Bronze Member Username: Scott21Post Number: 85 Registered: Sep-07 | was it not , jan 22 that they were going to have their court case ? just wondering what the out come was . |
Silver Member Username: SumpPost Number: 925 Registered: Aug-09 | It will take some time to get into the system and be available but it is public info ... us courts and u can download them yourself start here .. |
Silver Member Username: WakenbakePost Number: 412 Registered: Mar-06 | 07a5a567.html |
Silver Member Username: HannityMAYBE I CAN ASK TO, ADM FOR BAN YOU Post Number: 237 Registered: May-09 | The latest is Mr Viewsat working on bin from the jail house. Bribing the screws with cigs. They have video on and off, problems with audio this time around. Release date probable mid Feb |
Silver Member Username: WakenbakePost Number: 414 Registered: Mar-06 | c/p MY apology to Dish, and last post.. For the most part I remained silent while the cases against me were pending. DISH got their judgment. On Friday the criminal court decided I should spend 30 days in jail followed by months of house arrest. At this point there is no reason not to tell my story. I'm not here to whine about how satellite piracy and DISH ruined my life. It is not my intent to scare people, or preach that piracy is wrong. We all read TheBroken's post and have seen plenty of that recently. I'm here to take responsibility for what I did and set the record straight. DISH approached me before I was ever sued. I reported to my probation officer in March 2008 and DISH and two of its lawyers were sitting there in a room waiting for me. DISH knew who I was and wanted my cooperation. Wanted me to become one of their rats. I agreed but DISH must have found out from one of those rats that it was a lie. DISH did not give me a second chance. At the end of the month a process server rolled up with DISH's lawsuit in hand. Everyone told me to stay quiet and that it was going to work out. Yeah right. DISH knew WAY too much. DISH had all my posts, chat logs, recordings of my phone calls, even my trash. It became painfully clear that those who I thought were my friends were actually against me, or at least out to save their own as*. DISH didn't come down and raid my house because it didn't need to. DISH had been watching all along. Linking me to 'thedssguy' 'veracity' 'tdg' and the posting of the Viewsat bins was easy. For those who think I went too far by posting the files or had a big mouth and that is what got me in trouble, think again. End user IKS suits are already underway. DISH can get to any one of you at any time. Do not believe for a minute that people on these forums will band together and protect each other, protect you, when DISH comes asking questions because they won't. Most of you will say I can only blame myself, and you would be right. It is because of my choices that I am on the hook to DISH for 51 million bucks. It was also my decision to join Jung and TheBroken in attempting to crack N3 which resulted in my felony conviction and sentence. The judgment and criminal conviction will keep me and my family from living a normal life. Money I got from Jung to post the bins and boost Viewsat sales didn't mean a thing. DISH has taken it all and will collect every dollar I ever make, that is assuming a released felon can even find work. But DISH and NagraStar were the real victims and to them I apologize because what I did was wrong. DISH allowed me to make this last post so I am certain they are reading it right now. I know it was said before, but this time I am truly retired. Veracity, aka TheDssGuy; Robert Ward |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12740 Registered: Jan-08 | Wakenbake Where is the source? |
Bronze Member Username: SpenderssPost Number: 66 Registered: Feb-10 | http://www.sat |
Silver Member Username: WakenbakePost Number: 415 Registered: Mar-06 | I do not have the source ,- rumour |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15972 Registered: Jan-06 | Veracity aka The DSS Guy..TDG...from Clearwater Florida, has been convicted many times before this for heroin charges and previous FRAUD charges....he's always been a known RAT and informant...its common knowledge and public info too.. he dropped a dime on Jung, got 30 days and a new ankle bracelet, and a lil probation added...Big Fukkn Deal!...Jung is doing 18 months in prison, thanks to the rat TDG.. BTW...TDG is NOT a coder and couldn't crack an egg!...nvm N3...he's an entepreneur and the front man, always hustling for a buck to support his drug habit, while being in the spotlight!.....he's pathetic! and yep IKS is the next target and so will be "end users" watch yer step...its like dominoes, when 1 goes down, they all fall....most end users love the free TV but couldn't spend 1 day in jail and would sing like a bird in the spring!...there will be no honor among end users, nor most at the top....most end users can't go 1 day without TV, nevermind civil suits and $5000 demand letters and threat of criminal actions, and possible jail watch yer back, things are gonna get worse before they get better.. |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17964 Registered: Jun-06 | LK: As you announce these threats, how much will DN get out of YOU ? |
