Mitsubishi WS55857 Problem


New member
Username: Tomrhyne

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-10
I just transported my TV to my daughters about 100 miles away. Powered it up and let it operate for about 30 minutes before I converged it. Worked perfectly and I was able to converge it; however, after 2 days the screen remained black with no sound when powered up. I haven't seen it but my daughter described the problem to me over the phone. I asked her to go to Menu but it didn't display either. Some time after that she said the menu showed up along with a "distorted" picture. With a colored vertical line on the left and it appeared the picture was shifted to the right. Wish I could have seen it. The next day it worked perfectly.

I am not familiar with the design but I suspect a cable or a circuit board must have become loose or I have an intermitten defective component(s).

Could someone tell me how to get access to the circuit boards in this set. I believe that the screen has to be removed but I am not sure.

Thank you in advance and any ideas on what the problem could be would be apprecaited also.

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