish my RCA Directv receiver had a component connection! I do have a question for other 60v500a owners...I notice that when watching SD (does not happen when watching DVDs) my picture sometimes gets darker for a split second then returns to normal lighting. It looks like the whole screen just slightly darkens for a second. Does anyone experience this and do you have any idea why this happens? Other than this problem and the default grey sidebars, I love my 60v500a! |
New member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Apr-04 | TAG: I am not happy with my RCA Sat box either. I plan on purchasing a replacement box with Comp Vid out. I hope this improves my SD. Directv HD is just not full of local channels yet in my rural area. I also experienced a problem with slight flicker on backround black scenes. A flicker from light to dark and back within a second. |
TAG Unregistered guest | Harry VanVliet, I haven't considered purchasing a new RCA satellite receiver with component out, but that's not a bad idea if it helps improve the SD picture quality more than the Monster 3 S-Video cable. Let me know how that works out for you. A "flicker" is a good description of what is happening. Do you notice it when watching DVDs, or do you only get it during Directv viewing? I'm trying to identify if the problem is with the TV or the RCA Sat receiver. I'm not sure if it only happens on background black scenes for me. For example, I was watching Fraser and it happened during a scene with him in his condo. |
New member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 6 Registered: Apr-04 | TAG: I will keep you informed on the RCA component out when I purchase the new sat box this weekend. I never checked to see if the flicker is evident on DVD. I will let you know about that also. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 17 Registered: Mar-04 | Has anyone had problems with ESPN HD on DirectTV? I get a better picture on OTA HD then on it. |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 78 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: You're not saying you receive ESPN OTA, are you? What about a direct comparison of, say, CBSHD OTA vs. Direct TV? I assume you have your reception problem solved. |
Unregistered guest | I just got my 50v500, and I've noticed that the picture flickers when the scene has dark backgrounds. Is this normal? Also, I didn't get the stand that goes with it. I found one at Target that has a large drawer, two glass doors, and a spot for a center speaker on sale for $89. There is a stereo cabinet that matches for the same price. |
New member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Apr-04 | R-O-V I have the same flicker event on my 60V500a during Sat broadcast. It is only occasional. I am not sure if it is the signal. I will check my DVD player this weekend to see it it occurs with DVDs. |
New member Username: Zerro_gravPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-04 | Every wonder what the differences are between the V500, VX500 and V500a? I called Hitachi and was told the following. V500 and V500a -Exactly the same. -The 'a' simple identifies a different service or distribution center. VX500 is different from the V500 and V500a. -VX500 is titanium color instead of silver. -It has a better shield on the screen to improve contrast levels, producing a better black. -According to PDF spec file online it also includes an additional small/simpler remote. Beyond this it has the same components. I did not ask but stands to reason that this is TV costs more. Cheers, |
Unregistered guest | I just got my 50v500, and I've noticed that the picture flickers when the scene has dark backgrounds. Is this normal? Also, I didn't get the stand that goes with it. I found one at Target that has a large drawer, two glass doors, and a spot for a center speaker on sale for $89. There is a stereo cabinet that matches for the same price. |
New member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 8 Registered: Apr-04 | Just hooked up a new replacement Sat box (RCA DRD486RH) which sports Optic out and Component out. I can say there is a noticable difference from my previous RCA Box, which used standard RCA audio jacks and S-Video. I still notice a slight occasional flicker with the background blacks. I'm beginning to think it is the Directv Sat reception. Can anybody tell me which is the better audio setting: PCM or Bitstream, or Auto? I want to select the best setting. |
New member Username: YakkoPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-04 | I have had a 60V500A since the end of December and overall I am happy with it. My complaints are the fan noise and the poor imaging of black and very dark areas of the picture. While I have complaints, they are not severe enough for me to return the TV. I have been wondering what to do about the fan noise. Reading all the posts here seems to indicate that it is a common problem. During normal viewing where there is dialog or music I don't hear the fan, but if there is silence in the movie, then the fan sound comes through and is quite noticeable. If my forced air heating system is running, it masks out the fan noise. Of course when the AC or heater is running then I can hear it during the silent portions of the movie and it is distracting as well. I am trying to build a home theater and I would like it to be silent in my room when the movie director had intended it to be. My particular fan noise is a mechanical "hum" and is not the sound of air rushing through a grill (not a "woosh" or a "rush".) Has anyone had any experience with changing out their fan for a different, quieter model? Has anyone tried using any sound dampening materials to try and absorb the fan noise? (Such as DynaMat, or acoustic baffled foam.) One thing I have considered is removing the fan from the TV, adding some ducting to where the hot air comes out, and at the end of the ducting (in another room) attach a fan to pull the heat away. (The theory being that the noise generated by the fan could be moved to another room.) Has anyone attempted anything like this? (Yes, I realize that the TV has some sort of fan failure detection and that removing the fan would trigger it -- I would have to deal with this.) And finally, does anyone have or have a source for service manuals for this TV? TIA Rex |
