Copy & Paste by Dalerulesu. Good friend of mine and reliable mod
What We Know
We know that K-Box survived the hit on Dec. 3, but WAS affected by the happening on Dec 10, 2009.
We know that they still have card clients as evident from the showing of UFC 107.
We know that the server is still operational.
We know many dealers no longer stock the product (at the time being)
We know that there is more from the K-Box team to come (be patient)
We know that K-Box chose ------ as an official file relese site, but that does not mean that this site or it's Admins and Mods have any insight or contact with the manufacturer or any 3rd party coders.
We know that the .ORG website is NOT an official K-Box file relese site.
What we do NOT know
We do NOT know anying else other than what is mentioned above. There has been no official statement from any so called spokesperson (Not that those do any good anyway....look back at what good it did for Viewsat users). There is recently NO message on the loader. (The last one was advertising UFC 107, and ended with "More to come...")
Requests have been made for K-box to utilize a flash to enable private ---------ability with the RQ client software. No word on that, nor do we expect it. Many C&P's are floating around but those are more or less simply opinions.
FTA is not known for it's loyalty, and has always been money driven. Customers should adapt the "What have you done for me lately" theory no matter what brand they choose to go with. With that said, I feel if nothing is released (channels, files, or news) by mid January, then it is a sign that moving on is at hand. This is only MY opinion.
Asking why K-Box has not done this or that will fall on deaf ears as we simply do NOT have any insight to those answers. You may be better off standing on one leg, raise your K-Box with your left arm, waive vigorously with your right arm, and pray to the great FTA gods for an answer.
Today the official site is asking members to tune into ch 38 on the toolbar to see the testing for Kbox. I would like to add that until this morning I did not know that site was the official site as I was just checking out the banner and got on to the Kbox forum and read. Then I went to some other sites funny I see a CP here that was posted on another site by a guy who thinks he is in the know HE IS NOT. Anyway to sum it up Yes the is a beta fix with limited channels up now for Kbox and testing is on going. Great news for KBox. Don't ask me for the other site name as anything new will be posted here soon enough.
First off, we'd like to thank you all for your support and faith in us. Our system had to be down due to an internal management system. It was for protect our team. During the time the support was down, KBox-Team has been strenuously working on developing new security protocol, enhancing stability & solidifying the grounds of support for KBox users. At this time, Kbox-Team is in process of creating the Beta test version. This Beta version will be first released on Friday. However, this Beta version is just a temporary release for testing purposes only so it could go down any time during this period due to potential security issues and there will potentially be limited channels available. After this period is over, we expect to see only better, faster and stronger KBox. Again, KBox-Team would like to thank you all for your faith and patience. Check in again on soon for further details and "News" about Kbox. And In a short time we will bring you a real good news.
Kbox Prodigy. You need continuous high speed Internet connected. It was doing good for 3-4 months and was dead last 4-5 weeks. It is just about alive and I suggest you wait for 2-3 days before you buy one.