Bronze Member Username: TazspinPost Number: 43 Registered: May-04 | Well since they seemed to close our last thread I thought I would try to start a new one, even though currently there is no known public or commercial fix for these new card and a lot of scams. |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 84 Registered: Jun-04 | Let's ALL come here! Good title. Ken |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 121 Registered: May-04 | Ok here goes. Just got through testing some of my new stuff. Works but not great. Last about 30 to 45 min and boom goes out but the good thing is. That it hasn't blew up my card yet. The stuff in Dsscentral p4/d1 files are crap. The only thing that is any use is the p4 p5 card checker. It works. Which will tell you if your card is a virg. or exsubbed or subbed. I have one virg and 2 exsubbed but says that they will program fine. A lot of the files are viruses so becareful. The p4 win act file does nothing. It will start to read and that is it. The Quad Iso I got has 5 switches own back. For the p4 p5 card check to work the switches must be turned to the own position switch 1 and 5 will be down the rest up. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance but I just started toying with the Quad. |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 60 Registered: Jun-04 | count me in here |
Bronze Member Username: TvlonelyPost Number: 75 Registered: Jun-04 | Taz - thanks for starting this thread. |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 61 Registered: Jun-04 | maybe the idiots (myself excluded) won't find this! |
churchboy Unregistered guest | i'm here .....!!! where did the old forum go ? |
byte_me Unregistered guest | hey rayman answer me here |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 87 Registered: Jun-04 | churchboy -- Where all great things go, to heaven. Walter/Taz Man -- Walt, you said you downloaded the P4/D1 card checker. So did I, and everything seems to want to work...but it won't. Was the flash for my Extreme HU Sureshot included in the download, or do I have to download that, as well? If so, from where? If it was included, then I'll have to change the DAC settings like they suggested if I couldn't lock in the ATR. What do you suggest? I don't want to experiment and screw things up if you already have the answer. Thanks, Ken |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 62 Registered: Jun-04 | welcome back all!!! |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 88 Registered: Jun-04 | Richard Sole -- Ditto to you, Richard. And I agree with your first post: Lots of ppl just stumbled onto the old thread, not even knowing how they got there, and will now have to do so again. I'm worried about Dennis, but you got here (smile!). Ken |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 89 Registered: Jun-04 | Richard Sole -- Ditto to you, Richard. And I agree with your first post: Lots of ppl just stumbled onto the old thread, not even knowing how they got there, and will now have to do so again. I'm worried about Dennis, but you got here (smile!). Ken |
7 Unregistered guest | Back on track. |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 63 Registered: Jun-04 | I may have Dennis's email... if we don't see him soon I will look. welcome back walt.. never lost faith bud Good 2 see you here to Kenneth A! O! that you 7? beer for all!! think our buddy Dave shut it down? we were #1 on google! |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 64 Registered: Jun-04 | Just sent Dennis a link.... back on track.. |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 90 Registered: Jun-04 | Richard -- I thought you were kidding about that google thing the last time you mentioned it. I don't have the google browser. What exactly do you mean? I don't think anybody shut our ol' homestead down. I just think that ecoustics saw it as a storage thing (what, 20 pages or so? We creamed everyone else with our "garbage," and whatever. Ciao, Ken PS: I already e-mailed Dennis right after my last post. He had e-mailed me in a tone of panic when he couldn't log-on last nite. |
Bronze Member Username: TazspinPost Number: 51 Registered: May-04 | Ken there is a couple of p4 checker scripts one works with an regular iso and the other uses ul4s but it does seem to be a bit buggy I got the info once then I was getting all sorts of time out errors though tonite it read again but unless you really want to know if it is v*rgin or not I would suggest not even messing with the checker script who knows what they might do to the card better to just wait till something new and tested is out I mean even I don't know enough to compromise the p4 even though I do have a basic understanding of the tm370 op codes (the codes the hu used)(usseless info now I guess) and assembly but the info the checker scripts gives doesn't give you anything usefull |
