Please Help/Are there any decent DVD Recorders out there now?


Bronze Member
Username: Sam267

Post Number: 13
Registered: Mar-08
Can someone please help. I have had a Samsung DVD/VCR Recorder VR320 for a few years. The DVD will no longer record (I get a message saying "System Error Is Found") and and then the unit turns itself off. I cannot turn it back on unless I unplug the unit and then plug it back in. I have tried leaving it unplugged for 30 minutes and it does not fix the problem. I tried to work around it by copying onto the VCR on the dual unit and then copying from the VCR to the DVD but the DVD will not copy anymore from the VCR. I called Samsung and they told me to send it to them for repair. I'm not sure but I don't think it's worth repairing. I've noticed on the threads that there are no longer any reliable DVD recorders on the market in this country. I do have a DVR from the cable company I am using but I want to continue to copy onto a DVD for archiving and to free up space on the DVR. I have an analog TV which accepts component video audio and S-video. But it does not have HDMI or USB ports. The DVR does have both an S-Video and a USB port. I do not have a DVD burner on my home computer. I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations about either repairing the DVD recorder I have or which brand and model number DVD recorder I could purchase in this country to record from cable and DVR that would be a reasonably priced replacement for the one that is broken?

Silver Member
Username: Ieee488

Post Number: 240
Registered: Dec-07
I have the Magnavox H2160MW9 which I bought from Walmart. I use it every so often. It has a digital tuner which is the main reason I bought it. It also has 160GB hard drive. It has a quirk that you need to know about which is described in one of the reviews for this DVD recorder on, but other than that, so far, it works for me.

Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 4193
Registered: Jul-04
There's no good DVD recorders left in the U.S.

Last I knew you could still get a Pioneer from Canada on or there may be some in the U.S. too. Canada recorders are the same region as the U.S. The tuner wouldn't work here but everything else would.

A warning though, the only warranrty you'll get buying a recorder from another country is the sellers warranty so buy from someone trustworthy. You could probably get a Square Trade warranty but I'm not sure on that. There's usually 30% off coupon codes floating around the internet for SQ.

The recorders actually made by Toshiba were the best ever made for picture quality but they haven't made their own recorders since 2006.

New member
Username: Bluntmaster

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-10
Hope someone has some good advice for me. I bought the
Magnavox H2160MW9 HDD & DVD recorder to perform timer recordings. I hooked it up to my Comcast cable box and tried to record a show. When I went to playback the recording the picture was fine but there was no sound. If I record while I'm watching tv I get sound. This is the second setup i've had with the same result (i've tried a different cable box and a different recorder)any thoughts on the problem?

Silver Member
Username: Ieee488

Post Number: 389
Registered: Dec-07
Are you sure you have the right connections on both the Comcast box and the Magnavox?

You should be going from Audio Out of the Comcast box to Audio In on the Magnavox.

I have the Magnavox, and I record Comcast just fine. I don't use their box since I only have basic cable and the Magnavox's tuner works fine.

New member
Username: Jan133

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-10
i have a sony dvd burner - have had it for about 4 years and it works great - have it hooked to my vcr - i take vhs tapes i have recorded on vcr and then burn to a dvd - i sit and edit out the ads - you can stop and start the dvd burner just like a vcr - always use a dvd+rw so if you goof up - you can simply erase and start over and not waste a dvd-r which are not able to rewrite on - i do have a dvd burner in my computer - but a friend told me you can buy now stand alone dvd burners that hook to your computer for around 50 to 80 bucks or even less - but get a reliable brand - i dont know if sony makes dvd burners for computers
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