RCA Color Trak 2000 Television


New member
Username: Barbiee

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-11
Hi i just was given one of these and when i turned it on and did an autosearch it is stuck on V1. How do i get it off of that?

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 16522
Registered: Jan-08
Welcome to eCoustics Barbiee!

This old colortrack was a very good TV but the tuner experiment some problem, the reason why you get only the V1 which is Video 1 is that the tuner get nothing!

You can use a old VCR to get your channel or a Digital/analogic TSC converter like the one to get the new digital channels then kook it in the V!, V2 or V3 according to your model!

This is a sample:

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