dsstester Unregistered guest | Evey buddy I have setup a site for ppl here to go to if thay shut this thread down my site is I have setup this site and you are all welcome to use. |
Bronze Member Username: SkullsPost Number: 48 Registered: May-04 | HI HONEY I'M HOME Thanks guys for the emails.Glad to be back!! Can't keep good men down. |
dsstester Unregistered guest | Every buddy I have setup a site for ppl here to go to if thay shut this thread down my site is I have setup this site and you are all welcome to use. |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 65 Registered: Jun-04 | Kenneth now the worlds # 1 search engine! and invented by a Canadian! |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 91 Registered: Jun-04 | Taz Spin -- Thanks much, Taz. The one I down-loaded uses ul4s, and I just wasn't sure if the flash was included or not. I'll take your word about this and won't use it. I've got a bunch of cards, about half "virjins" and about half subbed (using the criteria that they all get the previews, the non-virjins get an "invalid card" message, and the virjins get a "call ext 711" message). Walter had said that his card checker, the same as the one I down-loaded, also told him if the card was programmable or not, and that's what I was looking for. Not so much for my own--I can either program them or not when the time comes -- but moreso to be able to check cards that I didn't pre-sell before I attempt to program them. I don't want to be accused of burning someone's card when it wasn't any good in the first place. But I'm way ahead of myself, so I'll take your advice and wait for something more stable to come out. Thanks for the response again, tho'. I never expected anything so late. Ken OH!!! Prior to installing and testing the card checker, my Sureshot would only have the red light lit. Now both the red and the green lite are lit all the time. If I recall correctly, and that's debateable, that would mean that the flash WAS included and my Sureshot is now ISO'd. Is that correct? |
Bronze Member Username: Jmill1948Chester, Va Usa Post Number: 16 Registered: Apr-04 | is anyone familiar with p4-support i think they might be a scam....they say they have the script and loader |
Bronze Member Username: SkullsPost Number: 49 Registered: May-04 | Just read all the posts, THANKS TAZ!!! Walter, your getting close keep up the good work. Ken,Leslie,Richard As I said on the old site a lot of 1st class people here. Dennis |
Mr Whitefolks stepdad Unregistered guest | Americans suck. |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 92 Registered: Jun-04 | Guys/gals, totally ignore this creep "Mr Whitefolks stepdad" (aka Mr Whitefolks, probably). He is here for one reason, and that is to destroy this thread. As Mr Whitefolks on another site he was an American who bashed Canadians, Mexicans, you-name-it, and incredibly enough he was able to get ppl so pi$$ed-off that the entire site became a My-dad's-better-than-your-dad thing, except they were all "defending their countries. I don't know if he's the same pu$$y or not, but if he doesn't work for DAVE than he's just a sick puke. Most of you who surf probably already know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't, PLEEZ don't respond to anything this ignorant spy/puke says. This will be the last time I will even acknowledge her existence. Ken |
Bronze Member Username: WantedmanPost Number: 31 Registered: May-04 | hello nice place, can i hang out here? |
willy Unregistered guest | no wories Calvin |
Bronze Member Username: Jmill1948Chester, Va Usa Post Number: 17 Registered: Apr-04 | walter, david, kenneth all where should i buy my loader and which one thanks in advance,,, |
New member Username: Jayjay5349USA Post Number: 6 Registered: Jun-04 | Richard can you send me that beer recipe that you have. Thanks, Jay |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 66 Registered: Jun-04 | Jay, It is more of a procees than a recipe, do you home brew now? and which beer do you want to make? |
rayman Unregistered guest | why would you want my dealers name if it does not work? |
Bronze Member Username: SkullsPost Number: 50 Registered: May-04 | James, you should wait untill a fix is out then you will know it will work for sure.From everything we hear you most likely need an ISO. A few very knowledgeable people on this site have gotten the Quad from FOR 59.95 Others have said to WAIT. |
Bronze Member Username: John4949Post Number: 39 Registered: Jun-04 | Hi all. WHEW! That was a close one. I thought my source for dss updates was gone. |
