Difference Torrent downloads and FTA files


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18089
Registered: Jun-06
A torrent download is a movie or a piece of software. Usually that item is copyright protected and somebody is making a illegal copy and distributing it. From the start, therefore, it is illegal.

A Fta file is a software effort by an individual who is giving it out for free. When you actually load it into your receiver and use it to watch encrypted TV, you have done something illegal. Even there if you did it for testing and you do not distribute it for profit or use it continuously, you might claim a scientific detatchment.

I believe, the Admin is deleting some of the torrents related threads, because of the vicarious liability created by the post.

Bronze Member
Username: Cinco_ocho


Post Number: 41
Registered: Feb-10
but of course

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18092
Registered: Jun-06
I did not start this thread so you could ridicule me. I have said often that I do not create files sell files or ditribute files. I do point out to people where to find files and usually I point to two or thre sites.
So now stop your irrelevant comments, and hahas and hehes.
To me you are an unwanted newbie, and hopefully you will be removed.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2517
Registered: Jan-07
only thing newbies have to learn is to search the archives here and they can see for themselves the truth

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18100
Registered: Jun-06
Sure go and search the archives.
You will find hundreds of posts wher RTAP and LK has posted files.
You will find loads of posts where LK is shwping hereself as the mod and RTAP is talking about his being a mod.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2520
Registered: Jan-07
wtf are u tallking about nalin lmao we can always find your post where ur advice has fried tons of receiver shhhh i wont tell lmfao

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18102
Registered: Jun-06
Hardly. However, I can always find RTAP's lengthy posts which don't answer a question.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2522
Registered: Jan-07
rlmfao chooper you got her back to the wall let see how the rat gets out of this one

Silver Member
Username: Guanajuatos_best

Post Number: 309
Registered: Jul-07
OMFG, you actually did your homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Useless posts!!!!!!!!!

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18104
Registered: Jun-06
Sorry mate. I have no "specific accounts" for posting files.
I point ot where they are. People like Doreen have "specific accounts" for posting files. I believe they pay a small amount but can get a free fast account if they post files.
I alway do searches and find the same files at 2-4 locations and look at them and then post the links. Anybody with minimal computer savvy can do that.
The probable with you is that YOU were too busy trying to promote your site and try to make money off the posts. Now you are hiding behind a new name.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2525
Registered: Jan-07
omfg nalin u always posted those jwh files on boxnet who r u kidding just be honest girl lol

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18106
Registered: Jun-06
I found files at 2-4 locations and posted the links. I don't make FTA files nor do I post them or have "specific account" I leave that to people like you and LK to do the paying for sites and posting files and modding, and getting your perks from manufactureres.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 2526
Registered: Jan-07
hey chooper nalin always posted the files on boxnet which i believe is hosted in the us.i would recomend people to go sites which i know the servers were over seas. hmmm who's fu$king who lmao nalin u got owned again

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18108
Registered: Jun-06
I don;t think the sites you modded were located outside of UK. I used to laugh when your bos PRFRMNJ attempted vehemently to tell people that he did no live in the US, when in fact he lives in New Jersey. You see, RTAP, I have looked at the proofiles of a lot of people here, and know quit a bit about many of them.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18111
Registered: Jun-06
Paul I disagree. Pointing to a file, is not the same as posting it yourself. The main problems some of the people have is that they took gifts of receivers etc for doing this and they "benefited" finacilly form it. That makes it difficult for them to get out of the current predicament of having done something illegal.
Also you would knwo that many of them were communicating freely with posters and sending files to them directly by email.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18113
Registered: Jun-06
Since I have not had a box account, the truth out there would be that I haven't got a box account.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22152
Registered: Jun-06
Look I'm not saying FTA is horribly wrong at all. It's a signal that's being broad casted into your backyard so if you can find a way to receive it better for you. All they can do is keep changing things up for those "non" payers lol. I'm with ya. Have at it.

