- sonicview hd 8000 v2 with 8pks module and newlink - public server (not private) - 2 dn 500 dish (20"?) (birds 61.5, 119 & 110) - philadephia area - uploaded hd05 and newlink files
The questions are; 1. I get channels on 119 bird (without ppv). Can I get ppv movies? how? 2. I can scan all channels (international hindi, etc) on 61.5 however, I can get audio/video for some (eg. dubai, arbic channels etc.) Don't get any hindi/indian channels audio/video? why? 3. Even though I have 8psk module, the video I see on 119 show's as MPEG 480i? 4. How do I get HD channels (720p or better)? new sat? new sat disc? 5. Is private server way to go? Is it stable?
PS: for 110 bird, I have take down lnb right now and not using it until I fix the above two problems.
SV 8000 HD is stated to be about half up and half down. PPV: This might mean that the PPV are down.
Hindi Channels on 61.5W. Apparently somebody was getting 61.5W on Viewsat HD. Anyway, the Hindi channels on Public server are usually on 118.7W and not on 61.5W.
Hindi channels: "2 dn 500 dish (20"?)" These are NOT capable of scanning Anik F3 at 118.7W. You need a 30-33" Dish with a special LNB or you need to order a Dish Prop Plus set up - notice the word Plus. The size of DPP and the LNB with it are capable of scanning 118.7W. However I am not sure if the Public server and DPP LNB are compatible and, in any case, it is cheaper to buy a 33" Dish and speical LNB for 118/119. Usually you would get one dish with the special LNB for 118/119 and use your existing LNB for 110W
How do I get HD channels? - Subscribe
Is private server way to go? At present, you are getting better service from Private server.
Is it stable? Nothing is stable in this world anyway not since Bush invaded Iraq. (just kidding). Both private and public servers are unstable, but some private servers are more stable than others.
Thanks nyds. - Will the following dish work? I am getting used for about $45 the following. DISH 500 PLUS w/ DP34 INTERNATIONAL DISH NETWORK 110 119 118.7 - Will this work with private server?
Also I don't understand your answer on HD channels. Are you saying with public or private server you don't get HD channels?
DISH 500 PLUS w/ DP34 will work to catch the signals from 119, 118.7 and 110. I have seen reports of some problems with public server and at one place a seasoned helper recommended the generic LNB instead of DPP LNB. I know for certain that as far as public server goes, the combination of 33" dish and generic special 118/119 special LNB always works subject to the status of IKS at the private server. For private server, I have not seen any post suggesting differnece in behaviour of 118/119 reception between DPP and generic.
Thanks nyds, I got DN super dish with dp34 however, I am not getting signal more than 55 and 0 quality not sure what is wrong! Will check in a wk. am travelling. Thx for ur help.
nadys, i am confused myself now I saw that it is not the same but can be used for the same purpose?
super dish came with repoint kit installed to pickup 119, 118.7 and 110. I checked out dishpointer website and I think i did not place the dish direction correctly to get the max signal? what I am not uderstanding is why the Q remains 0? I tried direct connection to receiver, with dp34, with disque switch without any success!
Do u think I can pick up 119, 118.7, 110 with super dish and repoint kit on my sonicview hd receiver?
goda: There was International programming via other sats and from 119W. In 2008 they changed this and put International channels on Anik F3 @ 118.7W. 129W was given over to a new thing called HD programming. The general and most popular sat equipment before the change was a 20" dish with 119/110 and a super with a third LNB. The confusing words were Dish Pro (one LNB for two sats) and Super Dish (two LNBs for three sats).
With the international programming on 118.7W, there was need for changes to these well established Dish setups. This came with the introduction of a "re-pointing kit" worth about $110 or so and I gave you the URL for these. The new installations became Dish Pro Plus - the key word to note there is Plus abbreviated sometime to + sign.
So look at the two absolute requirements for Anik F3 @ 118.7, irrespective of the names given. A minimum 30-33" Dish required. The Dish Pro Plus dish gets away with a 26" Dish, but in the generic open market, we have been recommending 30" or 33" dish as a minimum. The second is a circular LNB with a lower LNB Frequency. The previous LNBs had a Frequncy of 11250. The new one had to have 10750 or lower frequency. This is acheived in the new LNBs available. In the process the official Dish LNBs had to create a separation in the most popular LNB 110/119, (a painful divorce for a lot of people!). A new LNB with the specific targeting of 118.7 and 119 was created with a LNB frequency of 9750 to 10750. That is what is there in the Dish Pro Plus setup. The 110W LNB is living separately in the neighbourhood with the old frequency of 11250 looking enviously at the marriage of 118/119 residing in the same area of the sky! For the HD buffs who had to have 129W, they also created something called 1000 +, which is the same as 500+ with additional 129W.
In the generic market, you can buy a 33" dish with an additional arm for about $50-80, a 118/119 combo LNB for about $20, use your old circular LNB for 110 or buy a new one for about $16, and if you want to have HD, you have to have a separate LNB for 129W. If you go the official Dish Pro Plus route, you need a DP34 or better still a DP44 to bring the signals into the house to up to 4 receivers. If you go for the generic setup, you need one or two DisEqC switches to bring the signals into the house to one or two receivers. Some installers have got two neightbours share a generic set up (as stated in the last line) and with one roof setup of 33" Dish. They install a connection to both houses using two DisEqC switches, and also change the original 20" dish to point to 82/91 of Bell (using the old LNB originally meant for the Dish pair 110/119) to get a total of five sats into the house. This is possible because although one DisEqC switch can have 4 lines coming in from 4 LNBs, the 118 and 119 signals come in on the same line. You want HD which can come from 129W. The 129W HD channels is mainly Englsih Programming. You may find a little Spanish programming there. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the 61.5 HD signals for Internationals are NOT activated by the IKS services, but they probably are for the IKS service to Viewsat HD Dish. The 61.5 SD signals are NOT activated by any IKS service to my knowledge.
nydas, thanks for the explanation. from what you explained above, it looks like I should be able to get 119, 118.7 and 110. I will test this once I am back home.