Bronze Member Username: TazspinPost Number: 52 Registered: May-04 | kenneth the green light is now on because you were not able to fully run the program so win ex didn't turn it back off if you disconnect the power and reconnect the green light should go off I have seen this with many win ex programs like unloopers if I aborted before the script was done it left the green light on. And the checker shouldn't have changed your flash it was designed to work with the ul4s flash in a hu loader and yes while the scripts do say This card will accept writes, should be fine to program I don't think it is actually checking if the card actually can accept writes because the loader can't actually glitch in to the card it is just reading the info the card would send to the reciever to identifie itself. |
needFTA_advice Unregistered guest | TAZ/DILATEDPEOPLES, thanks for beginning to clear up some of my questions on the PANSat 2500A Receiver with the info/advice about the NAGRA 1 to NAGRA 2 changeover which is forthcoming. TAZ you mentioned in the other thread just before it went down that the Fortec receiver, I believe it was a 5900 appeared interesting to you. At this point in time would it make sense to get an fta like the 5900 vs a PanSat 2500a which has no card since I believe it was mentioned that NAGRA 2 has asic on it and therefore render cardless receivers useless??? Specifically, am I hearing that the 5900 Fortec would have a life beyond the next year or so and therefore be the correct choice?? To all that contribute to the knowledge Thanks!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Jmill1948Chester, Va Usa Post Number: 21 Registered: Apr-04 | dennis thanks for the info i will wait and continue to read all the post that you guys put here thanks again...need fta advise im pretty knowledgable on the pansat i have one and i have had no problems if you have any questions ill be more then happy to try to answer...later all |
New member Username: Big_williePost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | i am a new guy here so you guys don't get pissed off if i ask the wrong question, thanks |
Bronze Member Username: TazspinPost Number: 54 Registered: May-04 | at this time it is really unknown wich reciever might be able to decode nagra 2 so I would talk to people currently using fta the reason I mentione the fortec 5900 is that is programed like a dishnetwork reciever using a card or magic card but the pansat and others are proggramed differently wich is better who knows. |
Unregistered guest | Okay, just found this site so don't know if I'm in the right place. I bought an NTL (local cable company) receiver and a card 85A(256) to go with it a few months ago, everything has worked fine up until now, and then over the last few days I've started to lose channels. I've tried to find the number of the guy i bought it from (but typical i've lost it) so need to know what to do or do I need to replace the card, and if so, where and how much ? Pity really as there were a load of films to watch this weekend :-) |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 67 Registered: Jun-04 | every one is welcome willie |
New member Username: Jayjay5349USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Jun-04 | Rich, I tried to home brew once and I think I messed up. What equipment do you use and how long is the process. If you have the Bud process I could start there |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 68 Registered: Jun-04 | I know its not P5 info folks but bare with me! Basicly Jay, it starts off the same as home brew (in a bucket) but you only use about 80% of your kit ( brew kit makers try and add more flavor to home brew but bud uses more rice than wheat because it is cheaper) (most big breweries brew beer that has very little beer flavor), then you add 2 lbs of High malt glucose and 1 lb of brewing sugar and then your yeast. then you leave it in the bucket for about 3 days before siphoning it into the carboy, then things get a bit differet: you will need at least 2 pop canisters (5 gal coke or pepsi but pepsi works best) and a co2 tank with a pop presure regulator. when the beer is clear in the carboy (aprox 1 week) you siphon it back into the pepsi keg. now you COULD carbonate it now and it would be ready to drink but for $40 you can buy a keg to keg filter and have the exact taste as the breweries *there are 3 problems with home brew 1 its flat 2 it tastes like crap 3 its cloudy 1 you can use the preasure regulator to carbonate the beer like the breweries 2 you don't add sugar to the bottles to activate the yeast so it does not taste like crap (yeasty) 3 if you chill the keg before filtering you will remove the chill haze same as the breweries and it will be clear as water. if you want detailed instructions just let me know... beer in Canada is $35 for 24!! |
New member Username: RysportfanPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | Hey, Ive been reading and following along with you guy for about a month now. Ive never posted but I figured since the other thread closed and I still found you guys again I should sign up and start posting. I am a newbee I dont know much but Ive learned alot for all of you. Let me Know if there is anything I can do to help |
