Hi techies, I have a s-video output on Thinkpad T42 and have connected both my tv and my laptop with a s-video cable. The image I have on the tv screen is just the background of my desktop (NO icons, nothing else) I looked in my DISPLAY PROPERTIES under SETTINGS it lists my laptop monitor as monitor 1 and my TV as monitor 2. I can actually drag my mouse arrow over to the to the far right side of the laptop monitor and then it appears on the TV. I haven't been able to find an option to change this under my display settings or my video card options. There are 2 boxes in the display option that I question the first that says "use this device as primary monitor" which is always checked for my laptop monitor and the other that say "extend my windows desktop onto this monitor" which is always checked for monitor 2, my TV. I think these options ar the key but I can't get the first box unchecked for monitor 1 to make my TV the primary monitor. Any ideas?