NYDAS can u guid me to a file fortec lifetime ultra converted to puff . i have puff night rider look for good bin to use for true fta thanx i used lzima still have the problem thanx.
The only way I know would work would be to use a software called "2700 to 2500" or "revert to 2500". This software will convert it back to original. You will get night riders then you wil use Bin 294T to remove the night riders. I don't know where you would get tha now.
I remember Juan was against it recently and he is a ver knowledgeable person in these matters.
cccc... If your box is still using original software such as Boot60 and/or 294t type bins and you want to convert your box to PUFF, you MUST fisrt load the b75_m 64k bootfile using UkRoNiCs BOX Updater.420. set to Boot and box ON completely (Straight-through cable) *Check your COM settings* hit the write button..box will reboot (B-75 B-75) continue on by loading in the jvvh_208_1.bin, same loader, but turn box OFF/On from main power, and at fisrt display of lights on the front (or first 'b') *same COM settings* hit the write button..box will again reboot (B-75 will stick on 5 for 30 seconds) then come ON. Proceed to step #2
Converting to PUFF_1.0.1 from any (B-75/Lzma/Old Puff)*with the exception listed above*
The most common factor lately, seems to be the loaders that work for some and not for others... thats a matter of trial and error on your part. The ones I have listed have been tested and work for me, so if it works for you...use it. Or READ around they're easy to find. If you keep a channel list...save it before proceeding as this following will WIPE CLEAN any and all settings you had. Open UkRoNiCs BOX Updater .420. select -Ukr_PUFF1.0.1_ConvertBOX.bin- 1mb OFF/On....on fisrt lights hit the write button...box will reboot into 'rolling PUFF'--this indicates 'waiting for PUFF bin'. Using same loader..no need to OFF/ON the box at this point (but it wont kill it if you do), select the Team-PUFF bin of choice up to the latest 261 (unless otherwise posted by us) hit the write button when ready, box will again reboot, will pause of last 'F', and turn ON. This brings up the language screen and the rest is up to you. BTW* no need to set default keys--but couldnt hurt*
To change to Aug 17 208 bin modded and compressed for 2500 box from the modded and compressed 2.05 bin:
Unzip the contents of the jvvh_208_1.zip
Use 2700 loader to upload channel data and to download the modded b-75 boot (b75_m.bin). If you used the serial loaded 2500 'bin' to get your 2500 modded to use the modded and compressed 2700 bins then you have the modded b-75 bin already.
Then use 2500 loader to load the modded and compressed BL-208 bin by setting up the loader and starting download just as you start box and see the first "b" of the "b-75" on the LED display. Let the box re-boot. Then download the channel data back to box with 2700 loader. Then check off autoroll options, CC and TP update in the menus.
Get your package selected in the Sat list, select a channel and you are set.
END of C/P
Included is Loader to convert back to 2500. Also included is a moded file of BL208(CS_208T_serial.bin) bin file for conversion with transparent background to 2700 same as jvvh's 208 file. Prop's goto jvvh for the conversion to 2700 I only moded it. The conversion back to 2500 I have tested and with the help of Stevega testing I feel comfortable to release this for those to test and report back.
Steps to Convert Back: 1.) With 2700 to 2500 Loader Converter.exe(included) load Boot60.bin(included) to box and do not touch box when done it will reboot to nightrider and this is ok. 2.) Now open Blacklist Updater v1.4.exe(included) and load X-85BL_070812_294T_api.bin(included) 3.) Let the box reboot on its own and it should show "ON" in the display window. 4.) Now hook back up tp TV and it should have defaulted you into the menu at English. Hit "OK" and then you are back to a 2500 again