Silver Member
Username: Mohamad_obama

Terhan, Iran Iran

Post Number: 505
Registered: Oct-08

HERE IT IS FOLKS Viewsats new N3 buster

Viewsat 2000 Ethernet - New IKS Receiver Coming In OCTOBER


We are happy to announce the new brand new internet ready Viewsat 2000 Ethernet FTA free to air satellite receiver. Viewsat users have been demanding a new fta receiver with card sharing features. Well we got great news for you with the brand new Viewsat 2000 Ethernet you can now do Internet Key Sharing (IKS).

Time For The Next FTA Solution, The Viewsat Solution

The Viewsat 2000 Ethernet web unit is one of a kind with a fully secure internet web server already up and running by Viewsat. With the Viewsat 2000 ethernet unit you can have the receiver change its own key codes by using the Viewsat sever setup. This unit is creating a lot of buzz and talk in the FTA world so some of what you hear may not be correct. Many are saying the reason for this new unit is because of new satellite provider changes and saying that old Viewsat units will not work in 5 months. This rumor says that older viewsats won't be able to always beat the new changes and that nagra3 will be fully working on Viewsat 2000 Ethernet. At this time, that is nothing more then rumors. The great thing about the new Viewsat internet sharing box is that it can be used just like every other Viewsat unit and can be loaded by data-cable.

Want Premium Channels? This software gives over 120 right now including Comedy Central, MTV, Discovery Channel, Broadway Network, Game Network, MovieStat Network, National Geographic, Food Network, Cartoons, Show TV...and even HDTV (high definition television) channels!

The Viewsat 2000 Ethernet differences lies in its great hardware and unbeatable software support. Users will often compare other units with similiar capabilities such as the nFusion Nova or the Neosat IPro 2000 both of these boxes are good units, in fact both of these units share the SAME hardware and are made in the same plant. Users that buy nFusion Nova are some times really mad once they get the unit and find out they MUST install the newest software and that there unit is NOT 100% self updating. This is and other faults and truths are said about nFusion Nova Neosat iPro 2000 because of some dealers. Like the Viewsat 2000 Ethernet, the nFusion Nova allows you to use IKS internet key sharing which allows the internet to change your key codes. Most users love the Viewsats for lots of reasons, great support, great hardware and really great prices for their FTA receivers. If you are looking for a new age FTA satellite receiver for new upcoming changes such as nagra3 key changing support and much more we suggest you look into this great new unit.

The Viewsat 2000 Ethernet is Coming Out Next Month in October and will range around $269-369.00

Silver Member
Username: Sump

Post Number: 329
Registered: Aug-09
c&p from May 2008

http://www.abadss.com/forum/91-fta-news-announcements/60958-viewsat-2000-etherne t-new-iks-receiver-coming-may.html

Silver Member
Username: Mohamad_obama

Terhan, Iran Iran

Post Number: 506
Registered: Oct-08
funny how this crapola gets changed a line here and a line there just to make the viewsat people's pucker factor go up a little, isn't it?
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