New member Username: Cinco_ochoCompton Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-10 | NN please stop your bashing of members....Thank You!!![]() |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15973 Registered: Jan-06 | NN...why ya have to always post after me..and be an azzwipe?..falsely accusing me again.... and in my opinion, which I'm allowed ... NN...we all know U are a mole and for DN, and a mod here with yer buds, monitoring any FTA news... U been bashing me ever since U changed nicks and took this new character role, while giving newbies BOGUS info fer years now... also NN would put U in jail in a hearbeat and drop a dime in 2 secs to save her camel stinkin breath....lmao @ all the files she posted here using them file sharing sites...NN , hope U are next to go down...lmao and all U ppl, take notice...NN started this attack, not me!.... |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15974 Registered: Jan-06 | The owner of ViewTech, a satellite TV equipment importing company, and two other men have pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiring to hack into Dish Network Corp.'s TV signals and will be sentenced early next year. The case in U.S. District Court in San Diego involves ViewTech, one of the largest companies distributing "free-to-air" satellite TV equipment designed to let U.S. viewers watch free religious and ethnic satellite TV transmissions. "Free-to-air" equipment became a common way to pirate programming from Douglas County-based Dish Network. Dish Network (NASDAQ: SATS) is the nation's second-largest satellite TV broadcaster with 13.6 million paying customers. Jung Kwak, owner of Oceanside, Calif.-based ViewTech Inc., pleaded guilty Oct. 23 to one felony count of conspiring to violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Florida residents Phillip Allison and Robert Ward also pleaded guilty to the federal charge. The U.S. Department of Justice indicted Kwak on July 10 on allegations that he offered $250,000 to obtain a memory chip from a new Dish Network signal encryption system, and, with the help of Allison and Ward, sought to recruit hackers to crack it. The indictment suggested Kwak's involvement in helping distribute software downloaded from the Internet that enables legal "free-to-air" satellite gear to illegally pirate programming from Dish Network. Dish Network has been battling since 2006 to stop widespread pirating using free-to-air equipment and illegal software downloaded from the Internet. As many as 2 million households in the U.S. were thought to be stealing Dish Network signals before the company replaced the set-top box security card earlier this year. It was the new security card that Kwak is accused of offering a bounty to crack. Dish Network and its partner companies have filed civil lawsuits against ViewTech, South San Francisco-based FreeTech Inc., Sun Valley, Calif.-based distributor Panarex Inc., South Korean manufacturer Global Technologies Inc., and SonicView Inc. of Carlsbad, Calif. accusing them of facilitating pirated access of Dish Network programming. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15975 Registered: Jan-06 | here some sources and news..includes TDG...NFusion...etc... |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17965 Registered: Jun-06 | LK aka thill aka Largo Key aka Thomas Hill aka boston: YOU are scaring people here with this statement YOU made earlier "and yep IKS is the next target and so will be "end users" watch yer step...its like dominoes, when 1 goes down, they all fall....most end users love the free TV but couldn't spend 1 day in jail and would sing like a bird in the spring!...there will be no honor among end users, nor most at the top....most end users can't go 1 day without TV, nevermind civil suits and $5000 demand letters and threat of criminal actions, and possible jail watch yer back, things are gonna get worse before they get better.." So now YOU tell the people of this forum, that YOU have been directing them to your site and feeding them decryption for 5 years or more. If you want them to believe what you just said, they want to know how much DN is going to sue YOU for. Stop scaring people and get out of here. I too want to give MY opinion about YOU. So first tell us how much YOU are going to be sued for or tell us how much DN is paying to rat on people YOU have given decryption to. Do you seriously believe that you are going to deflect attention by trying to blame me? Unlike you, I have not had and don't have a FTA website. Unlike you, I have not had and don't mod a FTA website. Unlike you, I have not and don't decrypt signals. Unlike you, I never was nor am a memeber of satscams site which is owned by Dish. Unlike you, I have not given evidence in court against somebody using FTA . So what the hell do you mean by saying I am a Dish mole? I don't even live in your country. Let me remind YOU that YOU have known this Robert Ward or TDG etc; You have related with them; You have helped them in the past; They have helped you in the past. So, YOU stop bringing in this far fetched accusations against me, and start concentrating on how to really defend yourself when YOU get the knock on YOUR door in Largo Key.. |
