After more than six years of excellent service, the lamp in my Sony Grand Wega model KF-50WE610 finally gave up the ghost so I purchased the XL-2100U replacement lamp and proceeded to follow the user manual instructions for replacement.
Loosen screws on rear side panels and remove the front panel, the instructions say. Easier said than done. While I was able to release the panel on both corners, it remained firmly attached in the center despite my futile efforts to pull it off (I used as much force as I dared for fear that I would break it).
I decided to search the Internet to see if anyone else had experienced the same problem. My search led me to this forum where user Ha12vey024 had articulated his frustration over this issue back in November of 2005 (thread now archived). By now he has almost certainly resolved his problem but I am posting this because I searched the Internet in vain for a solution and I want the next poor sap who goes looking for an answer to benefit from my experience.
I called a Television service company and the technician I spoke to was only too happy to explain the proper procedure:
- loosen thumb screws located on rear/side panels
- release front panel at corners by pulling down and out from underside of panel
- insert fingers of one hand underneath panel at one corner and the fingers of the other hand underneath panel at other corner
- slide fingers of both hands simultaneously toward the center of the panel
- with one hand on either side of the power button, pull back firmly with both hands and the panel will pop off (use as much force as required here - if you do it this way, you won't break the panel)
- follow the rest of the user manual instructions for lamp replacement