Hello all. I just acquired a 50" DLP from my friend for no charge. I'm trying to get it up and running. (no owners manual supplied) I took it all apart and inspected. Color wheel looks ok from a distance... and the actual bulb shows no signs of being broken/burnt but just the green light flashes when you start the tv. Do these bulbs tend to burn out yet look absolutely normal? I suppose I should have all 3 lights flashing though if it was a bulb issue. My friend said he heard it make some noise about a month before it went but i would think the wheel would look broken through the little peep hole. Any info I can gather would help much. Also noted that there is no visible light coming from the bulb when started and it seems to just reset over and over.
I took apart the color wheel assembly and the wheel is all in tact but the clear lens attached to it has a crack. could that be what is causing my tv to not start up?