New member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 10 Registered: Apr-04 | Rex: I just purchased the Service Manual (CD) from "ManualDepot", an eBay store. I just checked and it there are 2 days left for the CD Manual. I received the CD in new condition and took only 2 days to receive. It covers both the 50 and 60v500. The direct link is: I notice the same fan noise with the volume low. Trying to get used to it. I will wait to see what the responses to your post are. Ironically, I noticed today that Circuit City (On-line) is presenting the SP6W stand for $299 ($200 off!). I am considering bringing back the store purchase stand for a refund and reording on line. I must say the stand is not worth the $499 I paid. |
New member Username: YakkoPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-04 | Harry - Thanks for the link. Unfortunately that item has sold (probably someone else on this list.) I sent a note to the seller to see if he has any more, if not, would you consider making me a copy of yours? I would be happy to cover duplication and shipping costs or I would provide a place to ftp it to. I did not buy the stand myself. $400 seemed way too expensive, plus I feel that the stand places the TV too low to the ground. I have mine currently sitting on a Costco banquet table, which I paid $50 for. My original plan was to build my own stand for the TV, but the banquet table is actually working out pretty well. There is just enough space under the table for my subwoofer. If I leave it on the table I will get some cloth skirting (like hotels use at conventions) to mask the fact it's on a table and make it look nicer. Has anyone else mounted the TV higher then the supplied stand, and if so how high? I find that I like it up a bit; it gives me more of a movie screen kind of feeling instead of a watching TV feeling. My table is 29 inches off the ground, which puts my eye level when sitting on the couch about 6 inches below center of the screen. I sit about 12 feet back from the TV and I find this to be pretty comfortable viewing. Rex |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 16 Registered: Apr-04 | Rex: There is another eBay link for the Service manual (claims there are 8 available)' Try this one? Let me know. |
New member Username: YakkoPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-04 | Update: The seller placed more for sale and I ordered one. The new link is &refid=store Rex |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 18 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, I have ESPN HD from Directv. It is not nearly as clear as Discovery HD, or even CBS HD (OTA). My ABC HD is ok...about the same as ESPN HD. I noticed the ESPN problem while watching hockey...yes again. Straight lines looked pixeled (blocky) and failed to be straight. They looked good the week before. I called Sears and they are sending a tech out. I noticed the "pixel" look on a DVD this weekend also ("We were soldiers"). I think I have a covergence problem...I get little ghost around objects, the "ABC", "ESPN" markings on the screen, peoples bodies. Hope they can fix it. |
rickster Unregistered guest | Stevieboy- I'm sorry, but there is no way on this earth the Hitachi's speaker can replace a real center channel. There's just no comparison. My Paradigm center has 2 4" and 2 titanium tweeters and can handle 120watts. There's now ay a TV's tiny little paper cone 20w speaker will even come close. ESPECIALLY considering 80% of a movies' soundtrack comes thru the center channel.. This of course, is only important if you want a true home theater setup/experience. |
TAG Unregistered guest | Harry, Thanks for posting the results of your new Sat box with component out. I'll look into upgrading my Sat box now. I watched 2 more DVDs this past weekend and did not encounter the flicker problem. I'm starting to get convinced that the problem is with my RCA Sat box. |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 83 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: 1) There is no "convergence" on this, a fixed pixel TV. Convergence applies to the traditional 3 picture tube RPs where the three separate pictures have to be in regester with each other. 2) Are you using a progressive scan DVD player with component cables into the TV? 3) In the April 2004 edition of Sound & Vision magazine, a reader writes "....ESPN claims to be the first 24-hour high-def sports channel, and its Sunday-night football games look beautiful.....but most of its other programming is a terrible upconversion of some sort. If ESPN wants to be a leader in HDTV, it should look at HDNet." Their response: While we share [your] frustration over the lack of high-definition sports programming, ESPN's claim is technically true. Since most of HDNet's programming has nothing to do with sports, ESPN HD is the only network completely devoted to sports that broadcasts in high-def. It is incredibly expensive to have HDTV broadcast crews at every live sporting event, which is why coverage is currently limited primarily to Sunday-night football and baseball games. But ESPN plans to develop that capability over the next few years." I'm betting tonight's Wings game is in HD, and if so, you should not be seeing any video artifacts at all. |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 84 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: Someday, we'll look back on these early days of hi-def TV with fond warmness, much like we old-timers remember the black and white to color transition many years ago. The Det/Cgy game is not in HD tonight, at least through my HD cable box. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 19 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, There is a covergence control in the service menu (ghost-r). The tech was here yesterday and I watched him mess with it. But as luck would have it, that only made my "ghost" problem worse so now I am waiting on a card (and a new fan). I have a progressive scan DVD with component cables(gold plated). As for the DET/Cgy sucked...both in pict and final score. ![]() I look forward to laughing about these early days...I still have my Atari 2600 at home. Those were the days ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 88 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: As Gomer says, well "goool-leee" you learn something everyday. A convergence control called "ghost-r." (There's a joke in there somewhere.) Anyway, it sounds like you have a problem TV, because I can show a very impressive picture with my cheap progressive scan DVD player. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 20 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, To get in the service menu you do the following: YOU HAVE TO BE ON ANT A. WITH THE TV COLD: PUSH AND HOLD THE INPUT BUTTON, THEN PRESS THE POWER BUTTON FOR 2 SECS AND RELEASE. The "ghost-R" is under the LCD option. You will get a red screen with a black box. Now if only my new card arrived so the ghosting would stop... |
New member Username: RagdollPost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-04 | HEY GUYS, I have an older Panasonic DVD player (not progressive) and the picture is fine. The Hitachi factory rep told me it would AUTOMATICALLY upgrade the picture and it does...I get 480I showing on the screen when it comes on and I think you get the same with your progressive scan units... IF I'm missing something, please let me know. |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 92 Registered: Feb-04 | Jim: If the TV is in fact upconverting, I would think you should be seeing 480p, as I do with my progressive scan player. bryan: Oh-oh, now you've let the cat out of the bag. Now I can see all these people screwing up their TVs via the service menu. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 21 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, OOOPS, forgot to put a disclaimer on that entry. Jim, John's correct w/a progressive scan DVD player you get 480P. |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 94 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: I didn't fire up the beast last night to check on the Wings broadcast, but I assume it, like the broadcast two nights before, wasn't in HD. Having checked the score this morning, I assume you are in a better mood. Maybe there's a problem doing a High-Def remote from the boonies of Canada... Jim Beam: I have no doubt you are getting good PQ with your old DVD player. (I assume you're using an S-Video cable.) I haven't tried my old (non-prog) Sony player on this TV, but I'll bet it would be OK, too. This TV is supposed to automatically upconvert standard 480i inputs to 1080p. This would include all standard definition TV channels. But I've never been impressed with the regular channel's PQ. And the on-screen readout always says "1080i." A mfr's rep friend of mine, who's up on all this stuff, told me that not all upscalers are created equal, and the ones built in to this type of TV are not top quality. I believe him. That said, just because your read-out says 480i when playing a DVD, doesn't necessarily mean the TV isn't doing some processing. I've wondered just how much you gain by using a progressive player. If I were a real video geek, I would've compaired the pictures with the old and new players by now. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 22 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, Happy about the WIngs but a little t'd off at the service company Sears sent to fix my TV. Still have no idea when the parts are going to arrive... they "ordered" them last thursday. I would love to get the convergency issue resolved BEFORE the Stanley Cup Finals...I only went HD for the hockey converage. (Hey I love hockey). The TV is suppose to convert 480i to 1080i. My Hughes HD box lets me pick my output so I have it set to 720P (740P..what ever it is) for all signals. Looks nice except for the ghost issue. Once that is fixed I will plant myself in front and not move for a week as I go throught the DVD collection. ![]() |
Anonymous | Does anyone knows when the next generation of Hitachi 50v500 or 60v500 will be out? I heard this summer....anyone knows? |
