David Hunter: The old days of a new file for N2 every 1 -3 months are gone under N3. However, there are a few receiver which with an addition of a $100 item into the serial input, you can get connected to the Internet at home and KEEP CONNECTED. It is called IKS or Internet Key Service (Private and Public).
For these few recievers, about 6-8 of them, you will get signals sent by God, (God forgets often) and you TV will be active. That is called Public Server. God does not discriminate.
Then there are smaller Gods. They actually charge you a few dollars a month. The charge is between $3 a month to about $25 a month. These are called Private servers. Of these, the popular low cost Private server is called NFPS (NFusion Private Server) - $35 for one year. It services receivers such as NFusion, CNX nano, Lime sat, Viewsat Ultra, Captive Works. Some require the $100 addition and some do not. They all require a good broadband connection ON all the time.
Dr_ruthless: Can you say, "I am focked, I am focked, I am focked, three times" slowly for us all to hear you properly. Then we will able to decide if you are demented or simply paranoid.
Posted by Chaff on Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 12:11 pm: "A Pakistani city will soon have eunuchs as officials who would collect outstanding water supply dues.Up to 10 eunuchs will be recruited as recovery officers in Sialkot city in Punjab province."
Chaff has been chosen as the first recruit with the position of Team leader because of his/her past experience with the GayEunuch community. Greg Raf may not be included in the team because of his/her frequent bannings.
Click on sada's name in any of his post and then when you send him a message make sure you give him your email address or have it available to him via Ecoustics.
YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.\ YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post. YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.YOU should send a Private message to sada, by clicking on his name just above your post.