Lamp Life


Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2112
Registered: Oct-07
My SXRD color seems to have shifted. I am well into the 2nd lamp an have had none of the problems others have had with this or other Sony RPTVs.
My question?
Does the color temp of the lamp change as it ages? Things seem much warmer....I had to go to the 'cool' preset and adjust the hue/tint for a correct image. I've cal'd the DVD input and that looks OK, but didn't take MUCH change at all.

Am I worried for nothing or is this bad-boy going South? Many of the new LCD sets are soft looking to me and I can't afford to go Plasma.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15985
Registered: Jan-08
Hi Leo!

Yes the age of the lamp could modified the color temp, especially if the lamp have many hours over than previous.

I'm very happy with my LCD Sharp TV, as much brighter than a Plasma!

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2116
Registered: Oct-07
I took a good look at it today. The yellow/warmish tone is not even.
I suspect the light engine is going south for the summer.

I dont worry about absolute brightness of a display, but rather how it looks after calibration. Even using the simple system with color pluges and some gels, you can get a very good display.
I use the DVE disk which has doubtless been updated. If I did it again, I'd get BR and the disk sold by OPPO as the reference standard.

link{, u-ray-benchmark/}

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15987
Registered: Jan-08

Interesting this benchmark disc but can we trust our BlueRay player, the output level then the color?

There is too much difference between the player brand for trusting the rending of the disc but many pattern can be used to see the performance of the combo TV DVD.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2117
Registered: Oct-07
That is one of the difficulties with home setup.
I can make the DVD look perfect....and HAVE using my DVE disk.
However, my Sony has a setup for EACH input. So, I can either copy the settings over or adjust by eye or even go online and find someone else's setup scheme.
The solution is an $$$$$ visit by the ISF guy with all the equipment and access to all the service menus of the set in question.

When I did the DVE setup for my now ancient 36" roundfront Panasonic direct view, their was only a single color memory applied to all inputs. That set ended up looking very good.

I'm sure the disk was rendered using lab grade equipment. All the levels will be to ISF or whatever the governing body is for this stuff.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15989
Registered: Jan-08
With over 35 years of tv repair and settings then 5 years in printing office as operator of 4 colors press, I don,t have too much problem with the setting, the most difficult is to ajust the white balance on a old CRT TV when the 3 colors are not on the same level, the challenge is to have a good white on low and high level brigtness. The convergence was a hard work also.

I assume that if you use the disc on one input, you will be close to the good setting then a minor re-adjusting will work for each other inputs.

On my Sharp, I have also the settings for each of 9 inputs + the tuner, as well that a game mode to minimize the delay between the source then the rendering, usefull on "Call of duty"(XBox) where you have to kill before been killed.

I like the Sharp for the 9 inputs, I used a selector box on my old Rear projection with only 3 inputs.

For the disc, good find, keep your good work!
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