I live in an area where Comcast is the only provider. I currently have their HD digital package. Now I am being forced to rent (at $2 per month X 4 televisions) a converter box that must be attached to each television so that I won't lose my digital channels. These are channels that I'm already getting and have been for years. According to Comcast they are "converting" to something new and if I don't rent these boxes I won't be able to get simple channels that I now enjoy -- not Premium channels, just simple stuff like HGTV or Discovery. This feels a lot like blackmail to me.
I wouldn't be quite so ticked if I hadn't just purchased 4 new televisions on the recommendation of Comcast. My house was struck by lightening last summer. All our tvs were fried, I had to buy new ones. I called Comcast to ask if there was anything special that I should look for in upgrading my televisions and was told "no". Now they say that I should have bought televisions that will accept a card of some sort to avoid needing the boxes.
Beyond the nearly $50 per year this will add to my already sky high cable bill, I HATE the stupid boxes and all the connecting cables -- especially on my little counter top kitchen TV. It is a real mess.
Is there some device that I can connect to my cable at point of entry to the house so that I don't need these idiotic boxes glued to all my televisions, not to mention the extra remote controls that have to be used?
I could just spit!!! Thanks for any sympathy and help.