What so many of us are sick of is seeing and reading all this garbage over who is a mole or a "mod" on this site and how members like Doreen and LK and been chastised for what each and every one of you are doing yourselves. It's become an ever increasing circus with each and every year I remain a member here. I used to come over just to see the drama and have fun in it. Now it's like driving by an accident scene. Afraid to look to avoid a horrible scene but forced to, out of god knows what emotion.

It's been said so many times that there are no files posted here yet why all the drama then?



Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16049
Registered: Jan-06
Hey Paul...welcome to "the other side"...lol

U're right.... ain't no files posted here, so no biggie...only thing here is discussions (freedom of speech) and links to other sites...nothing illegal, unless DN or Bev wanted to make a "conspiracy" case...good luck with that, based ONLY on discussions....and NN and everybody in here is all the same, here fer free tv via illegal means ..so NN or nobody is "cleaner" or "dirtier" than another..

hey NN (Numb Nuts -nalin nydas) ....so what if somebody mods at a site, nothing illegal about that either...unless yer actually uploading illegal software..NN, yer as guilty of conspiracy as the next person....so ppl in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones..

Bronze Member
Username: James_millard

Post Number: 87
Registered: Jan-10
"......yet why all the drama then? ".....Paul Larrea

I've been giving this problem some thought
and I think I've finally come up with a solution
to end all trouble once and for all.

Just as we have an Hispanic Thread,
( they don't mess with nobody and nobody messes with them ),
we could DIVIDE the rest of the Satellite Forum
in THREE other sections.......

One Section would be assigned to Mr. LK ,
so he and his followers (all would be un-banned)
can discuss piracy issues
and have their wild & crazy partying.

Other Section would be assigned to Mr. Nalin Nyda,
so he and his followers can discuss Satellite and
FTA matters as well as related cultural subjects.

The Third Section would be assigned to Mr. Rush (Limbaugh?)
so he and other "eccentric" characters can have their
Off Topic free for all.

If this arrangement produces more posts for the Site,
What more could you ask for?!!

Shortly I'll be submitting this proposal to Mr. Admin.


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18126
Registered: Jun-06
The Voice: You have a very good idea there. It should and would bring peace if the borders are respected.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3848
Registered: Dec-06
humm... my good post is gone .. go figure <img src="https://www.ecoustics.com/bbs/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>LOL
but I think enough members read it ... NP here with that >>>> <img src="https://www.ecoustics.com/bbs/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

or I could just re-post it.....Can I PLEASE Plymouth? Please please pertty please?.. I'll be good . I'll even edit it ... leaving out this part...

BTW when I have posted any fix @ other FTA sites...some of the files I posted in the past were from your NET BOX account so go Fu^ck yourself. The ACCOUNT had your name written in it and ecoustics.com I might add.. ADVERTIZING ECOUSTICS.com IS illegally involved and giving permission to advertize pirated software on their site. YOU are advocating that they are totally ok with being involved in FTA piracy. You just implicated yourself and Ecoustics.com when you added your Nailn@ or whatever it said. Therefore you advertised and admitted that you and ecoustic.com are involved in said files. Did you even have Admin permission to implicate him like you did?

I'll leave that part out ok?

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3849
Registered: Dec-06
oh and Wow this thread made way more sence with the rest of the members who posted in here earlier.

the admin should give nalin his own thread so he can be seen talking to himself cause thats what it looks like to me now ... LMAO

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16050
Registered: Jan-06
FYI....it was MY suggestion to create the Hispanic thread for them...which Ecoustics finally allowed.

Now , I suggest a "Desi" thread be created for them to do whatever they do...NN and the desi ppl can utilize that for all the desi info and TV, along with cultural and cricket stuff..

The other threads would be used by everybody else...

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12828
Registered: Jan-08
Good one The Voice!