New member Username: DssmanPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | ok y dont u guys just go to FTA thats wat im doing i got k*ys and shiz |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 93 Registered: Jun-04 | Taz Man -- Right on the money...again! When I rebooted, all went back to normal. Thanx, Ken |
New member Username: EagleyePost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | I am the same as Richard Young, but am trying to learn and not be a pain in the a*s at the same now for my first stupid question...exactly how can you tell what kind of programmer you have, and what is the difference? Thanks you guys for bearing with me! |
New member Username: RysportfanPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | If I want to buy some p4 cards to get ready for whene the hack comes through do I need to make sure there virg. or is it ok like on ebay where they just say that there varifed. |
New member Username: RysportfanPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-04 | Hey Tom what they have been saying is that most likely you will need an ISO programmer like the Quad but its not 100% sure so it might be best to wait intil we know for sure expecally when newbees like us dont have a clue what we are doing lol |
New member Username: Ceasar009Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | The guy who had his pp4 up for 30 - 45 minutes never mewntioned what scrpit he used to program anybody know |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 69 Registered: Jun-04 | Rich Young, Once the cards are put in the ird they are married, no one knows yet when the fix will be out for this, a 'virg.' card is one that has never been in a receiver.... if an ebayer says he checked it and it gets the previews... it has been married... I would hold off until the fix is out... but I bought a p5 on ebay that is still in the wrapper and atached to a letter thanking me for buying DTV....that is a virgn |
Anonymous | Here's probably a stupid thought Guy's, but why not try sticking the card in the freezer for say an hour. Maybe it will affect the card so it can be gliched.You know how the cold effects everything electronic. Just trying to help Guys! |
New member Username: RysportfanPost Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | Thanks for the info Richard S. |
Roman1000 Unregistered guest | Hey...can anyone help me? I live in a country in Central America...I used to have a free, because of the new card, the people that gave me the dtv are offering me a normal suscription. They are asking for 1000 bucks for 220 channels for this legal suscripcion. But they say that on monday they will have a answer if theres a hack finally or not. I dont like the 220 channels option...but its better than nothing. Anyways, the will charge me another 500 bucks if the hack comes even if i buy the legal suscripcion, but the hack could come out until never as far as i know. What do you suggest? |
Anonymous | Your'e crazy if you fall for that. If you can't wait, buy a FTA receiver for the meantime and wait for THE FIX. |
Riquelme1000 Unregistered guest | what a fta receiver is? |
Anonymous | fta receiver- free too air, read threads on blackbird, silverbird, pansat, fortec, or just do a search on the net. |
Anonymous | OH forgot, check out this site it will explain everything |
Ballsdeep! Unregistered guest | Ya i'm here waiting for something great to happen, looks like it won't be to night.At least I found the old crew again,WAZ UP! |
Anonymous | LOL |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 94 Registered: Jun-04 | RichYoung/Richard Sole -- Richard, you're pretty close, but I have a different understanding (definition?) of what constitutes a virjin card: a virjin card is one that has never been activated (or programmed). You can put all cards into your ird and get the preview channels (assuming the card is good to begin with, of course), and that does not effect their virjinity; that merely tells you that the card is fundamentally good. Let's say the preview channel is 500. Now go to channel 501, for example. If the message reads, "call ext 711," that card is a virjin. If the message reads, "Invalid card" or "insert a valid card," that card is not a virjin. Now, the difference between a virjin and a non-virjin is pretty much a moot point for what we're doing. Why? Because any "program" that requires a card to be a virjin isn't a program worth having because the program cannot clean the card. If the program could clean the card, it could also clean the non-virjin card and make it a virjin. And if the program cannot clean a card, then the original virjin card is no longer a virjin and cannot be reprogrammed by the program you have. Richard, I think you were talking about a card being "married" to an ird; if so, then you were right. So any