Can you watch Comcast HD channels without HDTV?


New member
Username: Jimoo

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-10
I've been offered a comcast HD package to switch from DirecTV with the lowest basic channels plus HD channels. It seemed as though all the channels my kids would watch (disney etc) are in the HD channel listing. At the moment I have no HDTV's. While I can purchase one, I am not able to splurge for 2.

Will my standard tv be able to tune into the HD channels and watch them or am I flat out required to have 2 TV's?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Silver Member
Username: Ieee488

Post Number: 474
Registered: Dec-07
No, your standard TV will not be able to tune into the HD channels.
HD channels mean digital. Your standard TV is analog.

Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 4296
Registered: Jul-04
HD cable/satellite boxes usually have an adjustable output resolution including 480i (SD).

You should make sure of that before ordering though.
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