I am finally in the market for an HDTV Widescreen. I have digital cable now, but Comcast should have HDTV cable before the end of the year. I have narrowed my choices to the Hitachi Ultravision 65S500, Toshiba Cinema Series 65HX83, Mitsubishi WS-65613 and the Sony KDF-60XBR950. The first three are CRT RPTV's and the SONY is an LCD RPTV. The SONY and the Mits are considerably more expensive than the others. Any thoughts on which way to go? I have read on a number of the forums that the CRT RPTV's have trouble with cable. Toshiba has a feature called CableClear DNR they say helps that. Any experience?
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Go with the Hitachi, your picture with cable will be the same with any tv, regular cable is decent at best on my hitachi 57" swx20b, but the HD channels are fantastic....