Q.- Want to make a easy buck ? - How about $25000.00 USD ?
A.- Simple.- Denounce your IKS Service Provider.
( C&P )
NagraStar offers rewards to encourage people to volunteer information about the physical location of an Internet Key Sharing ("IKS") server used for NagraStar pay-tv piracy. For submitting a genuine piracy lead to NagraStar's anti-piracy team, you could qualify to earn up to $25,000 U.S.D.("Reward Payment")
To accept NagraStar's reward offer and become eligible for a possible reward, you must apply online to be included in the NagraStar's Anti-piracy Reward Program at the time you make your report, and you must agree to all of these Terms and Conditions as written.
All of the criteria listed below are material to formation of an agreement and must be met in order to qualify for the cash reward.
1. You ("Reporting Person") must submit the report through the web Reward form found at www.satscams. com.
2. The report must be submitted to NagraStar after October 31, 2010.
4. The Piracy Lead must be unique. Being "unique" shall mean that, NagraStar, or one of its affiliates, is not already aware of the location of the IKS server or would not have known about its location but-for the report submitted.
5. The Reporting Person must also (a) provide his or her name, address, and preferred method of contact, and (b) be responsive to follow up inquiries from NagraStar regarding the Piracy Lead provided. Efforts will be pursued by NagraStar to keep information provided by Reporting Person confidential and will not be disclosed to third-parties unless otherwise required to by law.
6. If the Piracy Lead is verified by NagraStar and results in the seizure of the IKS server by NagraStar or law enforcement, the Reporting Person will receive up to $25,000. The determination of whether a lead is a genuine Piracy Lead as defined herein and whether Reporting Person meets all material terms and preconditions will be at NagraStar's sole discretion.
7. If the location of the IKS server has been verified by NagraStar as a direct result of the Piracy Lead and the IKS server is seized by NagraStar or law enforcement, the $25,000 reward will be paid to Reporting Person within six (6) weeks of the date that NagraStar seizes the IKS server. The amount will be paid by NagraStar or an applicable affiliate directly to the Reporting Person at the address provided by Reporting Person as referenced above.
8. It is in NagraStar's sole and unfettered discretion of when, how, and whether to pursue any Piracy Lead. Should NagraStar decide to pursue a Piracy Lead, it will not discuss its efforts in pursuit of such lead with the Reporting Person.
9. Prior to making any Reward Payment, if within the U.S.A. NagraStar will require a completed IRS form W-9 which provides Reporting Person's Social Security Number for tax purposes only which will not be disclosed except as required by law. If outside of the U.S.A., the payment is subject to tax withholdings, if any, in accordance to U.S. law.
10. Neither Reporting Person, nor any family member or relative of Reporting Person have been employed by NagraStar, its affiliates or clients within the two-year (2) period before the Piracy Lead was provided by the Reporting Person.
11. Reporting Person who is the owner of the IKS server is ineligible for any reward.
12. The laws of Texas shall apply to the terms and conditions of the NagraStar Anti-Piracy Reward Program and Reporting Person agrees that any disputes arising from or relating to this program shall be litigated in the courts in Harris County, Texas applying Texas law.
13. The reward program will last from January 1st, 2011 through the end of August 31, 2011 and is subject to change at NagraStar's sole discretion. However, changes to this reward program as applied to Reporting Persons who provide Piracy Lead(s) that meet the criteria herein will be applied prospectively.
For questions relating to the terms and conditions of this reward program, please send an email to reward@nagrastar.com.
Cheap Trick: Sada is in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I have his full address there, but first I need $12,500. Now, wait a minute!. I can send Dish Network his address and make $25,000!! Maybe.
I can send Dish your address and that of Fish, and of LK, and of Doreen, and of Ryerson and make $125,000. I think I will go for that.
LMAO nalin has my addres ... yeah right .. keep thinking i live in Oahawa there nalin .. send the rcmps to my door. and as for LK 's address you send then to key largo go right a head..
subash everyone knows that sada is on my face book but you ... so think what ever you wish ... LMAO... oh and nalin you got sada address wrong too...
why do you two feel the need to post BS after BS ?
Your posts are probably the main reason why you muslims live in the third world, backward, shitholes you sir are a disgrace to the human race
you live in you own world, full of lies,childish mind and a very lonely old man. only thing left in your life is this forum many thanks to the owners that allow you here. you may be crazy but good for business.
You sir a disgrace to this forum. Knowing very well that I am not a Muslim, you call me a muslim. Knowing very well that I am I live in North America, , you insist on putting me in another country. You, Sir, are a big lier Knowing very well that I have a lot of knowledge, you insist I have no knowledge. knowing very well that I have helped you int the past, you insist on trying to disgrace me.
The owners have never once told me to stop posting. If you knew how much writing I am have been doing for the past 5 years, you will be stunned. Far from being lonely, I have my family and grandchildren my other relatives all around me, and a few abroad who are affluent enough to come and visit me. You sir, try and frame people for crimes of your own. You are the mist despicable person on this forum.
I-link, SatZen, Conaxsat, Topsat, ViewSat, Xfactor and NanoSat piracy satellite receivers are currently being redirected allowing NagraStar to log IP's of customers units and additional information. As can be seen on the TV pop-up message our law firm Hagan, Noll and Boyle's telephone number is 1-866-617-9116. They will be happy to speak to customers of these piracy satellite receivers in order to provide them with the best and cheapest option of settling possible litigation as well as directing them in how to become a legitimate DISH network subscriber.
It seems from reading at other sites that the Public server related to Nanosat and the others MAY be affected or compromised. If so, then those receivers on a Public server are compromised.
The Private servers IKS seems to be OK right now.
The advice at one site is NOT to load and use the latest BIN for public server, and not to call that 866 number.