Please help me to buy FTA receiver. Which is the best keeping in the mind that, I have HD TV, Kbox, Sonicview or Nfusion? Which one will stay longer in the Market?
Amir , I think Plymouth may be off in his statement of support. Nfusion is having major problems with securing their servers and I would not call support good after the Nova debacle. I'm in Canada, really like my Kbox.
Amir dot is a newbie and obviously dont know much about recievers. Nfusion Nova is 4 yrs old. Time to upgrade. If you have bought a Nfusion Nova in the last year you obviuiosly did not do your research. Kbox isn't as reliable as Nfusion unless your talking to someone that sells them.
(O- gregraf -O) , I know what I know. Nfusion is in big trouble, mac and cheese Novas are running more freeze free than Solaris. Suns is compromised. Their spokesman, Mr.SS is confused and disorientated . There's general pandemonium within the team as to what to do next. Many customers have left forever.
I know I like my Kbox, so do most people who have them. Read around. Loved watching UFC last night while Nfusion was back as night.
Plymouth, you should be ashamed of yourself, such overt ignorance and a fowl mouth, too. Your grammar is atrocious. I must say, you're just not someone that I could ever have the least respect for.
i agree with bazuka, nfusion was the best one time but its got a bad reputation now and i have both nfusion and kbox and i like kbox better and it has no freezing and more of dn channels , if you want bev then nfusion is better
Amir, Kbox is best, but it is not HD. With HD, you only left with the option of nFusion or Sonicview. It also depends what channels you're interested in. Sonicview has more South Asian Channels then nFusion.
Amir Khan: From your name it seems you would like Indo-Pakistani channels. In that case you are OK with kbox. The others have MUCH FEWER Indo-Pakistani channels. With kbox you might get a little more freezing, but not very obtrusive.