Hi, I was trying to set up the WF for the ultra and while installing one of the files my unit froze and not it displays some weird numbers. I dont know what to do. I turn on the back switch, it shows "----" then it shows "8.6. 8"
The "6" is backwards kind of like an upside down "g"
You will have to use the serial cable and Veiwsat laoder.software. Get any factroy file and install it. You may run into the same freeze up. here is what you do. Try installing the software, just as you turn on the main power switch, just after just before, etc., till you get the old software to load. Once you have any old factory file loaded, you can proiceed to the newer setup etc.
Got it unlocked. Now, I have been trying to set up the WF thing and I load the files but when I select on the network thing to pit IP, it says that it failed, Check device?
E. Cartman: Please post more details. The exact sequence of what you have done so far after unlocking, and also the connections. Were you successful in the past with getting the WF connected to Internet?
Ok here is what I did: Directly from dssrookie: Thanks to Kilika Directions:
1. Gather bin files appropriate to your particular model of ViewSat * Latest factory BIN file * 110322 BIN file (this supersedes previous references to 110318) * 110320 BIN file 2. Put all of these BINs onto your flashdrive 3. Plug your flashdrive into the receiver
4. Reset to default settings (Menu > System Information > Factory Default > OK) 5. Flash to latest factory BIN (Menu > System Information > Receiver Upgrade > USB > [factory BIN filename]) 6. Wait for receiver to reboot.
7. Plug the WF into the receiver via the provided serial pigtail (mine has blue ends). 8. Plug the WF into your network. 9. Plug the WF into the provided AC adapter.
10. Flash to 100322 BIN. (Menu > System Information > Receiver Upgrade > USB > [100322 BIN filename]) 11. Wait for receiver to reboot.
12. Flash to 100320 BIN - Yes, these are supposed to be in reverse order. 13. Wait for receiver to reboot.
14. Check IP settings. Set for DHCP (usually) or Static IP as appropriate for your network. (Menu > Installation > Serial Setup > Network Setup)
I followed the above instructions and I got the check device error during step 14. "loading failed check device"
I used factory file version 146.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- As for the unlocking, check my first post in this thread. It was frozen or locked or whatever and I had to connect it directly to the computer.
Your router or modem/router should have the DHCP enabled. Do this with the WF not connected. Then when you plug in WF and turn the power on it should acquire a new IP address.
To access your router, try these URLs (Don't use www or http) or or or
Once you can talk with your router, you can find out the settings etc that your WF has got. I think your problem is in the area of IP address acceptance by your WF
Tried DHCP and no good. I can plug in my laptop to the wire and I do get connection. I also tried directly from my modem and still got please check device
Your router should be set to dish out IPs - i.e. its DHCP server should be ON. From what you have said, it seems it is ON, because it is giving an IP to your computer. Your WF should be set to receive IP, i.e. not a static IP but a IP that your router dishes out. You should be able to see the DHCP client list in your router. go into your router's software using a general URL tha routers use. If you can't get into it, post your router model and I will be able to give you the default address of your router. It is OK to post here any addresses that begin with 192.168 or 10. because these are the local addresses reserved for routers. so if you can't get going post your router's name.
I was reading in rookie that there has been some problems with some of the forecastors and they expect a new bin to be released tomorrow wednesday. Will have to wait and see if this helps.