I am about to bid on item 230434030231 KBox with KHub ending tomorrow on Ebay. I believe this one is currently working as per many previous posts. Please advice?
Well it was a best & good kbox until Dec.10, 2009. than it stop working 100% and There were no info or news from Kbox, from Dec. 10 until Jan. 15, about 15th jan kbox is back only with few international channels and about 70 channels for Dish but no bev yet, with no clear info or news yet why ? as of feb 06, 2010.......... it is a good box but not all channel are currently working, i hope it helps you because i am also waiting for kbox news here in Markham, ontario, canada
I have a kbox and I'm not sure what is considered support, but their official forum has gone down hill drastically deleting or closing any thread. If you ask some legit questions, they see it as bashing even if it's as simple as will kbox come out with an HD box.........closed.
I'm not sure if there's anything else out there that's better, but the channels are working pretty good, some are missing, but overall no complains. I wouldn't get sonicview or nfusion, but maybe check out cnx or sonysat as they might have something you might like as well.
Don't buy Kbox, or any other box they are all now ridding the gravy train Wait for the real deal or if you can't wait please don't waste your money on these fly by night crooks. Pay for a short term subscription, you will be better off.