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete_208

Post Number: 58
Registered: Jan-10
You are little late with your Voice
someone 2 or 3 days ago suggest that
and his post was deleted

I will tell you why ecoustics would never do that
who in the hell would be left behind to help these
newbies? Please don't tell you, King Tapeman,
Nalin Nyda and Plymouth

Bronze Member
Username: Cinco_ocho


Post Number: 44
Registered: Feb-10
King is the president of PTA of USA and could not be bothered with such trivial duties, DeSoto has installed two motorized dishes by himself and has a problem with the English language.
NN learned everything he knows from Doreen and lk but is 250 lbs overweight and very very old. Her days are numbered.
There is a guy named Gregfaf who I do not know much about but he is an absolute genius when it comes to FTA, he can do it and add wonderful graphics.

Bronze Member
Username: James_millard

Post Number: 89
Registered: Jan-10
Well, the person I had in mind

for teaching and guiding the Newbies

was someone with the credentials of

Dr Oleg PhD......

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 144
Registered: Jan-10
testing ...1, 2, 3 ... Am I banned yet?

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 145
Registered: Jan-10
all is good

I have to be careful these days ya know ..

I am being watched Upload

very closely by the admins ...

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 146
Registered: Jan-10
I second the motion Dr Oleg PhD for newbie siting

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete_208

Post Number: 59
Registered: Jan-10
Good post Esvaldo Chevez
thanks for your help, you do know where
I am coming from, thanks again

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3850
Registered: Dec-06
just how many threads would we need here if it was based on culture?

I wanna thread too!.... all about....???? .... I dunno but I still wanna tread.

I promise to stay in there and not post anywhere else... that way is easy for the admins to delete all my posts and they wont have to keep stalking me.... teehee

it's kinda creepy

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete_208

Post Number: 61
Registered: Jan-10
good idea LK, but I am afraid it will not work
with a Desi thread.
Like I said who do you think is going
to be there to help these South Asia people?

What would you say about installing a Off Topic
thread in the Satellite TV forum
where we can argue,vent or posters of
some some good looking boxes


Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3851
Registered: Dec-06
Pirate_pete_208 I am still waiting for your info you wanted to share with me PM me please

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete_208

Post Number: 63
Registered: Jan-10
How do I send you this info.
I don't trust these people
If I e-mail you this info thru ecoustics
they may intercept my mail

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3853
Registered: Dec-06
no no no .....i will pm you back with my email address as soon as you PM me first. you don't have to say anyhing in it just type one word or just say HI and push send

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3854
Registered: Dec-06
ok I just PMed you .. so look in your email

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18133
Registered: Jun-06
The Voice: It will not work, because ever since LK lost her postion here, her cronies are bent upon ruining Ecoustics and are after my blood, because they think I did some devious magic to extinguish her.

Anyway, even if she had stayed, she would have been assasinated by stornger forces than me who she has had running battles with.

Bronze Member
Username: Harding

Post Number: 67
Registered: Dec-07
Doreen: Are you not getting enough customers with your street exercises?

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 20
Registered: Feb-10
it has nothing to do with ecoustics or lk. its you. you suck and are an arrogant jerk. therefore many people are just sick of you and your blatant lies, especially the one about the account you used to upload files to at box.net. people grow to dislike deceitful people who are habitual liars. i know i did......

Bronze Member
Username: Harding

Post Number: 69
Registered: Dec-07
Chopper, you are chopping your own feet.

Bronze Member
Username: Harding

Post Number: 70
Registered: Dec-07
Indian Film Industry's greatest Villain:



Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 148
Registered: Jan-10
you are so way off base Nalin ... I couldn't give a rats @SS about what you say to LK.. he can stand up for himself... and I am sure the Voice feels the same way I do when I say this...

You made Emmies out of allot of members here and not because of LK either .. Because you can't stand any of us .. don't get LK involved in this disput once again...

I speak for myself when I say YOU P!SSED ME OFF because of the way YOU TREAT ME ... nothing more ... The Voice can speek for himself but I am sure we are both on the page here. We are sticking up for ourselves fighting our own fights with you

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18135
Registered: Jun-06
Doreen: You have about 10 posts here which are totally off topic. why do you always come to my thread to ruin them? You just came into another thread with your off topic remarks.

