please somone tell me which seeting i have to keep for sonicview. what i have to put in server port? use DNS yes or no? i need all info before i was using privet server know i want to use public server. please help me
Ok , you have to have 2.2 installed + last bin file, and use wiznet 3.2 for install 2.2 but tell me what receivers are you using? this file load using wiznet 3.0.2 using computer no usb you have to download and install wiznet on your pc, then unzipped and load ihub 2.2 . then load last bin file, use this for load ihub 2.2 Use Private server,, change to NO, no more changes, leave everythings as before, wiznet will find the ihub, but keep the receiver on and connected to the router when you click on search on wiznet, then you will see the board # plus your ip etc, yhen is ready to load 2.2 with wiznet, just click on Load ,then use the usb for load last file.
don, t touch nothing there, connect you receiver to the router like private server, and open wiznet 3.2 y click search, tellme what you read there? just leave there on DN or static is the same , wiznet does it all
Perycles 2005 110/119 you need el new link or ihub, channels ,they change sometimes from 105 to 200 + 300. usually 455 on weekends plus some internationales on 118.7. you can go here, they have new link 24.htm there are more sites to
Local Ip has to be the same as gateway and DNS server IP when you click on search on wiznet 3.0.2 don't touch domain name will looks likes this ****If you have comunication with your receiver then click on upload and look for file ihub 2.2 and load, after that is done with wiz. then load last file with usb to the receiver.
can you do show me your ipcofig on your recive.sir befor i was using privet i want to use public server. actually i thing i have problame here.i want to show you my ip seeting setting DHCP retry time out 3 use DNS yes domain name(please tell me) server port 1920 user name?00000000000000 password0000000000000000 des key-00000000000000000000000000
Public server is easy no has user name, password nor des key look like this, if you want send me a PM with your e-mail address , Look the picture, the setup have to be on static,then change to dhcp there only change retry to 12. but you need to have ihub 2.2 on your receiver.
can you do show me your ipcofig on your recive.sir befor i was using privet i want to use public server. actually i thing i have problame here.i want to show you my ip seeting setting DHCP retry time out 3 (12) use DNS yes domain name(please tell me) only for private server user name?00000000000000 only for priv. serv. password0000000000000000 only for private serv. des key-00000000000000000000000000 only for private server this is wrong you have to said NO to private server. like the photo
you no have to do nothing more, just go to pc, install wiznet 3.0.2 open it and connect receiver to router as used for private server, then open wiznet and click search, this will tell you if you have communication with receiver, if you don't use wiznet then you are doing nothing, if you want to install new bins you have to have ihub 2.2 on your receivers
the setting you are showing is for private server, you have to said no to private server, now follow this
if you have downloaded 2.2 from the files section and unzipped it to your desktop or a suitable folder and downloaded the latest wiznet application as well and installed it to your pc which should be connected to same network (router) as your ihub.
Open wiznet and search for your ihub by clicking SEARCH (lower right) Wiznet should find your ihub and display MAC address of 00:90:BC:XX in top left search window as well as your current win version (1.9, 2.1, etc)
- While you are on the screen, write down ALL the settings!
- Highlight the MAC address (if you have more than one ihub on the network) and click UPLOAD (lower right) - A selection box will open, find the file you just saved and highlight it and click OPEN.( ihub 2.2) - a progress window will open - if successful you will get a message successfully uploaded - now CLOSE wiznet and reopen and do a search again. All the same values should now appear except in top left corner it will now say version 2.2.this mean your receiver is ready to load last sv bin using USB(for load bin on USB, unzipped file ,format usb to fat32 then plug usb to pc then look for the bin and send to usb , now plug on your reciver press menu go to usb click on it look for the file just load to usb ,click on it and press ok, wait 'till the receiver reboot for itself , now go to channel 170 or 172 wait for video, remove usb, done Now if your receiver is sv8000HD use file hd8000_iHub_v514_b207 , for sv elite for sv premier use this Premiere_iHub_v0420 If you don't have ihub 2.2 on your receiver and wiznet 3.02 doesn't connect to your receiver then you never will setup this thing to watch tv. To write down to ip on ip configuration with the remote you have to do it on Static (change from DHCP to STATIC) when you write down all information there as ip.. subnet mask etc, then change static to DHCP again press exit and save. all this is easy, doesn't matter if you 'till you see you info on private server, the important is it said NO on Private server.
Ok. right now is that way but sometimes works ok. as everytings else, for now no one(STB) is working ok. only sub ) save above post ,you will need it for next update,(ihub updates)
bev is no working. HD channels sometimes. if you are looking for international ch, you have to look for 61.5 and maybe some locals on echo 14 in your zone checks lyngsat for info on echo 15, 61.5 west( before echo 3) if you have sv8000 HD there is a tp file for sv8000hd but only for 110,118.7/119 many ch.changes Today are more ch. I believe most are internationales on sv.
Because Sonicview is JUNK period. They were the first to start Iks when N3 started and have never achieved what the others out there have done. Seriously I would look into a Cnx Nano 2 as it is one of the most stable of all Iks receivers.I say this because I have both and Sonicview has not got any better since launching it.Actually I stand corrected I believe Nfusion was the first with Iks and where are they now.
If you go to any website right now and read about public IKS, most threads will be about complains,freezing, it be nano x o wathever receiver. I see only complains about IKS, no one is happy about IKS....(maybe ppl who sell it.)....... period.
Juan, I agree all the receivers have there problems with freezing and do not think they will never conquer that problem but most people in my opinion have given up on Sonicview due to the fact during the N2 days Viewsat and Sonicview were 1&2. I do have a Viewsat but have never bought the weather forecaster because I think they are gouging the consumer for the price they want for it.You can get a Nano on ebay for the price of one of those things besides that Sonicview came out with the I-link witch has not preformed any better than the I-hub so just another cash grab for these idiots that can not get it any better than when they first launched it period!