program worth its salt will have to be able to perform both operations, "clean" and "unmarry." Roman 1000 -- As "Anonymous" said, you're crazy if you fall for that." Your dealer is going to sell you a card that was subscribed to in the U.S. for about $5/mo as an "extra" ($15 avg. cost for 4 receiveds & 4 cards, say). You'll get all the basics plus whatever area locals he has on the card, and no ppv. How long is the deal for? Even if it's good for a year, you're paying $1000 for what he pays $180 -- AND your subscription can be cancelled any time he chooses. And lastly, $500 for a hack? Stick around this site and you'll be hacking your own cards. (By the way, your dealer will know NOTHING on Monday; he'll tell you what he wants you to think so he can rip you off.) Ken |
Bee Dub Unregistered guest | Walter and Kenneth seem conspicuous by their absence. Hope it's cuz they're working on a workable fix. (Fingers crossed) |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 95 Registered: Jun-04 | Bee Dub -- Thanks, I didn't know I'd be missed. Where the he11 is Walter? |
Mr. Whitefolks Unregistered guest | You guys can't shake me!! I AM MR. WHITEFOLKS!!! however my political rantings are over, for now!! I just thought I would check in after a long break. Hello All!!!!!! |
clue Unregistered guest | I knew mr.white-a!!hole would show up here folks.Don't even bother, thats what he wants....... |
Bronze Member Username: R_solePost Number: 70 Registered: Jun-04 | Annon, the problem is not w/ programming- glitching the new cards, it is DTV looping them |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 122 Registered: May-04 | Sorry folks I had a plumbing job putting in a jaquzee and it took a while. I have been trying to break the code for the script from satthouse but no luck. Why would someone upload a script if it is unusable. Doesn't make good sense. Kenneth I checked my cards with the Quad Iso programmer which is made by Nexus. Turn the 1 and 5 switch on back to the down position and it will read your cards no prob. I didn't have to flash it with anything and it worked flawlessly. Personally I do believe we can program with these loaders but I don't believe we will unloop with them unless they can manipulate the security code to accept an unlooping technique. But for a money racket they will probably have a seperate unlooper and loader to start with. Good news though my guys have increased the time own the activation too two days where last week it was only 8 hrs. So progress is being made. It won't be released until they have it up for 4 to 7 days or longer. They said anyless would be a waste of time to post something that is so time deficient. But all of thier testing is done with a Nexus Iso programmer known as a Quad Iso in Dssstuff. Welcome all new posters and glad to see everyone back. |
Casey9400 Unregistered guest | Good info guys...Again another newbie here-wondering about previously subbed cards, is there anything to these "bootstraps" or "no745" boards? I realize there is the ird marrying issue but do they have any merit? Anyone with any experience with them? I was considering a Blackshadow or Godfather or such, or is this a waste of time or money? Oh by the way I've read posts by redneck 'whitefolks' somewhere else, just ignore his dumb shi- disturbing a--! |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 124 Registered: May-04 | No boot board or bootstrap is going to help do anything. Far as programming your card. I have been told if you have your legal card in a bootboard and have every channel activated which is called a platinum subscription and cancel it later on down the road that the boot board will store the camid so that when deactivated it will still work. Don't know much about it just told it could be done. But now dtv has a minimum one year contract. But the way around that is call and tell them to put your card own vacation and see if it works, if it does leave it own vacation and ride it out until their is a fix. Good luck. |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 96 Registered: Jun-04 | Walter -- God bless ya, ol' man. Do you ever sleep? Walter, I understand everything that you say, but I'm going to tell you something: Stop spelling "on" as "own": You can spell anything else anyway that you want! Y'see, I don't want to be "turned own," I want to be "turned on." Etcetera. (you know I still luv ya, right?) Churchboy -- I haven't heard from you since I made my comment about our old thread having "gone to heaven." C'mon, I thought that with your user-name you'd have been the first one to smile. And what about "tsuf" (or something like that): I enjoyed reading your conversations about you-know-what. You're an asset to this site, and if I inadvertently insulted you then I offer you my sincerest apology. Casey 9400 -- Good post. (1) The "no745" bootstrap is one of many, and they may