I don't own any of those boxes and would like to know how they operates. I know that both boxes need to connect to internet, does it also need to connect to a sat dish? and from where does the box get signal? is it from internet or from the sat dish?
Posted on Wednesday, July 08, 2009 - 12:26 am: Edit Post by sada.. c&p is perfectablly legal lol with username don't forget to share,
what is k1plus definately one member asked this question..}
Ans: dah.. its a iks fta reciever
what is difference b.w k1plus and nfusion feature wise..}}
well k1plus is better.. if u look at few things.. it has pvr, + option of standalone ( i mean with these nagra 3 channels u have to use iks) but once nagra 3 is crack, then will allow standalone bin, so u don't have to use iks all the time, nfusion have lack of usb/pvr, so for hd u have to spend 400-500 , also pic quality is better on k1plus, i know its improved on solaris model but i haven't checked it out.. so vittu nfsuion will get those channels likely but i think it will create them for a demand of pvr model within $ 200 budget.. also it will take some load from nfusion server once people swith to k1plus lol.. it is always good to have competition,
what is best place to buy k1plus/pro}}
check transat electronics,kboxsales.com (sum mp normally writes on ecoustics, so u can get more info) list of official dealers are listed at www.dssrookie.com (official) www.ftabins.net at rookie u can't talk about bev..
how to setup k1plus/pro)}
exclusive guide c&p from ftabins.
what is difference b.w pro vs plus both are supported equally and have same specs, plus is older and cheaper pro is brand new and little bit higher pice than plus