I would like to purchase a FTA system but would appreciate some guidence in doing so. What type and where sould I look, I would also like to keep my purchase under $250. Thank you in advance.
i would wait to see iks is always having problems with server going down if u dont mind having a little down time go iks.but reasearch which iks stb gives the less headaches
"Which FTA system should I consider based on current trends?"
That's gotta be the most intelligent question asked in recent days.
Newbies used to ask : " Which is the NEWEST, COOLEST, FASTEST, or the one with the MOST BUTTONS....."
IKS "technology" is right now in a very dynamic stage. Things are changing so fast day by day. You can't trust ( the damn Korean mafia ) nobody anymore.
Some suckers (who didn't do their homework) are so repented and dissatisfied as they see black screens or their useless boxes piling up.
So here's what smart newbies should do:
- Research on VARIOUS forums as much as you can. (try to identify posts from testers IN THE KNOW) Be aware that what's most important in a Brand is the SUPPORT your gonna get.
- Don't expect TOO MUCH once you invest in your new box. Be glad to whatever Up Time you get and for How long your box lasts. (IKS probably has a life span of only 8-10* months left)
- Once understanding this, go out and indulge yourself with a cheap CNX or Sonysat box.