Unregistered guest | Just picked up the 50v500, looks great. I tried hooking up a mac pc via DVI, and I see the boot up screen and when the desktop is suppose to show the tv goes black. I've called hitachi all they can tell me the tv wasn't designed for pc's. I brought my pc to the store and it work on both sony and samsung. Has anyone else tried this or have any ideas. I really don't want to return my tv for this reason. |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 95 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: This a direct quote from Hitachi's promo brochure on the 50/60V500s: "Each component in Hitachi's LCD projection televisions has been engineered to deliver the highest performance from HDTV signals. However not everything you watch is in high definition. That's where Hitachi's proprietary VirtualHD 1080p processor comes in. It converts non-native signals all the way up to 1,080 progressive lines--twice the display speed of 1080i HDTV. This additional picture information enables the processor to make extremely accurate determinations when optimizing the signal for display. The result is significantly smoother diagonal lines and curves, so even the finest details are visible. "VirtualHD 1080p not only analizes every pixel of every frame to improve color performance and contrast, it also improves performance when displaying film-originated sources (such as a TV movie, DVD release or 1080i HDTV program). Sophisticated calculations ensure that each film frame (at 24 frames per second) is properly assembled into the 60-frame-per-second configuration of progressive video. It involves some highly-complicated mathematics, but VirtualHD handles it with ease. And in real time." There's also an interesting footnote in this piece (now I have to put on my old-man glasses to read this print!): More than 94% of the 720 HDTV signal is displayed. Due to variances in program productions and transmissions not all of the 720 signal is suitable for display. I'm no TV engineer, but that leads me to ask you if you have tried another setting besides 720 on your box. |
JC Unregistered guest | Does anyone have any recommendations for a home theater receiver and speakers that would complement the 50v500? |
Unregistered guest | Has anyone had success at getting a digital camera Smartmedia card to read and display photos on the 50v500? I bought the adaptor, but it does not seem to read when plugged into the slot on the TV. Thanks.... |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 17 Registered: Apr-04 | John S. Can you (anyone) tell me why my OSD displays 480i during SD programming, if in fact the set upconverts the signal of SD to 1080? I am running an RCA Directv with component out to my 60v500a. Also, does anyone notice a quick flicker of the darker background colors during scene changes. Also, for the poster concerning audio, I am running the Onkyo HTS760 HTiB and have been very happy with it. CC reuns a sale on it for around $469. Features 6.1 channel and actual wooden speakers, with a massive sub. Harry VV |
Unregistered guest | I have flicker problems with dark scenes, even with DVDs. I have a red spot that shows up on dark backgrounds. It takes almost 2 minutes for the set to cool down after its turned off. Normal? Think I should get a new one? I've had it a little over a month. I got it from Sears and their repair man doesn't know squat about this TV. |
New member Username: Don482Post Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | I want to buy the Hitachi 60V500 but am concerned about using the standard digital cable box. I have heard that the picture will be significantly worse than that of an analog tv using the same cable box. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 18 Registered: Apr-04 | Ed G: I replaced my RCA 36" CRT with the 60v500 since April 10th. I do believe the picture was better on the CRT, HOWEVER, the benefits of a 60" LCD widescreen outwegh any concerns I had with the CRT. PS: Switching may Directv box with one that provided component out and digital audio out made a big improvement. Harry VV |
Bronze Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 97 Registered: Feb-04 | Harry VV: I am using an HD cable box, with VHF, composite, S-video, component and DVI outputs. (The DVI is inactive.) I have the VHF, S-video and component outputs going into the TV. The DVD player is going in via component. The only time I see a notice of lines in the on-screen info box is when I'm on a component input. The TV always says 1080i regardless of channel (HD or SD), and the DVD input always says 480p. On the other inputs from the cable box, Ant 1 and S-video, the lines format notification is not there. My theory is that the TV is noting the scan rate it sees at the input (and then only on the component inputs). It then does its thing with the signal after that. Or at least they say it does. It's curious to me that the owners manual does not mention anything about this "VirtualHD" upconverting business. Maybe I missed it.... Furthermore, I think the reason I get "1080i" display on all channels is that my HD cable box is upconverting the signal. Chris S: I have seen other complaints about dark scene flickering, but haven't noticed it myself. I can't think what the problem might be. I have also heard of various kinds of screen spots. Had a few phantom spots (they came one day, went the next) myself early on, but none lately. I hope I haven't jinxed myself bragging about that. Don't know the cause or the cure. The cool down period is entirely normal. They have to keep the fan running for a time after the lamp goes off, otherwise it would overheat in its housing. Ed. G.: Ditto what Harry said. You know, you've got this big-buck beast in your house, and it's natural to be super critical about it. If you do get it, just remember to feed a true High Definition signal into it as soon as possible. Then you'll see what this thoroughbred was really built for. In the mean time, do what Harry said and also get yourself a good progressive scan DVD player and use component lines in. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 23 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, I have tried the 1080 setting...the 720P looks better. I also get the 480i on my SD channels (including digital sat). The number of pixels the screen has is suppose to equal a 720p pict (according to CNET's webb site) that is why I sttay with the 720p. I know the TV is suppose to convert up but I am questioning that. I notice a hugh difference between things in 480I and 720P (making the changes at the HD box while still using the DVI output). I would love to go to Sears and start messing with theres to see the PQ on a HD OTA signal. As for the 1080p making the lines smooth...BS... the yellow line that marks where the wall and the ice meets is blocky and jagged on SD...and fuzzy in HD. This card (when I get it) better fix it. I am having mixed feeling on the TV (or at least service support). |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 19 Registered: Apr-04 | I finally discovered that the "flickering" of the dark background only occurs while I am running my Directv RCA Sat Box (Component out). DVDs and RF cable are without the flicker. My OSD indicates 480i when I am running SD from my Sat box. The flicker is definitely annoying. I again have to say, what a cheap-a** stand. Anybody notice it is on sale at CC (on-line) for $299. The CC store granted me the price match, +10%. |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 20 Registered: Apr-04 | Interesting post I just found about 50 & 60v500a: |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 102 Registered: Feb-04 | Harry: Check my post 2 months ago: The problem with black levels is not the light, but rather in the liquid crystals themselves. When black level is called for, the crystal is supposed to "twist," thereby blocking the light. But they can't block all the light, therefore creating less than true black. It's the nature of the beast. This will always the case, no matter how many miracle "chips" or enhancement circuitry they invent. But, for the time being, all fixed-pixel non-CRT based TV systems have this problem, to one extent or another. (LCDs could be worst.) This is the one thing--and the only thing--that cathode ray tubes do better. I don't mean to minimize the importance of true black levels. True blacks are the secret of an outstanding picture. I bought the Hitachi anyway, for reasons outlined in my previous post. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 104 Registered: Feb-04 | Sorry, that link should be: |
New member Username: ChrisgPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-04 | Hi, my Hitachi 60V500 is going to be delivered in a few days and I was hoping to get some recommendations on a dvd player and a High Def satellite dish. I have an old dvd player so I was thinking I should probably upgrade to a progressive scan it worth it to get one with DVI? Plus, I was thinking that I should get an HD satellite rcvr to take full advantage of the HDTV. Any help would be appreciated. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 24 Registered: Mar-04 | Chris, I have Direct TV. There HD receiver has DVI and it works well. Limited channels but it improved the SD channels a little (you can set it to 720p output for all signals). Its a Hughes receiver. |
Audi Rob Unregistered guest | What exactly is the difference between the 60V500 and the 60V500A? I heard that the A has an upgraded lamp that solved a problem with the Black Levels. As well, if this is the case has the 50V500 also recieved an A upgrade. CC only has the 50V500 in stock and in their warehouse. In reality, I only have about 8.5 Feet of space between the screen and seating, and I think the 60 will be way too overpowering. Although, I currently have the Hitachi 53" Ultravision 4:3 HDTV Ready in the same area, and really don't want to downsize. Any help would be greatly appreciated |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Apr-04 | Audi Rob: I heard the same thing in an earler post about the "a" designator. My model is the "a", I am satisfied with the black. My opinion on the size: I went back and forth between the 50v500a ($3,299) and ($3999). I went with the 60v500a and I am glad I did. I sit 11 feet away from my screen. I would sepnd the extra $700 for the 10". PS: It is listed at CC (online) for $3,599 (w/o stand). |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 107 Registered: Feb-04 | Audi Rob: I'm with Harry on this--go for the 60. A 4:3 image on a 50" 16:9 TV will be much smaller than on your 53" 4:3. (8.5 feet from a 53" 4:3 seems awfully close though...) |
stevieboy Unregistered guest | Anybody know the 2 digit remote control code for the Hitachi remote, to control a Motorola-made cable box for Comcast? It's not listed on the page 43 list of codes. Thanks. |
stevieboy Unregistered guest | BTW, it's good to be back. I've kinda been forsaking this thread (and all other threads). Finally got the 60" stand about 7 weeks after ordering it! Looks good, but I'm afraid the glass will give out. I haven't really rehooked the components up since the stand came. Probably won't bother to try the center-speaker-on-the-TV thing! I've been lambasted for even thinking of such a blasphemous idea (lol!) TV is still functioning great... Will need to get a new DVD, with DVI output - for how much, and where can they be bought? (and)Is it worth it? Oh, I just thought of a question - is there some Hitachi fine-tuning function that can be used for making sure I get the max out of the TV? A friend mentioned something about this, and I can't remember the name of it...ISPF, or something like that? Thanks...good to "see" all of you again! |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 110 Registered: Feb-04 | Welcome back stevieboy. I kinda figured you were busy watching the Wings, but now, unfortunately you have some time on your hands. Good to hear you now finally have the whole set together. Unless you have a 60 lb. receiver, I wouldn't worry about the (tempered, I think) glass shelves. Wish I could tell you from experience whether a DVI connectible DVD player is worth it. On paper, at least, it should be outstanding. One famous unit, made by V, Inc is still available, I think, but their website seem to be down right now. Anyway, here's an interesting review of the Bravo D1. |