or not be relevent to the P4/P5(D1) cards. Keep in mind that many vendors have these bootstraps in stock and will do anything to sell them, worthy or not. (Shoot, some vendors are still selling HU cards to the naively uninformed and uninitiated.) But your real question was whether or not there was any merit to the "married to your ird," and the simple answer is no! Why? Because as I stated earlier in another post, any hack that cannot "unmarry," that cannot "clean," that cannot "clone," that cannot "read," that cannot "wipe ppv," etc., is not a real hack. You may accept something less for your personal use, and that's fine, but for some of us anything less than DTV wide-open is unacceptable. As for your other question about Black Shadow, the Godfather, (Silver Bullet), et al, I really don't have any intelligent comment. They work, some better than others, including some "rumored" reports about their failings, but I'm not gonna knock anything about which I have no first-hand info. I don't, and won't, use them; ergo, I have no comment. If push comes to shove, if worse comes to worst, I'll pay for DTV. (DAVE, don't hold your breath! I'm a believer!!!!) NO MORE COMMENTS ABOUT YOU KNOW WHO!!!! He could be who he pretends to be, he could be an imposter wanting his "fifteen minutes of 'fame'," or he could even be one of our previous "invaders" who want to capitalize on his infamy. As you said, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. It's late, even for me on the west coast, so G'nite all, Ken PS: This site is becoming even better than our last one. If only we could get "Sleeping Beauty," (aka Shrek2) to post and not only monitor, we could end up being the ONLY site worth conversing in...for free! Right. Bye bye. |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 126 Registered: May-04 | Their is a new file in It is called ultrap4zip. It works too. All it does is checks the atr. Lets you change your Ratings,Locals,check your ppv spending and change your spending limits. To change your spending limit use this code 2708 and you will get the most money. 99.00 but thats All I figured out.. Its under utilities. Don't know if it will work with a Hu but works with an Iso. So we now have two card checkers moracuously appearing in the last couple of days that works. Shouldn't be long now. |
Anonymous | when you say works do you mean you can get tv, or works as in checks your card? |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 127 Registered: May-04 | Works as in checks your cards. |
New member Username: BootleggerPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-04 | Walter, i have a mikobuIII. can i use altrap4p with it . an also how do i load it to the mikiobu. thanks boots |
Anonymous | could anyone help me with my programmer it is in a blue clear case and inside it has the letters "H&V" i assume that is the brand...? it has a bunch of dip switches on the back and the 2 cables comming out of it for ps2 power and serial data. but i am not sure if it is iso and what kind etc it is, anyone? |
churchboy Unregistered guest | hey I'm still here!!just been super busy with soccer, hockey and lacrosse.... I keep checking the last few posts hoping to read something great about the h@ck.... ![]() ...maybe soon!! Have you guys noticed in your areas, all the RCA dishes still hanging WITHOUT their LNBs? |
Bronze Member Username: Simple_mindedPost Number: 25 Registered: Jun-04 | Thought you could get rid of me by moving huh...HUH??? I had you followed.I've been watching you from across the street....following you to work... you thought you had escaped...WELL YOUR WRONG! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Yours in christ Simple Minded |
Bronze Member Username: John4949Post Number: 40 Registered: Jun-04 | Walter: "But now dtv has a minimum one year contract. But the way around that is call and tell them to put your card own vacation and see if it works, if it does leave it own vacation and ride it out until their is a fix." I dont understand. Card vacation? |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 128 Registered: May-04 | My buddy at work calls and puts his card on vacation. what that means is he still has a contract but he doesn't have to pay anything. Its like his bill freezes until he wants to have it reactivated and when it is reactivated the same card still works. See that is what he did when the cards would go down for a while. He would reactivate his legal card and when I got a fix again that would last he would put his back own vacation and I would program his hu card for him. His legal card is a p4. Hope this clears things up a little better. |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 97 Registered: Jun-04 | Tony -- I just answered your e-mail telling you how to get here, logged on, and there you were. (Dang, he found us!) Well, welcome home, son(uvab...). Ken |
