greg the big joke is you . you have nothing to do in your fuckking life. we pay almost nothing and i watch tv including ppv . do something with yourself . we dont live here we just use it as hubby . you have never tried it so shut the fuckkkkk up. i used to be clown like you . but it's waste of time ok get lost
Hi, The system is up now but it is not fully restored. Within the next couple of weeks, if we loose some channels don't panic, its temporary. If necessary, we will only pull out the less viewed channels.
Unfortunately,this situation does not allow us to transmit ppv daily movies, as we usually offer our clients. Please excuse this inconvenience, but until we receive a specific device, that should be delivered within 2 to 3 weeks, waiting is the only solution at this time. We appreciate your support and most of all you're understanding,
Hey cccccccccccccccc you fuckkhead look at the post above NSPF a fuckking joke.Oh learn how to spell hobby a$$hole.By the way I pay nothing for my tv and you pay $42.00 for down time fuckkhead!