Mialex Unregistered guest | I just got a brand new 50V500 from CC for $2548 + tax. What a disappointment: - Even the on-screen menu looks terrible. - The test screen generated by my Harman Kardon DVD player shows the gray scale full of ghost images. - The test screen grid shows the horizontal lines waving close to the intersection with the vertical lines. - The same grid shows a major convergence problem - DVD Images look just like the old CRT projection tvs. Returning the unit to CC later today. |
New member Username: Kid_redPost Number: 8 Registered: Apr-04 | Damn, how did you get that price though? I thought LCDs didn't have convergence issues, only CRTs? Have you calibrated the set? DVDs look as good as CRTs is a good thing. So, DVDs look good but the DVD player test pattern didn't? Sounds like the test pattern isn't that good. |
Mialex Unregistered guest | Hi Rick: The price was that low because Brandsmart dropped the price from $3299 to $2999 a week ago, and yesterday, they were selling them at $2598. According to the Brandsmart sales person, there is a disagreement between Brandsmart and Hitachi. Apparently Hitachi will not supply Brandsmart with TVs for the soon to open stores in Atlanta because there is another store chain has some sort of exclusivity. Brandsmart is trying to get rid of all the Hitachi products and threatening to drop the line. After hearing that, I called the local CC to see if they would match the price and they did, and also gave me an additional 10% of the difference bringing the price to $2548. When I compared the image quality to the old CRT projection units, I meant the bad ones, with all the convergence defects, lack of sharpness, etc. Since my original posting, I tried the DVD player, which is also new, with a different monitor and the test pattern has the same problems of ghosting and wavy grid lines. I apologize for having blamed these issues on the 50V500. The test pattern grid convergence problem is not an issue on the second monitor, and the on-screen menu issues on the 50V500 are still there. I will keep you guys posted. |
Daisy D Unregistered guest | How loud should the fan be on the 50v500? |
Mialex Unregistered guest | Follow up: I returned the 50V500 to CC. The convergence problem was too much to attempt having it adjusted/fixed. The new set has no convergence problems whatsoever but, now I have an image that looks slightly out of focus and the dreaded fan noise competing with my fridge. I guess this will be the last Hitachi product I will buy in a long time. I will call CC to have someone come and adjust the video unit to be able to enjoy the great pic this set is capable of showing, and to replace the fan. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 25 Registered: Mar-04 | MIalex, If you want to "play" in the system menu (of course you could really mess things up) I posted earlier the "how to" to get into it and what setting effects convergence...I have a sligh ghosting problem that makes even HD images that are distant look fuzzy. It called the "Ghost-r". It is a simple red screen with a black box...adjust until the box edges are crisp. I could not fix my problem that way so the tech had to order parts...still waiting. |
New member Username: AscoondogGray, Georgia USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Mar-04 | Hi guys, Just got my VOOM satellite up and running. Yall were right, this TV is built for HD. I have never seen a picture so clear in my life. Thanks for your input and help. |
Harp Unregistered guest | I picked up my new 50v500a on Saturday, and I also have noticed a this 'crop circle' that was mentioned by Jill. It's a slight discolouration only noticeable when the background is black and it's just off to the right of the centre of the screen. You can't see it when the TV is off, either. Anyone else heard of this problem? |
stevieboy Unregistered guest | Thank you, JOHN S., for the link to the Bravo D1. Much appreciated. I'm now getting more depressed by the day, this time about my beloved Pistons! Hopefully, they won't be playing golf with the Red Wings soon! Since, there was nary a mention about the audio playback specs, I'm assuming that CD-R, CD-RW, MP3 discs will all play without a problem? Anyway, it sounds pretty decent...hope it's silver, like the TV stand !! (I'll search sites for a picture of the Bravo)...Later! |
New member Username: VgmhdGray, TN USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-04 | To solve the sagging shelf problem on the Hitachi 50v500 stand, I took the factory shelves to the local glass company and had 2 more shelves cut out of thicker 1/4" glass. These work great and will support my electronics! |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 115 Registered: Feb-04 | Vernon: Great idea! Obviously the new glass was not too thick to fit. It would be a major pain to disassemble my stand to have a pattern, but I would do it if necessary. How much did it cost? stevieboy: The reason that V, Inc's site was down the other day is that they are now introducing their new model, the Bravo D2. Check it out. It's $50 more, but with an upgraded chipset, and it's silver. |