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 21
Registered: Feb-10
i got your customer hanging chump

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 22
Registered: Feb-10
now you look as stupid as nalinda does by quoting her casual bonesmoker

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 149
Registered: Jan-10
casual... you're so not making any sense with you posts

if you are going play in the big leagues at least make better posts to "hurt" my feelings OK? other wise shut it

Bronze Member
Username: Cinco_ocho


Post Number: 45
Registered: Feb-10
message to NN:Upload

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18136
Registered: Jun-06
The first post in this thread.

A torrent download is a movie or a piece of software. Usually that item is copyright protected and somebody is making a illegal copy and distributing it. From the start, therefore, it is illegal.

A Fta file is a software effort by an individual who is giving it out for free. When you actually load it into your receiver and use it to watch encrypted TV, you have done something illegal. Even there if you did it for testing and you do not distribute it for profit or use it continuously, you might claim a scientific detatchment.

I believe, the Admin is deleting some of the torrents related threads, because of the vicarious liability created by the post.

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 150
Registered: Jan-10
you're one to talk Nalin about "come to my thread to ruin them" and I had way more posts in here b4 the admin deleted them so whats your piont ?

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 151
Registered: Jan-10
whats your point ?

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 152
Registered: Jan-10
whats your point ?

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 23
Registered: Feb-10
nalinda said: A Fta file is a software effort by an individual who is giving it out for free

and that individual was YOU when YOU uploaded files to YOUR box.net account!

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18138
Registered: Jun-06
Dont whine when the admin deltes your posts for off topic and silly remarks.

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 153
Registered: Jan-10
YOU POSTED FTA related FILES in your netbox.com account. I can download as many files I wish too... But if I don't use them I am NOT BREAKING THE LAW. If someone uses these files to alter their receiver and I am sure you tested them on your own FTA receiver b4 you uploaded them onto your NET BOX account No matter how long you used it ( you just never got caught yet)... Then and only then have you BROKEN THE LAW. Owning an FTA receiver is not against the law. Altering it is and having a privet account distributing FTA Fixes on a free or paid file hosting account with your name in it IS!!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 24
Registered: Feb-10
go girl tell her like it is! the facts maam, nothing but the cold hard facts

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete_208

Post Number: 66
Registered: Jan-10
Doreen look for me tomorrow
untill then for you


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18141
Registered: Jun-06
I am not answerable to you doreen. I don't have any account with netbox.com, so I will not even try and investigate this further.

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 154
Registered: Jan-10
like I said b4 I DON"T CARE ANY MORE IF THEY GET DELETED ... you're the one that cares about your stupid post counts and brag to everyone that because your numbers are higher than others... you are "the" best "helper" here ( #1 helper)...

SO again and engrave this in your mind ... I DON"T CARE!!!! my ego isn't as big as yours

Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 593
Registered: May-05
well it looks like someone has the POOF Power , because a post I posted earlier today in this thread is no where to be found Hmmm?
LK glad to see your still around Bro,

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 156
Registered: Jan-10
should say ... I don't have any account with netbox.com ANYMORE

Oh thats right Nalin run away from the truth... AGAIN

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 25
Registered: Feb-10
oh nalinda you helped a lot of people with your old, deleted box.net account. you helped them fry their receivers using your mindless instructions and corrupted files. you're a great helper alright

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18143
Registered: Jun-06
I am not answerable to you, Doreen. I don't have any account with netbox.com, so I will not even try and investigate this further.

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 157
Registered: Jan-10
yes admins work hours are early morning and come back around 5/6 pm .. you can post anything Plymouth will allow ( within reason) but its the Admins that only keep Nalins post and deleted the others ( most of them) or you'll end up with Nalin talking to himself ... LOL


Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 158
Registered: Jan-10
do you have a studdering problem Nalin .... ya you kk keep re re peating yu your pp posts or do you have a twitchy finger ( hit the key board to many time?)

Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 159
Registered: Jan-10
I will not even try and investigate this further

whats to investigate????????????? YOU ARE GUILTY!!!!!!!

are we all senile as you? we remember what you posted and it all over the archive... LMAO


Silver Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 160
Registered: Jan-10
ok I am done now .. SORRY PLYMOUTH AND ADMINS but it had to be said AGAIN...


I may or may not be back in the AM .. I might get banned again .. if so ....have a good one .. and don't let this guy get to you... he is worth NOTHING

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18145
Registered: Jun-06
I am not answerable to you, Doreen.

I don't have any account with netbox.com,

so I will not even try and investigate this further.

Bronze Member
Username: Never_on_sunday

Post Number: 16
Registered: Feb-10
Nalin must owe Box.net. money because they are looking for him.

Manage and Share your files online securely with Box.net. Sign up now. Have a Box account?

Public Box is no longer a supported feature of Box.net. Please contact the account owner for more information.
If you are the owner of this account, we encourage you to leverage the new 'Global Folder' feature on Box.net. To use Global Folder:
Move, copy or upload files you want to share publically into one folder.
From the Share command, click "Customize this address and make global" OR From the Folder Options area on the sidebar, click "Customize Folder URL".}}

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18146
Registered: Jun-06
I am not answerable to you, Doreen.

I don't have any account with netbox.com,

so I will not even try and investigate this further.

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16052
Registered: Jan-06
Hey slo_ hand2....good to see U too bud.....been a long time... I know we both have better things to do than hang here all the time and watch the "odd" characters and E officials orchestrating chaos with their "strange" tactics...

NN...WTF are U talking about?...I never lost a position here...nor do I have any battles...maybe U are looking in the mirror at yerself...I have no battles here and never any position...BUT U NN, have battles 24/7 365 that U yerself instigate and for reasons I mentioned many times before...thats yer position here....

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 26
Registered: Feb-10
nalinda you probably don't have an account with netbox.com, but you most definitely used to upload files to public.box.net then posted the link on this site.

here's an example:


Nalin Nyda
Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6349
Registered: Jun-06

Posted on Saturday, December 22, 2007 - 02:11 pm: Edit Post
For Pansat 2500/FLU converted to 2700

In case you have difficulty getting the latest Chancy BIN, it is available here.

Everything you need for 2500/Flu to 2700 conversion in one package.
Instructions included.
The latest Chancy CS_231T_lightning included and avaialble separately.


FOR DN and BEV FIX 22nd December, 2007.


and here is the link to the post:


there are hundreds and hundreds more just like it on this site and in google's cache.

and being the loser you are you will continue to lie and deny, lie and deny..... lmao

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12831
Registered: Jan-08

If you post a link from currentbins, you will posted a link from netbox or boxnet, you don't need account to post a link!

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18152
Registered: Jun-06
That is what I have been trying to tell them for a long time. I do a search and find the appropriate links to post to files and relevant information. I must have posted links to over 400 sites by now, And that is also because Ecoustics does not allow posting of files. Just a bit further down I Posted on Saturday, December 22, 2007 - 06:37 pm:

jvvh_Leafs files out with three different BGs (backgrounds).


I have never posted a file there!

Silver Member
Username: Wakenbake

Post Number: 418
Registered: Mar-06
I must have posted links to over 400 sites by now

Of those 400 sites how many claim to be approved by nydas@ecoustics ox.net/2500+full+kit&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a}

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18156
Registered: Jun-06
I clicked on the above link and I did not see any "approved by... " messaage or any files.
In any case, anybody can put any message on their post.
I suppose at some sites I can put a message
"approved by Wakenbake@Ecoustic"!
Maybe you did that some time to try and boost the acceptability of the file.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3855
Registered: Dec-06
Plymouth.... the point really isn't about any free site that lets you upload files to share, but..... that he is denying that he has done so in the past. Plus added his name Nalin@ecustics.com within the account. It could have said Nalin@idon'tgiveashit.com.

