Nfusion still down!


Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12560
Registered: Jan-08
The days and times passes, no news of re-establishment in sight, the big one seem to be dead for always with many buyers who did not enjoy only one day their new toy!

The big malicious, this time struck extremely on the big one!

Who is the next?


Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12562
Registered: Jan-08
A programmer point of view on reviving Nfusion by other group!

Copy from other site:

"O.k from a programmers point of view. I programmed cams for some of the older boxes and keeping up with nag2 was not a problem. The reason I have not moved to programming
for the nfusion is because they won't release code. When code was released for SV, and dreambox back in the day staying up took a mere 24 hours to rewrite a bin.
This is linux/unix we are talking about it's a piece of cake to program. I'm sick of hearing" a couple of weeks " and that came and went. I have been programming for years.
The problem here is no one has nag3 broken yet. People claim to have but NO ONE has. Maybe no one will ever. I have done cardsharing for a long time and rewrote many cards
with a card reader/writer. I would need time to start from scratch on the nfusion and some more information to write a bin for it. I invested 400 bucks plus s/h
a year ago for my NFHD just like everyone else. The ECM is easy to figure out any experienced programmer has it in a couple of hours at the latest and that's if the hot pockets
are frozen like a rock. I think there are more serious problems. With the IKS system there is no way to protect customers or the server truley. Intercepting tcp
packets and deciphering data is easy. Your talking about a company that devotes several millions of dollars just for law suits and investigations. They nailed a friend of mine
a few years back for programming for some receivers and slapped him with a 200k fine. He did everything the best. He put the server in russia ran it through proxy's and made sure
the proxy's were in other countries. He even did his programming on a remote server based in romania. Never anything on his own computer. Which he always logged in to the wireless
at his library on a public wifi computer to do the work. All data was always encrypted with 256 bit encryption that he had a friend from germany write for us. Who specialized
in internet security for banks. The sat company hired a firm from europe to decipher tcp packets and finally they broke the 256 bit encryption tracked his ip and finally got
from romania to the library and met him at the library to arrest him. There is no security that is hacker proof. The better security you make the better hacker you make.
It is not illegal to break encryption of a signal in order to prosecute the wrong doing or attempted wrong doing. My two cents are nf got a cease and desist order from a court
in favor of dish. They have been doing this alot lately. To scare people and shut a few down. Once they get the card sharing back up which probably is already done if
they are experienced at all they need to do random ip negotiation. That will keep the server moving all around the world randomly from a list that is randomly generated on
each server moving from server to server and then you have to change server ip's every day. I'm not sure the nfusion hd has the processor power to send every packet with the
all new 512 bit encryption if it can I would highly recommend it. That would keep those guys at bay for a little while. The goal here is to stay way ahead of
the game staying totally random keeps them guessing as soon as they think they were getting your encryption you change the algorithm. Send out a new bin.
Then just keep changing encryption math for the next year or so about once a week. Remember it take a 8 processor 64 bit computer a week to break 128 bit encryption.
Security companies are using about 40 computers with 8 processors to break 256 in a month. So there is no way they can keep up with 512 with a changing encryption algorithm.
The guys who made the nag3 security are intelligent people however nothing is hacker proof. I would hope the NF guys/programmers pay attention to this post. Maybe it will help.
I'll give you till jan 2nd then i'm dumping the nfusion for my own custom box that is working now but doesn't offer hd (the reason for getting the nfhd)"

Silver Member
Username: Daneegha

Post Number: 184
Registered: Oct-06
What movie are you talking about?? Just kidding body, thanks for the info.

Silver Member
Username: Daneegha

Post Number: 185
Registered: Oct-06
What movie are you talking about?? Just kidding buddy, thanks for the info.

Silver Member
Username: Daneegha

Post Number: 186
Registered: Oct-06
What movie are you talking about?? Just kidding boy, thanks for the info.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1364
Registered: Feb-07
If man made can break it!

How old is this post lol?
"I'll give you till jan 2nd then i'm dumping the nfusion for my own custom box that is working now but doesn't offer hd "

Anyways, I think nf knows what its doing. Yes, they are taking time - but if they say its for the best, then why not? I can only hope that when they do come back, it wont be a let down. It should be freeze free and have a lot more channels available than any of the other boxes.

but what do I know?

Silver Member
Username: Daneegha

Post Number: 187
Registered: Oct-06
I'll give you till jan 2nd then i'm dumping the nfusion You mean feb 2nd?
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