Well its here and configured and installed but not doing well... We installed the latest file that was released this morning having a date of Jan 8 2010.
All we see so far is an EPCS Key is Invalid message which is not promising at all.
From what we here this box may not be ready yet for North American testing. Those making the claims may very well be correct. So far we are not seeing anything with the IS-9000 that looks positive, other than 7 games you can play, from Othello to Car Racing.
We will do some more tests of course, but its not looking good.
If you have better success with the IS-9000 or even get some TV, please report it here as we continue to test and post our results.
As of this post the IS-9000 is NOT recommended for North American testing of Bev or Charlie.
There are many new updated files on the way. Since the original release on the 31st there have been 4 updated files, unfortunately 1052_Jan0810 was the first one to be posted. The team is working hard to fix any bugs that are found. Please test this file and post any changes you would like to see in the future file releases.
In the near future you will see many changes, the gui is being worked on, as well as channel additions and so on. Any problems please post them here.
You may have an epcs error when trying to load this file: apply the new file do a factory default setup network scan satellites you will get the Error Pop-up that the EPCS key is invalid but should still work
I-Link 900 is a good receiver, but since release two weeks ago it has had 4 files and still down. At present it is not a good option, but it is a promising receiver.