C/P from Superstar every time i try to give a time line it blows up in my face, so bad that now I cannot even say soon without being ridiculed. So I will say that the team has not abandoned the cause and things are working the way we want them to. When it comes online you will not be warned, you'll turn on your tv and bam there it is. Soon _______end c/p
It never ceases to amaze me how This Superstar update crap normally as of now goes no where... Its like, ok here is the lollipop... Oh but guess what.... Ha ha You can't have it... Sheesh... I feel for the people that own nfusion I am one of them and I haven't hooked it back up in a year since this silly stuff began... Just sad that they give these updates and usually nothing comes of it or whatnot...
Its a shame that so good piece of equipment go to waste and more fu%# that nfusion was the pionner on the IKS !!!!!!
I will agree with you its just more of the same I am sorry for posting the update just wanted to keep all of you up 2 date
Dont be sorry, I apreciate any news, I have several nfusions but also have several other receivers that are up and running on iks. It doesnt matter what anyone says, some people try to be funny and post their negative comments, thats their right. I know that nfusion will be back soon, but could care less. If you are in this so called hobby, you need to be prepared for the worst. At this time the sonicview is on top with private server, face it folks every receiver will soon have to go private server. Where else can any income come from. All receiver sales are down right now also you can find about any receiver you want on ebay for a reduced price. All nfusion lovers just need to hang in there!!!!
How bout some facts?
Scheibe and the NF crew took the money and ran, prolly doing it again somewhere else -
The real SS is in jail, obviously this came from a NF dealer trying to dump stock
The dealers are victims, first they got stuck with the Novas when support ceased, then the got stuck with Solaris, Phoenix, HD boxes, etc. Some of these guys got burned for thousands and thousands of dollars.
So now they want to unload what ever they can. Essentially this is a case of victims creating more victims. Very very sad. Very reminiscent of bankruptcy cases where the victims fight
According to report from the law court documents: 1. A guy in Toronto was charged with being Superstar of Nfusion. 2. He was ordered to surrender the hard drive with information which he did not at considerable personal risk. 3. for this (as in No 20 he was charged with Contempt of Court and both he and his wife were given sentences of three months each to be servered one after the other. The original charges have yet to be dealt tiwh by the courts.
Nothing in the above record indicates to me that there is any trith in the sabove statment "This Superstar update crap normally as of now goes no where... Its like, ok here is the lollipop". It obviously is something some idiot like virus keeps going to upset people, because the one charged with being "Super Star" is in jail.