Any dish that is greater than 30" or preferrably 33" and greater is good for 118W. YOU MUST get the special LNB which costs about $20 or less designed specifically for 118.7. It is a circular LNB for KU band with lower frequencies.
You MUST HAVE a special LNB. If you try and use a LNB meant for 119 or 110 it may give you some channels but not the lower frequencies. Follow the instructions given by the manufacturer of the LNB. Once it is pointing correctly to 119, The general instructions are as follows: LNB frequency 9750-10750 or 10750 LNB type Universal 2 or standard. First TP 11715 Do a blind scan. Or get the full TP list from Lyngsat and make sure you have the list and do a full scan. Depending upon the make and year of manufacture of your receiver, you may have Anik F3 already listed and set up with the full LNB list.
hey Nalin, I have tried the setting but I can't get interenational channels.I am getting most of the channels on 119 and few others on 118 but only interenational I get are sab and star. Can you suggest something..Thanks
shawn said: "I am getting most of the channels on 119 and few others on 118" There are several possible reasons. 1. Your dish size is inadequate - it must be 33" or more 2. Your LNB is inadequate. You may get some channels using the 119 LNB but you need a special LNB using a frequency of 10750 or lower. 3. Your IKS service is not providing all that you want. Kbox has maximum available Indo-pakistani channels and Nfusion is fast catching up. 4. If you are doing a scan, perhaps all the TP freqeuncies are not there in the TP list. Got to lyngsat*com and copy all the TPs (32 in all) valid for 118W into the Anik 3 list. If you can't add, you may set up a separate Dish in your receiver software and add all the TPs listed. 5. You can use LNB type Standard or Universal 2. for Dishpro LNB use LNB type Dishprop or DP. 6. You should use LNB freq 10750 or 9750-10750 as appropriate. 7. You can also bypass some problems by doing a blind scan. In a Blind scan you might scan as many as 62 TPs which means that your scan has incorporated all the TPs of Anik3 and all of Echo 7; however, you may find that the TP freq. that the blind scan got are different for the Echo 7 list. You can ignore this. They will often be off by 500.