It is not a dvr, you can set the time for a recording, but you have to set the receiver on the channel, it will NOT switch to the channel. Because there is only one input line from the Sat. you cannot watch one channel and record another.
First you need to format the Hard Drive to Fat32 - The Nuvenio HD can do it. 1)Plug the USB cable in the Rear USB Port of the Nuvenio HD and the Hard Drive 2)Plug in the Power Adapter for the Hard Drive 3)Click Menu on the remote 4)Scroll over and down to Storage 5)Select Rear USB It's probably Default to Rear. 6)Scroll down to Format and Click OK
The Nuvenio HD will not power on by itself so you need to leave it ON. The Hard Drive needs to be ON also - when set to record After the Format to Fat32 you can record to the Hard Drive 1)Find a program you want to record and press the 2)Record Button - It's the remote button with the Red Dot Center 3)To Play use the Play Button on the remote -It looks like this >ll
To Set A Wish ProgramFind a program in the Guide and press the A Button on the remote - You will see a screen with the program listed and to the far right it says VIEW. If you press OK this will change to REC and the Nuvenio HD will change to that channel and record to your Hard Drive. If you leave it on VIEW the Nuvenio HD will switch to that channel and you can watch that program.
To view recorded programs just press Play = >ll The program list screen will come up and select a program then press Play again = >ll To Skip ahead while watching a recorded program press the right double arrow button = >> then quickly press the Play Button = >ll. This takes some practice. The quicker you do it the less time skips. We really need a better Skip but option.
This is a basic guide and you can figure out the rest by trial/error