I got a issue I can't figure out. I can't figure out how to do a hard reset on my TV. It keeps turning off when it turn it on. Ran an error code check and I get a 2-3. About three years ago I replaced the convergence ic's, but I've ordered new ones thinking this was the issue. What started this mess was I adjusted the convergence the other night. got it looking great. got into the service menu to enable 1080i on the DTV port now the tv won't turn back on. I've checked all the fuses on the board a few minutes ago. when I turn on the TV I notice the tubes glowing. and I hear static when it powers down so I know I've got high voltage. I have a feeling its stuck in the 1080i mode and will not go back to 480p. Any help would be great. email me or post a reply. I'd hate to throw this unit out to the curb. its been a great tv.. and I couldn't beat the price of 80 bucks when I got it off the craigslist (broke with bad convergence ics) Thanks!