Gold Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 2044 Registered: Sep-06 | Thanks for the accurate and original composition LK. The man with the little we we is just JALOUS because it dwarfs his C/P.![]() |
Bronze Member Username: HardingPost Number: 64 Registered: Dec-07 | zulu: Still angry about my revelation about your whorsome pedigree? Simple facts about your parentage have to be accepted, however unpalatable they might be. Also u can't blame me for your being unable to join the G*y group. U were required to accept the sorority rites and have your b***s taken off like Greg did. U may try hard, but LK is not going to accept u in her group unless u go through the proper initiation procigur. |
Gold Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 2045 Registered: Sep-06 | Your missing Sesamee Street AL![]() |
Bronze Member Username: HardingPost Number: 65 Registered: Dec-07 | It's going to be OK, zulu. U cant spurn normal seex and become a g*y, just because of your parent's whoresome past. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15976 Registered: Jan-06 | Viewsat guys sentenced // 2010-01-30 Jung Kwak was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his role in satellite piracy. Robert Ward and Phillip Allison were both sentenced to 30 days in jail, 6 months house arrest, and 1-3 years of probation. That is the result of backstabbing, snitching and double crossing by the fellow hackers. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15977 Registered: Jan-06 | Viewsat dealer ordered to hand over customers list // 2010-01-26 It looks like Dishnetwork is going hard after Viewtech, they asked for the court order to the viewtech associate for their customer records and were granted it. Here is the info. "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ECHOSTAR SATELLITE L.L.C., ECHOSTAR TECHNOLOGIES Case No. 07-CV-01273 W ___________________ CORPORATION, and NAGRASTAR L.L.C., Plaintiffs, (WVG) v. VIEWTECH, INC., JUNG KWAK, and DOES 1-10, Defendants. _________________________________/ [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING DISH NETWORK'S MOTION TO COMPEL ROGER TRUSS' PRODUCTION FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, it is hereby ORDERED that Plaintiffs DISH Network L.L.C., EchoStar Technologies L.L.C., and NagraStar LLC's Motion to Compel Roger Truss' Production is hereby GRANTED. Within 30 days of this Order, Roger Truss is ORDERED to produce documents sufficient to identify each person that purchased or otherwise acquired a Viewsat receiver from Truss during the period of January 1, 2004 to present date, including, but not limited to, documents that identify each person's name, address, phone number and email address, as well as the purchase date, purchase price, purchase quantity, and model number for each Viewsat receiver. IT IS SO ORDERED." I am sure they will go after the other Viewtech dealers also. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15978 Registered: Jan-06 | IKS lawsuit starts // 2009-12-14 This explains why Nfusion and few others are not saying anything. "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS PLAINTIFFS' ORIGINAL COMPLAINT Plaintiffs DISH Network L.L.C., EchoStar Technologies L.L.C., and NagraStar LLC, by and through their undersigned counsel, allege as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. Plaintiffs bring this action against Defendants Nathan Green and Does 1-10 ("Defendants") for unlawfully using DISH Network satellite receivers and access cards to obtain decryption keys or control words for unscrambling encrypted DISH Network satellite television programming, and for distributing those keys or control words over the internet in order to allow others to view DISH Network satellite television programming without authorization from or payment to Plaintiffs. 2. Defendants' actions violate the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 605, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 1201, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-21, and state law. 3. Plaintiffs bring this action to restrain these illegal activities and for other relief described in this Complaint." Detail here "1 Plaintiffs' allegations related to Defendants' wrongful conduct are based upon the investigation Plaintiffs have completed to date, upon information and belief, and with the reasonable belief that further investigation and discovery in this action will lead to additional factual support. 