Bronze Member Username: KboxPost Number: 90 Registered: Jul-09 | Nfusion gets hit with $20 Million fine // 2010-01-27 This is the reason why Nfusion did not come back with a fix, they are hit with $20 Million fine. Here is the court document for the case against Nfusion "Nfusion court docs" |
Gold Member Username: RiconissanPost Number: 2191 Registered: Feb-09 | B.S. | |
Bronze Member Username: KboxPost Number: 91 Registered: Jul-09 | go here | |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12540 Registered: Jan-08 | Hi Rico! Unfortunatly the rumor is true! But that come from Dn, is it real or a propaganda? |
Silver Member Username: TerebichanPost Number: 142 Registered: Nov-08 | Good news, can i send my Nova for rescue their bankrupcy. ;-) | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17804 Registered: Jun-06 | I have seen the two documents as posted. Case 0:09-cv-03448-JNE-SRN Document 1 Filed 12/04/09 Page 1 of 19 UNITED DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRIC OF MINNESOTA - Paintiffs Dish Network vs. Gustav Dobos and Does 1-10 '" Defendants And the Agreed to Judgment is Case 0:09-cv-03448-JNE-SRN Document 5 Filed 01/18/10 Page 1 of 7 The Judgement is $20,000,000 - this document is 281K so I can't upload it.
Bronze Member Username: DumbleyPost Number: 22 Registered: Jan-10 |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17805 Registered: Jun-06 | Note that the word "Nfusion" does not appear in any of the things I have read so far. | |
Bronze Member Username: DumbleyPost Number: 24 Registered: Jan-10 | STIPULATION of Agreed Final Judgment page # 3 Internet Key Sharing, Control Word Sharing, distribution of data or code for use in piracy, and nFusion-branded FTA receivers. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12551 Registered: Jan-08 | Nalin You hit good button! There is only new rumor not confirmed! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17808 Registered: Jun-06 | Thanks for showing me the Nfusion connection in this judgment. It still does not identify Gustav as Nfusion. He could be any guy running a private cardsharing. and Internet Key sharing. What one has to realize is that there is an "agreed to" judgment against a private citizen and not against Nfusion. He is prohibitted from using any receiver for private card sharing or for IKS. Whether or not this will have further legal trails is hard to predict. |
Bronze Member Username: DumbleyPost Number: 27 Registered: Jan-10 | After nfusion went down 12/3 lawsuits appeared against DN subscribers that used their cards for IKS... Gustav was one of them. | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17811 Registered: Jun-06 | "lawsuits appeared against DN subscribers". That does not sound like Nfusion has been sued at all. The whole point DN's actions is that they find a person violating their agreement and they go after whoever else benefitted from it. | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17812 Registered: Jun-06 | Has anybody given a thought to the utterly unrealistic scenario? An individual has been fined $20,000,000 for stealing! |
Bronze Member Username: DumbleyPost Number: 28 Registered: Jan-10 | The person enabled others to steal via IKS ------------- TDG was fined $ 200 a download- At the minimum statutory penalty of $200 per download, statutory damages amount to $51,148,200 (255,741 x $200). |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17814 Registered: Jun-06 | What were the bankers fined for stealing from millions of people? | |
Bronze Member Username: KboxPost Number: 95 Registered: Jul-09 | Nfusion Lawsuit news might not be accurate // 2010-01-29 I posted the news about Nfusion lawsuit yesterday, looking at the court docs carefully it might not be about Nfusion..... it reads "AGREED FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION Document "Filed & Entered" into the Court Docket on January 28, 2010. Refer to the attachment. D*sh Network v. Dobos Case 'Highlights': Case 0:09-cv-03448-JNE-SRN Document 8 Filed 01/28/10 Page 3 of 6 7. Defendant violated federal laws by offering to the public, providing, or otherwise engaging in the traffic of devices, components, and/or technologies that are primarily designed to circumvent and/or defeat Plaintiffs' Security System and ultimately facilitate the unauthorized reception of Plaintiffs' encrypted satellite signals and copyrighted D*SH Network Programming. Such devices, components and/or technologies include: firmware and software designed or used for piracy in connection with FTA receivers, Internet Key Sharing, Control Word Sharing, distribution of data or code for use in piracy, and nFusion-branded FTA receivers. Defendant acknowledges and admits that each of the foregoing was primarily designed, marketed and used to facilitate piracy of satellite television programming." the paragraph below says "Nfusion branded" NOT Nfusion itself. "Such devices, components and/or technologies include: firmware and software designed or used for piracy in connection with FTA receivers, Internet Key Sharing, Control Word Sharing, distribution of data or code for use in piracy, and nFusion-branded FTA receivers." I will leave the yesterday news on with this news following it up, we will find out sooner or later what the actual story is. Nfusion gets hit with $20 Million fine // 2010-01-27 This is the reason why Nfusion did not come back with a fix, they are hit with $20 Million fine. Here is the court document for the case against Nfusion "Nfusion court docs" I hope I am wrong with this news but all the evidences point to the problem Nfusion is having since December 2009. Viewsat dealer ordered to hand over customers list // 2010-01-26 It looks like Dishnetwork is going hard after Viewtech, they asked for the court order to the viewtech associate for their customer records and were granted it. Here is the info. "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ECHOSTAR SATELLITE L.L.C., ECHOSTAR TECHNOLOGIES Case No. 07-CV-01273 W ___________________ CORPORATION, and NAGRASTAR L.L.C., Plaintiffs, (WVG) v. VIEWTECH, INC., JUNG KWAK, and DOES 1-10, Defendants. _________________________________/ [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING DISH NETWORK'S MOTION TO COMPEL ROGER TRUSS' PRODUCTION FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, it is hereby ORDERED that Plaintiffs DISH Network L.L.C., EchoStar Technologies L.L.C., and NagraStar LLC's Motion to Compel Roger Truss' Production is hereby GRANTED. Within 30 days of this Order, Roger Truss is ORDERED to produce documents sufficient to identify each person that purchased or otherwise acquired a Viewsat receiver from Truss during the period of January 1, 2004 to present date, including, but not limited to, documents that identify each person's name, address, phone number and email address, as well as the purchase date, purchase price, purchase quantity, and model number for each Viewsat receiver. IT IS SO ORDERED." I am sure they will go after the other Viewtech dealers also. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12578 Registered: Jan-08 | Kbox Buy a FTA receiver is legal and load a file also, they will need to prove that users loaded it in their receiver to uncrypted the signal which is another thing! |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15928 Registered: Jan-06 | nalin wrote above.... UNITED DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRIC OF MINNESOTA - Paintiffs Dish Network vs. Gustav Dobos and Does 1-10 '" Defendants And the Agreed to Judgment is Case 0:09-cv-03448-JNE-SRN Document 5 Filed 01/18/10 Page 1 of 7 ...yep thats real authentic ( now the Courts can't spell either now on "alleged' real true court documents!.....amazing, just amazing... |
Bronze Member Username: HardingPost Number: 35 Registered: Dec-07 | LK - Plaintiff Nalin Nyda - Defendant Charges: I have been looking at all the posts of the Defendant Nyda and finally I have found one fault. I want damages of 10000 posts. Defandant: Your Honour, the keyborad was giving me problems with back key and enter key. Judge: Case dismissed. Plaintiff to pay damages of 10000 posts and he is not allowed to bring in any more charges against this defendant for 5 years. |