I received my new Samsung HLP5063W late last week and was immediately impressed with the quality of the TV. No green color issues, no AV sync problems, etc.
But within about 48 hours, something mysterious started happening that I've not seen documented yet anywhere. When using either my new Samsung 841 DVD player or through analog cable (I'm on Chicago on RCN), the screen suddenly shifts into a curious horizontal (NOT vertical) stripe pattern. Check out the attached image - the TV was set to 4:3 mode because I was watching regular cable. This glitch can happen for as few as 20 seconds or last as long as several minutes. If I pull up the Samsung menu, even that is "smeared" across the screen. Turning off the set doesn't seem to make a difference here. Anyone have any insights? I've toyed around with the internal video/connection settings and can't seem to find anything.
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I saw this on a Samsung at the local Best Buy a few months ago and thought it was just a problem with their feed. You definitely need to warranty it.
hello i work at best buy... i have the 50in dlp from samsung. it is by far the nicest tv we sell... i got one 2 weeks ago, the lamp/bulb died soon afterward. i then returned it and got a new one. the first day i got it today, there are two softball shaped gray circles that overlap eachother. needless to say... back to the store it goes and i like the tv so damn much i am going to try my chances with a 3rd.
I've had this samsung for a few weeks with no problems. I'm on a directv tivo box connected with an svideo cable. I am saving up to buy the hughes hd tivo box. I have had no problems like what you are seeing. I would check your cables and the settings on your cable/sat box.
I have the same problem. I called Samsung and they told me it is a problem with the mirrors not alligning properly. They told me that I can have someone come in and fix or I could take it back and get new tv. Back to Circuit City I go.