Fact is Nalin's name was on that account as the owner and operator of that account .. I've seen and I bet hundreds of others have seen it as well.

Nalin can try to deny it but all he's accomplishing by doing so is making himself look discreditable and untrustworthy as a good and honest helper.

Members here are not that forgetful.


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18157
Registered: Jun-06
Here is a post I have often posted. I don't own any of those sites and I do not post at any of those sites. some sites are now dead. I am only reposting it here to try and make some knucle-heads understand.

"Always go to "home site of your receiver" first.

http://www.future-fta.info '" PANSATS (registration NOT required)
http://www.ftahq.com - VIEWSATS '" (registration NOT required)
http://www.totalfta*com - VIEWSATS
http://www.norwfta.com/ - C00LSATS

http://www.ftatalk.com - Ariza and Pansat Conversions and Clones
http://www.ftatalk.com - SONICVIEW
http://www.ftaforall.info - SONICVIEW

http://mike.dynip.com/phcdl/category.php?id=24 - CaptiveWorks
http://www.completefta.com - CaptiveWorks.

http://www.dssrookie.com - Pansat 2700 clones

http://www.nfusionforum.com - Nfusion

Other reliable sites:

When the new files come out, go and get them from the proper original sites.


Very good site for DISHNET info, channels, transponders and changes etc..

Silver Member
Username: Wakenbake

Post Number: 419
Registered: Mar-06
I suppose at some sites I can put a message
"approved by Wakenbake@Ecoustic"

Nows the perfect time to prove your point, you posted a long list of sites , lets see you make one of those sites approved by wakenbake @ecoustics

Silver Member
Username: Wakenbake

Post Number: 420
Registered: Mar-06
I do not post at any of those sites

OOOPPS forgot you don't post at any of them ...only AT that box.net...don't worry It should cost you only 200$ a D/L

edit: Wakenbake@420 -

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3856
Registered: Dec-06
Nalin Nyda
Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6349
Registered: Jun-06

Posted on Saturday, December 22, 2007 - 02:11 pm: Edit Post
For Pansat 2500/FLU converted to 2700

In case you have difficulty getting the latest Chancy BIN, it is available here.

Everything you need for 2500/Flu to 2700 conversion in one package.
Instructions included.
The latest Chancy CS_231T_lightning included and avaialble separately.


FOR DN and BEV FIX 22nd December, 2007.

P.S. use to be a Very good site for DISHNET info, channels, transponders and changes etc..


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18159
Registered: Jun-06
Nows the perfect time to prove MY point. YOU get an account at ANY file storage site of YOUR choice in Doreen's name and put a message "approved by Doreen@Ecoustic".

I would call it identitiy theft, and I would not do it myself, but if you want to try it, go ahead.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3857
Registered: Dec-06
LIAR!!!!!!!! i just proved you did it so...... got anything else to LIE ABOUT!!!! MR identity theft himself?

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18160
Registered: Jun-06
URL to one of the latest sites You try this.

Bronze Member
Username: Pancho_vili

Post Number: 21
Registered: Feb-10
Manage and Share your files online securely with Box.net. Sign up now. Have a Box account?

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Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 27
Registered: Feb-10
funny how you're denying it now but in all those past threads, when the page was being called nalin's box you posted to the various threads time and time again and never once did you deny it then. at that point in time you were relishing taking the credit for your work. not once did you say in a thread 'i don't know why my name is on that box, i didn't put those files there'.

and that, little missy, is because you wanted the credit for your work. thanks for helping us to prove just how big of a liar you really are. excellent character reference on nalin nyda by nalin nyda

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18163
Registered: Jun-06
For Kbox converted to use IKS.

In case you have difficulty getting the latest Kbox BIN, it is available here.

Everything you need for kbox khub conversion to IKS at one site.
Instructions included.
The latest Kbox khub files (Factory BIN included) and khub available separately.