New member Username: Ceasar009Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | When i try to open file from dsscentral i get a mscomm32.ocx error whts that |
Anonymous | There's a little buzz on another site about a possibly hacked P4 or P5 card. Somethin' about a movie showing it legitimally hacked...This site is informative and I just wanna say I 'preciate the info...Fight the good fight. Walter, Kenneth, Taz, stay on it, i think there's light at the end of the tunnel, just hope its not a train.. ![]() I just can't imagine dave has made any substantial money off this change-over yet.. doesn't make good business sense, ya know? With dsl coming down the power and phone lines, maybe this is a last ditch effort to pull in a few quick bucks, but dave's number is about up. Dave shoulda looked at the commercial side of things rather than taking it personal. Duma$$... |
Just An Observer Unregistered guest | It looks like as i posted, the buzz is turning into a dead-end.. |
Silver Member Username: HackmanSpartaburg, S.C. United States Post Number: 129 Registered: May-04 | Well if you all miss me I am going to the tractor pull. We alway have one here right after the 4th. We call it the peach festival. Well goodnight all I am going to party. |
Anonymous | Parttaeeyy Hardy Walter we will watch the shop! |
Bronze Member Username: Jmill1948Chester, Va Usa Post Number: 22 Registered: Apr-04 | wish i could have a good time |
Bronze Member Username: TazspinPost Number: 57 Registered: May-04 | screw watching the shop I think I am going to go party be back in the morning. |
New member Username: Ceasar009Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | When i try to open file from dsscentral i get a mscomm32.ocx error whts that |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 98 Registered: Jun-04 | ceasar Montibond -- that means your system can't handle a "ocx" extension, which is probably a good thing, because my guess is that you're attempting to download 3moffshore's bogus program. I won't touch it because it's even been rumored to have a virus (although I doubt it). It's bogus. Forget it. Ken |
Bronze Member Username: Simple_mindedPost Number: 26 Registered: Jun-04 | It's saturday the 10th and still no hack... and now my Silver bullit s dropping channels and there seems to be no patch comming anytime soon....Ken you slacker I need a fix Simple Minded |
Bronze Member Username: ElgringoviegoPost Number: 99 Registered: Jun-04 | Anonymous -- DTV has lost all the way around. They've lost thousands of clients to Dish, maybe tens-of-thousands. They've lost a like amount of clients who just dropped out (hence all the P4/P5 ex-subbed cards on e-bay). And in the end they're still gonna get hacked, in spite of all the millions they've spent not to. ALL tv should be free and commercialized, just like radio and the network stations. |
New member Username: EagleyePost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | Actually what I was asking yesterday was if a person has a programmer that is encased in blue (not that the color makes a difference)and has six switches on the back for different things, what kind of programmer is this? Is it a 911 or and iso, and what is the difference? Thanks in advance! |
Bronze Member Username: TvlonelyPost Number: 76 Registered: Jun-04 | Tom Bosley - that sounds like what I have; a modified T911. It can be flashed to an ISO. A picture and info is at: |
Bronze Member Username: TvlonelyPost Number: 77 Registered: Jun-04 | Tom - As to the difference; all I know is that I used a T911 to program my HU (p3) card and I may need an ISO for a the new p4 and p5 cards but I guess I'll just wait and see. |
Bronze Member Username: Simple_mindedPost Number: 27 Registered: Jun-04 | Thats exactly the same programer I have and would love to find a flash for it also. Simple Minded |
Bronze Member Username: TvlonelyPost Number: 78 Registered: Jun-04 | Simple there is a flash at dsscentral utility files: echoloader. |
miami number one'/WE THE PEOPLE/what time it is Unregistered guest | day by day go s by and still there is no fix, d/1 . no one at this time really has anything that is worth something$$$$ were in troble with this card guys , dont keep fooling yourselfs! there s no one on earth that wants this fix more than i would like to see! NFL MLB NBA NCAA! WE ARE IN A BAD DSS PART OF HISTORY? AT THIS MOMENT. SORRY GUYS! |
New member Username: EagleyePost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-04 | Yep, that's the one, thanks leslie, I appreciate that a lot. Great little loader it is huh, thanx again! |
Bronze Member Username: WantedmanPost Number: 32 Registered: May-04 | i got a flash for the t911 to change it to a iso loader but i got it on a disk, if you wanna try it email me and i'll send it your way ,,, brewing beer don't sound bad but how bout a recipie for canaian mist. yea thats what i am talking |