i was in europ and north africa, this is how it happen there . you take any box does not matter if kbox dream box or any box as long as as it is for iks .. you pay on person a guy and you take your box ready. ofcourse he has a server and the only thing he does is configuration he does not creat any bin . so why we have this problem of : server, bins to flash with . bla bla bla . i still dont get it . in fact he explain that kbox can work with nfusion server and any box can work with any server as long as you have the right configuration . .....................
The adress of server is different, but our box here need a little program to protect their server.
If you get a new receiver like the Nfusion which is ready to IPTV, the only thing needed is a server to provide tv channels, so you have to put the good IP to connect to this server.