FOR DN and BEV FIX 20th February, 2010.

P.S. Is a Very good site for KBOX info, IKS channels, transponders and changes etc..

Bronze Member
Username: Casual_the_voice

Post Number: 17
Registered: Feb-10
Look people the only way to solve this
would be to send this info to Charlie and Bev
and let Nalin explain too them.
you may also receive a reward

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 28
Registered: Feb-10
in the title of this thread it was called 'nalin's box'. nalin makes the second post in the thread and talks about a recent update he made there. no denial about it being his box


you're a deceitful, lying person nalin and it has been publically proven

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18164
Registered: Jun-06
The thread you quoted above was started by RVM. At Ecoustics, anybody can start a thread and give it a title he/she likes.

For your information I never downloaded files from that site. I got several URLS by doing search and looking at what responsible people elsewhere were advising. This particular model (jvvh conversion) was a special case item, and most of the heavyweights everywhere including your friend LK here, did not like it, so ignored it, or ridiculed me for recommending the conversion. As far as I am concerned, Pansat were kept alive by jvvh for a very lond time and his effort deserves recognition.


Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 29
Registered: Feb-10

.. the majority of us are not snitches here (although some are rooting around this site) we've proved our point which is NALIN IS A LIAR. there's nothing more to be said.the sniveling little b1tch is just going to keep denying it anyway but we all know it was her box she uploaded the files to..... her name is still on it to this day lol

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18165
Registered: Jun-06
You said: "her name is still on it to this day lol"

I have already posted above that I have not seen my name using the URL you gave to an outside site.

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 30
Registered: Feb-10
yeah yeah yeah nalin, tell us another one lmao

you've been owned

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18166
Registered: Jun-06
yeah yeah yeah Chopper, tell us another URL

you've been creating to discredit me.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3858
Registered: Dec-06
Nalin that's a different thing all together I am NOT A MEMBER of that site Nor do I posts anything in there ever . ... that is the DOWNLOAD web page of the site storage hosting site. THIS ONE ecoustics .com does not allow storing files on this site we do not and can not upload any FTA FILES on this FORUM.. but what we can do is direct people to the download links /sites to obtain the FTA FILES.. of which you have done in the past using your account. AKA http://public.box.net/2500_full_kit approved by Nyda@ecoustics .com

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3860
Registered: Dec-06 ox.net/2500+full+kit&hl=en&client=firefox-a&gl=us&strip=1

everyone just go in this link and read the whole thing .. it all the proof you'll need ..

Know one has been creating anything to discredit Nalin except Nalin hmself...

Please note this statment writen about the user of the account ....Sorry, this user has not added any files to their public Box

Bronze Member
Username: Harding

Post Number: 71
Registered: Dec-07
I prefer approved by Doreen

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 32
Registered: Feb-10
no one is trying to discredit you. you must have a complex about that. in reality we're giving credit where credit is due. you had no problem taking credit for your uploads when you posted the links or when you put your name on the page. what's changed? lol

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18169
Registered: Jun-06
Thanks for the vote of thanks, but no thanks.

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 33
Registered: Feb-10
lol @ harding

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3861
Registered: Dec-06
I for one have thanked you in the past ...after downloading files off that account ..

You started this whole mess by being in denial about the http://public.box.net/2500_full_kit approved by Nyda@ecoustics .com affare... all we did was prove it was yours.. take credit were credit is due .. FACT IS YOU HELPED MANY WITH THAT ACCOUNT>>> enough said

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18174
Registered: Jun-06
Doreen: See these interesting threads based on information from the knowledgeable Mr. Chopper.