19. Beginning at a time unknown and continuing to the present, Defendants have engaged in illegal and improper acts for the purposes of obtaining DISH Network satellite television programming and the encrypted control words that protect access to the copyrighted satellite television programming and distributing those control words over the internet. 20. Upon information and belief, Defendants or others working in conjunction with Defendants operate an IKS server. 21. This IKS server has multiple DISH Network satellite receivers and/or access cards attached to it that are used to decrypt DISH Network satellite television programming and obtain the control words for decrypting that programming. The server gathers these now-unencrypted control words and sends them over the internet to end-users who use the control words to decrypt DISH Network satellite television programming without paying a subscription fee. 22. There are numerous black and gray market satellite receivers imported from Korea that are designed and programmed to use these stolen and decrypted control words to intercept and decrypt DISH Network satellite television programming by interacting with an IKS server. 23. On or about April 2, 2009, Defendant Nathan Green created a residential account for DISH Network satellite television service, using a purported residential service address at 8208 S Charles St., Savanna, Illinois 61074. Defendant Nathan Green activated four DISH Network satellite receivers and access cards associated with this account. Plaintiffs' investigation confirmed that at least three of the satellite receivers and access cards activated by Defendant Nathan Green are being used to supply Plaintiffs' control words to others in violation of federal and state law and the customer agreement. 24. Upon information and belief, Defendant Nathan Green created this residential account for the purpose of obtaining DISH Network television programming and control words and distributing those control words over an IKS server operated by Defendants and/or those acting in conjunction with Defendants. 25. At the time Defendant Nathan Green created this residential account, Defendant misrepresented to DISH Network that the intended purpose and use of DISH Network programming was private viewing. That is, Defendant Nathan Green contracted for residential television service when in truth and fact Defendant knew and intended to use DISH Network programming and access cards to supply the control words for television content to others over the internet and without Plaintiffs' authorization or consent and in violation of federal and state law, including DISH Network's rights under the customer agreement. 26. At the time Defendant Nathan Green created the residential account, Defendant misrepresented to DISH Network the intended location where DISH Network programming would be viewed. That is, Defendant Nathan Green supplied a purported residential service address when in truth and fact Defendant knew and intended that DISH Network programming would be viewed at multiple other locations that obtained the control words from the IKS server. 27. Defendants' wrongful conduct has caused and continues to cause significant and irreparable harm to Plaintiffs by depriving Plaintiffs of subscriber and pay-per-view revenues and other valuable consideration, compromising Plaintiffs' security and accounting systems, and interfering with Plaintiffs' prospective business relations. 28. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations in all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 29. By distributing, retransmitting and re-broadcasting Plaintiffs' control words over the internet to others for their use in receiving and decrypting Plaintiffs' encrypted satellite signals, Defendants have received and assisted others in receiving Plaintiffs' encrypted satellite transmissions of television programming and control words without authorization by Plaintiffs, in violation of 47 U.S.C. 605(a). 30. Defendants' violations have injured Plaintiffs, including, by way of example, depriving Plaintiffs of subscription revenues and other valuable consideration, compromising Plaintiffs' security and accounting systems, and interfering with Plaintiffs' prospective business relations. 31. Defendants have violated 47 U.S.C. 605(a) willfully and for purposes of direct or indirect commercial advantage or private financial gain. 32. Defendants knew or should have known that receiving or assisting other persons in receiving Plaintiffs' encrypted satellite transmissions of television programming and control words without authorization by or proper payment to Plaintiffs was and is illegal and prohibited. Such violations have caused and will continue to cause Plaintiffs irreparable harm, and Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law to redress any such continued violations. Unless restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to violate" It goes on and on for 16 pages. More dish dockets can be seen here*m/yetcj9u |
