Viewsat site down?


Bronze Member
Username: Crank606

Post Number: 57
Registered: Feb-08
i try going in and idk if its just not loading or what?

Silver Member
Username: Sump

Post Number: 371
Registered: Aug-09
what do ya need a Viewsat site for ?

Just pickup copy of National Inquirer

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 11033
Registered: Jan-08

ftahq is down since few days!

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 11035
Registered: Jan-08

I'm not able to connected on the site since 1 week!

Silver Member
Username: Rtf

Post Number: 105
Registered: Aug-07
I can connect anytime.

check it http://www.ftahq.c*m

it will display the telefonica files from sept 20

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 16154
Registered: Jun-06

All sites can be connected to instantly. I do not go into the forums so I do not know about the forums.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 11040
Registered: Jan-08
Work fine today!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Asplover

Post Number: 174
Registered: Jun-06
who cares about site, as a bin is still too far or may never come anytime.

Silver Member
Username: Rtf

Post Number: 109
Registered: Aug-07
Hey Plymutt... it allways worked fine Tw*t.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 16158
Registered: Jun-06
RTF: And nobody asked you to criticize me and Plymouth.

Just go back into the hole you came from and stay there till there is something you can comment on because you know about it. At present you don't know anything and that's why you have not been able to help people for over two years.

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 11043
Registered: Jan-08
RTF you are a idiot!!!!!


The problem was because just because I did not write "WWW" in front of
Usualy it work fine without but the direct link give by my friend Nalin has worked fine.

Thanks Nalin!

Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 577
Registered: May-05
geeze nalin you can't even give some additional info without getting blasted dang!


Silver Member
Username: Rtf

Post Number: 110
Registered: Aug-07
Well for two years Nalin I know who helps and who doesn't. You are a pathetic piece of chit. You have chased away many, many good people and you stand here glorifing yourself as the nubies bend over for you. You are here because this is the only place you can fool some of the people some of the time, and a few ALL THE TIME,

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 16164
Registered: Jun-06
RTF: The others are confirmed idiots.
You have some knowledge and you could be helping instead of trying to find faults with others.

Bronze Member
Username: Polish_jesus

Post Number: 24
Registered: Aug-09
only idiots here are nalin and plymouth.

2 buttlickingcumsuckingfuckinjerkoffs

Gold Member
Username: Gregraf

Post Number: 3512
Registered: Dec-07
Well for two years Nalin I know who helps and who doesn't. You are a pathetic piece of chit. You have chased away many, many good people and you stand here glorifing yourself as the nubies bend over for you. You are here because this is the only place you can fool some of the people some of the time, and a few ALL THE TIME,

RTF you are a smart man

Silver Member
Username: Last_supper

Nazerith , Isreal

Post Number: 122
Registered: May-09
Nalie!! It seems that there are many GOOD people here that are aware of your recessive and cult leader type of disgusting attitude. You would be correctly describes as a piece of fresh fecal matter . I think it would be awful to smell your scumbag azz. Other than that you are a rotten azzhole.

Bronze Member
Username: Feroz

New york, New york U s a

Post Number: 96
Registered: Aug-06
si !!!

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 11047
Registered: Jan-08

What a bunch of loser!!!!

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 16165
Registered: Jun-06
Joker: You have told everybody a joke.
The people know reality - which is that Plymouth, me, sada and many other good people try and steal a few minutes of time from other important tasks and help people and IDIOTS like you cause headaches.

Bronze Member
Username: Watch_dog

Post Number: 37
Registered: Apr-09
Nalin Nyda----Joker: You have told everybody a joke.

Yes and everybody here knows that you are a Joke

The people know reality -

Yes I have noticed that in your 16,000+ posts

which is that Plymouth, me,

Yes you and Plymouth like I said stand along
I wouldn't put Sada in your class, when sada was
a newbie didn't you cause him to burn his receiver up?
besides he does help alot more
that I can say about you, most of your posts
aside the bullshit, lying and ratting on members
you spend defending yourself with more bullshit.

sada and many other good

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 16168
Registered: Jun-06



Bronze Member
Username: Watch_dog

Post Number: 39
Registered: Apr-09
Forum Rules

DO NOT....type in ALL CAPS.

Bronze Member
Username: Crank606

Post Number: 58
Registered: Feb-08
nalin and plymouth do u 2 think there will ever be a fix out for view sat?ur opinions?

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 11052
Registered: Jan-08

For now I have any news that viewsat got a N3 file. there are many rumors but nothing from official source.

The latest news I have is that the bin doesn't work fine and experiment many freeze, as soon they correct it, it come back with freezing, they need to found the source code, but it still be very hard.

I don't answered on many post which talk of it because it seems to be like a new play to provide false infos on it.

I really think that it come from providers to blocked the IKS sales.


Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 16170
Registered: Jun-06
I confirm that, strictly in my opinion, the rumour of the existence of a Viewsat BIN for testing, is probably true. If one is strictly technical, the reports indicate that it is more like alpha version with lots of problems.
The fact that there are a lot of problems with that BIN does NOT mean that it will take a lot of time. The opposite is also true - i.e. if the BIN has very few bugs it can still take a lot of time to debug it. That's the nature of software writing.
One important fact in support of a N3 BIN in the works, is that Pansat, Viewsat, or any other major manufacturer, does not want to go the IKS route. It is well within their capacity and they have the resources to support such a service but they are NOT doing it. They must be confident of the progress of their BINs to wait for it instead of going the IKS route.

Silver Member
Username: Last_supper

Nazerith , Isreal

Post Number: 123
Registered: May-09
Don't drink the coolaid folks


Bronze Member
Username: Whelland

Post Number: 16
Registered: Nov-08
Logic tells me that there is no way VS or Pansat can come out with an IKS solution & still adhere to their current legal positions. In the same way, if a "fix" were to be released, I'm sure it would come from a source that could not be traced back to them... Their way of saying... "See, I told you it wasn't us that was doing that"...

I agree with Nalin where it is a lot easier to find major bugs in a program than finding those small hidden errors that appear... Like using a comma instead of a period in a sting... Arrrggg...
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