I've got a 61 inch Samsung DLP that recently started shutting down after running a few minutes. I checked all the easy stuff... bipassed the lamp door switch by connecting the 2 wires together, took the back off and cleaned both fans and processor heat sink, vacuumed any stray dust. Problem continued. I noticed that before it shut down, if I switched channels I'd get some minor pixilation and green lines briefly before the channel came in clear... then a few minutes later it would shut down and standby/temp timer and lamp lights would flash. I tried changing bulbs with my 50 inch HLS and same thing happened, and bulb continued to work in the 50. Interesting though, after I put the original bulb back in the 61 inch I got no picture next time I fired it up... just sound. Looking at the back I could see that the lamp was lit. Further attempts at starting produced only sound, no pic. There's a guy who was recommended on another board who repairs the dmd boards for 75 bucks so I figured it would be worth a shot. Should get the board back in a couple days. Was wondering if someone would give me their take on the problem. Thanks in advance for any help.