Bronze Member Username: Black_listPost Number: 36 Registered: Sep-06 | it true fact Nalin Nyda on charlie payroll. come from one who know for sure. Do No t Trust you are warned |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15980 Registered: Jan-06 | Warning by thebroken // 2009-12-29 "Originally Posted by thebroken I can assure you, I have not been asked to write this plea to you, it was not written for me, and if you read any of my prior posts, I have a very good grasp on the english language. I have no other reason to write the post, but as a warning, because a shi#storm is coming, and I dont want to see any more people get sucked into the vacuum, that is Dish Network's legal team, and their pull on the law enforcement officials at their disposal... All Hell has broken loose, people are going to jail, and getting drug through the court system like sheep to the slaughter, and you guys sit around like nothing is wrong, waiting for your FIX. It amazes me that so many people can be so damn blind, as to the ramifications of the current string of legal actions, and to put it in the simplest terms possible, we aint in Kansas no more, Dorothy. If they feel that going after end users will put an end to the battle against free-tv'ers, that will be their next move. Television as a whole is in its death throws, and Dish and pals intend to get every last dime possible while the getting is good, and if that means dragging granny and cousin Jeb into court over an IKS dongle... thats what they will do. They have already shown that they intend to go after the end users by their (failed) demands to Coolsat, and others, now, we have IKS servers going down, with IP logs, and soon, people are going to start getting letters in the mail demanding an explanation as to why there was 1 request on average, every 15 seconds from that IP address that the ISP leased to you for the 3600 minutes (or more in some cased) on X date, at X time, to a known piracy device that was confiscated (logs and all) in some podunk town in crimeville USA. It was a warning.... Intended to enlighten, not to scare... Take it or leave it, I dont care... I get the same sentence no matter what." |
Bronze Member Username: SpenderssPost Number: 68 Registered: Feb-10 | I don't mind you Casual your just trying to find your spot in the forum. Although this is about your third attempt. I know who you are and i still have the pics of you that Warthog used to post all the time. So be careful who you mess with and you wont get run off again like the little school girl you feel like.![]() |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15981 Registered: Jan-06 | Back stabbings and dealings behind the scene // 2009-11-17 I received information from few different credible sources so this is not any assumption or finger pointing. Here is the recording of the conversation that was provided at the Viewsat court case. This is a single meeting recording. Here is a link to all 25 tapes as one MP3 file, there is like 5 seconds of silence between each tape. Now to give you guys a background of who these guys are (honestly I did not have any clue who they were till the original source told me and then it was confirmed by 2 other sources). Trinity is the one that broke the map57 in 2006 and sold it to jung kwak(viewsat) for 250k (she invented the syndrome board, and was busted with moddish and dishmonkey in 2006). Trinity says she received over 2 million dollars from jung kwak over the past couple of years, then when he stopped paying her 40k per month salary in may 2009 she called jj gee (dishnet investigator) the next day and set up a meeting to tell all about jung (viewsat guys). JJ goes to meet her with what he claims is his partner.. 30 mins in his partner says "im not really a dish investigator, im special agent xxxx something with the FBI" You can imagine trinity (stefani xxxxx) shixxing herself right there and then. Trintiy is Canadian and was 2 weeks away from being arrested with kwak, Ward (thedssguy) and allison according to the fbi agent. The thing is because trinty is canadian she would have gone to jail without bail and made to server her full sentence. Fred Raud has been around for a long time he was close to Ron xxxx and Chris xxxxxx as well as a regular on card coders. He knows his stuff with smart card programming he was also an admin on satscams for a short time. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12748 Registered: Jan-08 | Lk Everybody know that satscams is owned by Nagrastar! If you look on many site you will see that many of your posts was false rumor! Why you posts this sh1t if you does not work for Dn? |
New member Username: Pancho_viliPost Number: 6 Registered: Feb-10 | gregraf are you talking about the same person that King the ape man was referring too as Jimmy? I would say he must be, because he will show up when LK post here. |
