Today. Found this on the old release site for vs!!!
c/p Written by bogie1
"I got the fix - Today, 08:12 AM I have a friend who is a coder and he called me yesterday and told me he had discovered the code and wanted to send it to me to test.I asked him how does it come.It;s easy I'll send you the code in a download like the last ones we had.You can use your USB to upload it onto your Vs Ultra.Anyway I said send it to me.When I received it I uploaded to my VS and in five minutes I was up and running. I called him and said can I sent this to my friends, xxx he said no it will be release on Friday th22nd at 2:30 aq.m. xxxx because thats the best site for fta. So my friends stay up late Friday night and you can watch PPV,P0rn and all the other channels, Bogie1"