About Cricket

Computer Expertise

Bronze Member
Username: Pancho_vili

Post Number: 23
Registered: Feb-10
Doreen send me the info and where to mail it to Bev
I live South of the Border, will be my pleasure
to help your Canadians out.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18176
Registered: Jun-06
Doreen: I am glad you found some files that you downloaded and found them helpful.
Hombre wants to report you.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3862
Registered: Dec-06
Nalin... thank you for your kind words

in the thread

Nalin NydaPlatinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18170
Registered: Jun-06
Posted on Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 11:13 am:

Doreen is the Queen of computer and software knowledge at this site, so it is not surprising that she has a vast dossier of software etc. and not only does she have these but she can direct you to where exactly you can download software. she will even download it for you, test it, and re upload it to you.

Hats off to you, Doreen

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3863
Registered: Dec-06
BTW i don't keep software files that I "test" I have all I need for what I like to use .. most of which came with computers I had made or bought in the past. like Microsoft office 2003 and other mp3 or picture editing software and windows XP Home , 98SE ,2000. and got the free windows 7 from the Microsoft site when they were giving away to test. OK maybe I altered some of them for one reason or an other , but for the most part they are all legally bought , legal trials or some given to me as gifts.

I use an old hard drive to TEST software for others. After I see that it works I then reupload the files on a free storage sever so my friends , famliy or site members can download using them at their own risk.

Bronze Member
Username: Pancho_vili

Post Number: 25
Registered: Feb-10
Doreen please
wasting time knock, knock he is not there
let me help send me the info.

Doreen send me the info and where to mail it to Bev
I live South of the Border, will be my pleasure
to help your Canadians out.

Bronze Member
Username: James_millard

Post Number: 91
Registered: Jan-10
This should be a Helpful, Friendly and Peaceful place

Unfortunately something is quite wrong....

I know that "TRAFFIC" profits from Fights and Drama

But people can decide whether to participate in it
or not.....

I prefer not to play the game,

But if you got to fight,

at least choose your fights.


Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3864
Registered: Dec-06
sorry no can do .. I try not to back stab people hombre .. you're on your own

Bronze Member
Username: Yakkydoodle

Post Number: 34
Registered: Feb-10
let's not misinterpret the point of the discussion. i was attempting to prove that little nalinda is a blatant liar and feel as though it has been accomplished 100%. nothing more, nothing less......

i have nothing further to say on the matter :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Pancho_vili

Post Number: 27
Registered: Feb-10
Well shut my mouth I thought your were serious
and was only trying to help.You people are like
the American Indians blowing smoke.

Bronze Member
Username: Rjs786

Brampton, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 27
Registered: Mar-09
Doreen, Can you kindly give me the Torrent web address for download window 7 again? I have lost it. Thanks in advance.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3956
Registered: Dec-06
i didn't save the torrent but you can try this one


if anything goes wrong I am not held responsible

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3957
Registered: Dec-06
ok I found the same windows file I had b4 but on a different torrent site

http://www.torrentbit.nl/torrent/1638193/Windows%207%20Ultimate%2032bit%20pre-ac tivated%20version%20The%20Time%20Sur/

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18413
Registered: Jun-06
I was reading at a site and discovered something more about the legality of torrents. You were more right than I was.
Apparently Canada, at a political level, has signed an accord with other countries, essentially banning "Torrents", but has not proceeded with enacting the necessary legislation against Torrents. If that is true, and it seems it is, Torrents are essentially legal except at the very end level of usage (end-user level).

My apologies to you.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3959
Registered: Dec-06
np nalin ....thanks

Silver Member
Username: Ei_toro_the_great

Post Number: 137
Registered: Feb-10
Nalin Nyda are you drinking, is that really you or just
another so call imposter?

Well they say, never too old to learn


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 18427
Registered: Jun-06
The absence of precise legislation, puts Torrents activity almost in line with manufacturing and selling tape recorders and DVD recorders!
I look at the current FM radio situation, and the proliferation of TV channels and can't help thinking that N3 is just the dying throngs, the last minute gasps by the big providers before everything goes totally beserk and free. I hope I am right.

Gold Member
Username: Doreenakadj


Post Number: 3961
Registered: Dec-06
i dunno its a wait and see game i suppose
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