stevieboy Unregistered guest | John S: Yeah, I went to a few sites to check out the Bravo D1 reviews and specs, and saw a picture of a silver unit, AND a black unit. I got the answers to my audio playback questions, and noticed the new D2. There must be some competition...after all, the Bravo D1 has been out about a year now. I guess that I'll search for other DVI-included DVD players, as well. There will come a day when my cable box AND DVD player will both be DVI-connected to the Hitachi...would it just be a matter of buying a splitter to accommodate both units...and, if so, would that seriously degrade the TV picture ? |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 116 Registered: Feb-04 | stevieboy: There is a Samsung DVD player with DVI out. Don't know the model number, but it shouldn't be hard to find. About $300, I think. V, Inc. says the D1 is now discontinued, and promise a 5 week wait on ordered D2's. Soon, having only one DVI input on this TV will be a (temporary) inconvenience. But an external switch box will solve the problem. Since we're talking digital here, there won't be any loss in sifnal quality. Please see my Apr 16 post on this thread. |
hitachi stand Unregistered guest | cc has a stand for 50v500 for 199 and 299 for 60v500 only online and w/free shipping |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 119 Registered: Feb-04 | stevieboy: I revisited the site on DVI switches, only this time I clicked on the unit's picture and read their detailed explanation. Now I understand why this thing is $215. This seems to be a quality unit with active, high quality wideband amplification. And a remote control. It's still a lot of money, but at this particular point, there's not huge demand so they're not going to sell millions of them. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 120 Registered: Feb-04 | Sorry, let's try this again: |
Anonymous | i bought 50v500 2 months ago from sears. Perfect picture until 4 days ago when I started getting "Gatorade" droplets, you know , the colorful sweat beads in the ads, all over my tv screen. Mainly pink and green. Also the picture is very dark. When I turn the tv on, the tv gets this Royal Blue color instead of black. Stange thing is that this does not happen all the time. I called direct tv but they could not help. DVDs are the same pink and green dots. Any advice? Its a hd samsung receiver. |
New member Username: RagdollPost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-04 | TO:V.M.... Before I bought the over-priced stand, I contacted Hitachi and was assured by their rep that the shelves were TEMPERED glass...this is important since it will hold 4 times the weight of regular glass and IF it does break, it breaks in little beads, not sharp pieces that will do a lot of damage. If you got regular (thicker) glass, you ended up with a WEAKER, not stronger shelf and it will be a safety hazzard. |
New member Username: VgmhdGray, TN USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-04 | To John S.: The total cost for two 1/4" tempered glass shelves was $54 including tax. To Jim Beam: YES, the shelves are tempered glass with a light green tint to the glass. The new shelves DO NOT flex like the factory originals. |
Chris -Coburg, OR Unregistered guest | I bought my 50V500A back in December and about 10 days ago it began shutting off by itself. When it does this the "Lamp" light blinks on-off. Until last night if I waited 10-15 minutes, I could get it to come back on again. Last night and this morning - no luck. The manual says that when the "Lamp" light blinks it means either the lamp unit is incorrect for the TV (unlikely since it is the one that came with the set and has worked for 6 mos) or the lamp door isn't secure (which is also not likely since it hadn't been opened until last night after this occurred). My guess is the switch for the door is defective and needs to be replaced, but has anyone else encountered this problem? Thanks for the help! |
New member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | I have had my 60v500A for a couple of weeks now. I hear the fan, but it's not bad. I have a surround system that blocks the noise out. The picture is very good, but waiting for a hd receiver from dish network to make it better. I bought mine from CC for $2499, matching the internet price. The stand was on sale for $299, which is still a rip, but looks good. Any tips for a better picture will be appreciated. Thanks |
DJ Unregistered guest | chris, there's a bad solder joint on one of the cables that leads from the lamp door sensor on some of the units. the cable is under constant stress. often you can fix the problem simply by removing the lamp unit, and reinstalling - it is a temporary fix at best. have your dealer fix the set. it's a simple, 10 minute repair job. |
Chris -Coburg, OR Unregistered guest | DJ - Thanks for the help! |
New member Username: Don482Post Number: 4 Registered: May-04 | I just ordered a 60V500A from Sears. I paid $3329 for the TV, $275 for the stand, and $415 for the 3 yr. warranty. I thought the price was pretty good but in seeing Mark Murphy's price of $2499 now I'm not too sure. I thought CC would not match internet sites. At least that's what they told me. I bought it at Sears because of what I heard was good service and a liberal return policy. Does any one have any thoughts on my purchase? |
New member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 2 Registered: May-04 | Edward, the CC here did match the internet price. The store Director told me they are not supposed to at times, but that she was not going to loose a sale. Smart thinking. I checked the other day, and noticed they had increased the internet price to $2599, still not bad, and the regular CC price was $2999 when I bought mine. Good luck. |
New member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 3 Registered: May-04 | I apologize to all! I had a brain malfunction, I didn't pay $2499 for my 60v500a, it was $3499. What the heck was I thinking. I'm getting old, but not that old. Edward you got a pretty good deal. Sorry again for the misinformation...Mark |