New member Username: Cinco_ochoCompton Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-10 | I kinda like Cas u AL ...he reminds me of Harry Smith but a little more retarded.![]() |
New member Username: Pancho_viliPost Number: 7 Registered: Feb-10 | Plymouth as you were saying to LK...If you look on many site you will see that many of your posts was false rumor! Every time you most a lie your English breaks down, the word is were not was Now could you post not many sites, just one or two where you say that LK has posted false rumors. |
Bronze Member Username: SpenderssPost Number: 69 Registered: Feb-10 | Actually no Hombre i was talking about the P@rn star |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12749 Registered: Jan-08 | Hombre It seem that you understand me with my bad english! "Every time you most a lie your English breaks down, the word is were not was" Every time you post a lie your English breaks down, the word is were not was We can see that you are as bad as me in english! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: James_millardPost Number: 58 Registered: Jan-10 | Folks in the know, knew that the SH!T WOULD HIT THE FAN. SOONER THAN LATER. Apparently now its SOONER time..... Everybody get your fanny against the wall..... |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17970 Registered: Jun-06 | Plymouth: LK has actually given evidence in a real court case - a FTA case about 4-5 years ago. And he was giving evidence for the prosecution. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15985 Registered: Jan-06 | PLymouth...U allow NN to spread false allegations intentionally to start trouble?.....see who your real problem is?..its NN, not me.. |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17983 Registered: Jun-06 | LK: did you not say this? "NN...we all know U are a mole and for DN, and a mod here with yer buds, monitoring any FTA news... " |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12759 Registered: Jan-08 | LK What I can see is that you are a big problem on this forum with your false allegations on eCoustics and its helpers! It's very easy to see that you are back to make the trouble on this forum since your false nicks are banned, if not, why are you back? |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15986 Registered: Jan-06 | Plymouth...IF U are a mod, then ya know I don't have any false nicks.... and why do U keep defending NN and attacking me , like she does, with false allegations!...either U don't know what yer talking about, or are in cahoots with NN... why I am back?...cause I was here waaay years before U..and helped this site members long before U and NN came along....U and NN invaded MY space and this FTA site...and attacked me, long before I ever even knew of U 2... |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12764 Registered: Jan-08 | LK I can't access to your personnal info and that is right like this, I hope that is like it on other sites because jj and his friends will take our info which is not desired! With Nalin, you are top posters, it is difficult for me to moderated you and Nalin, not because I can't but by respect for you both, I will not take your place with the advantage I have! I hope this war will stop and for the wellbeing of each one, the experiment of all members serf to help the others! The good thing is that we can discussed against fighted! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 17986 Registered: Jun-06 | LK never bashes Plymouth, so she says. Here is one of the many gems LK has posted in the past about Plymouth. "LK Platinum Member Username: Lklives Post Number: 14227 Registered: Jan-06 Posted on Wednesday, March 05, 2008 - 09:34 am: Plymouth rock...U are a loser knucklehead, who can't even write English, like nalin...I really don't care what U dog has more brains than you..I don't know U but I read your ridiculous stuff and its "amateur" bud out, If ya aren't part of the solution, then U are the problem... " |
Bronze Member Username: Ei_toro_the_greatPost Number: 17 Registered: Feb-10 | Come on Nalin, you know LK just having little fun.If I took the time to post all your posts where you have lie and bash LK the Coders will break N3 before I get too all of them. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 12773 Registered: Jan-08 | Whiskey You missed the latest news! N3 is broked: ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Ei_toro_the_greatPost Number: 22 Registered: Feb-10 | Yeah I drink to that ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15991 Registered: Jan-06 | hmmm Keystone...ain't really too bad a beer...generic Coors! too! hey yer bud is missing a finger and crooked pinkie too...hmmm, missin finger, beer, and a watermelon head.....ya all must have a good |
New member Username: Pancho_viliPost Number: 9 Registered: Feb-10 | ![]() |