stevieboy Unregistered guest | Mark, the next thing you'll tell us is that you have a 50V500a, NOT a 60V500A...and, that you DID pay $2499...(just kidding)....actually, I love my 60V500a and, wish you the best of luck with yours! |
New member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 4 Registered: May-04 | Actually stevieboy, it was a 60 inch for $1499. I just had to say that. Sorry again to everyone. I did buy the 60 inch, but it was $3499. I just wasn't thinking when I typed that, and got everyone excited. I'm really not a liar. Any tips on getting a better picture??? Thanks...Mark |
Anonymous | 50V500 got a great deal at pc richard 2500 plus 500 for the stand. so far running great |
DJ Unregistered guest | mark, your picture gets even better if you actually paid $400 for the 60v500a, and $1.50 for the stand. suddenly, the picture is perfect! |
New member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 5 Registered: May-04 | yep DJ, the picture is better than perfect at only $4 for the tv, and the stand was free. Dishnetwork has a hd receiver ready for me finally! I hope this helps my $4 tv perform better. |
jaff1116 Unregistered guest | Hello all I have a 50v500a for sale. I have the original box and all the original papers. Also, I have a 2 year warranty on the set. I'm asking 2000 with the stand. The stand is a generic. The TV is 6 months old and I have to sell it because I am moving. Anyone in the Houston Area is welcome to contact me and come by to look. Sorry at this time I cannot ship. Please e-mail me at to set-up a time to check it out. Thanks. |
Flick Unregistered guest | Technical question for all you experts. I have a 4 month old 50v500 and it works great with the exception that it occasionally reverts back to 4:3 standard from 4:3 expanded. I have had the tech out once but he said he had no idea why this was happening. Thought it might be my universal remote. It does it when I am not even using the remote. I'll be watching a playoff game in 4:3 expanded and all of a sudden it's in 4:3 standard. Anyone else with this problem? Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 26 Registered: Mar-04 | Now I am really made. The Tech came to fix my tv tuesday and broke another part (some clip) so now I have no picture. The part is "on national backorder" and they have no idea when they are going to get them in. So now after having the TV for under 3 months and suffering with "ghosts"I know get to enjoy no TV for an extended amount of time. All this for $3200... money well spent in my book! SEARS is going to get an ear full on this one. Sorry had to vent. |
New member Username: HakjoonPost Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | I lost my warranty text info on Hitach LCD projection TV. Can anyone provide me a copy of warranty text by fax or mail. Thanks for your help. |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 22 Registered: Apr-04 | Justin, does this help? Hitachi LCD RPTV Manual: Hitachi Site: |
Anonymous | Can anybody tell me what is the difference between 50v500 and 50v500a models? |
New member Username: HakjoonPost Number: 2 Registered: May-04 | I called the Hitach and asked the same question, and the answer was there is no difference between 500 and 500A models. Some regions have 500 and others have 500A. |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 23 Registered: Apr-04 | I had found this post sometime ago about that very question: |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 27 Registered: Mar-04 | Any Sears employees please explain: If Sears uses an external company to do their service/warranty work and that company has to order parts through Sears... then why is it that Sears keeps sending me back to the external company for status on a part that Sears is suppose to be providing? The external company is waiting for Sears to decide to either get the part or replace the TV. Is the "run-around" the normal business practice of Sears? I am about to demand a full refund and tell them to come get the TV and stand. EVERYONE: DO NOT BUY FROM SEARS. I have had problems since Apr 24th (had the TV since Mar 27) and no picture since May 25 with no solution in sight and only "the parts are on backorder" as a answer to my questions. Sears needs to sh^! or get off the pot. |
New member Username: DiamonddacCartersville, GA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-04 | I have the 60V and having the dish 811 installed this week with componet cables. Is it worth the extra $$$ to invest in DVI cables? Is there a noticable difference in pitcure quality? |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 28 Registered: Mar-04 | There is a HUGE difference when you go to DVI Cables. Mine came with the Hughes HD box. |
New member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 7 Registered: May-04 | I also have a 60v and the 811 receiver. I purchased the Monster Cable DVI connector, and the results are spectacular. The cost was high, $120, but really nothing compared to cost of my complete system. I would recommend...Mark |
Bronze Member Username: CaptaintrocarUlster Park , New York USA Post Number: 24 Registered: Apr-04 | Can anyone answer this one?: I live in upstate NY where you can't receive local channels in HDTV via an ext. antenna. I could move to cable, however I choose not to replace my DirectV. If I invest in an HDTV receiver, would I receive standard def (local channel) signals via the DVI? And if so would I gain picture quality? |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 29 Registered: Mar-04 | CBS has HD BUT it may not be available where you are. If your local channels are in broadcast in HD then the HD receiver would help...PQ is great. Go to "" they list the distnace to channel towers and who is broadcasting DTV/HD. |