I had a Mitsubishi 62 rear projection tv WD-62327. I have no picture on all input meun can still come up, and already replace the light bulb so I thought that was power board capacitors' issue( I replaced two 3300 uf 10v capacitors) But still no good.. Any help ??? Thank you.
In regards to your issue, I got a question for you: when your tv turns on or tries to turn on, do you or can you hear a humming, buzzing or rapid click noise coming out of the tv? if you say yes this could be an issue with the ballast and most likely needs to be replaced as soon as possible the definition of a ballast and how it works is this: A ballast is an electrical component used with a fluorescent bulb (or mercury vapor lamp or arc lamp) to conduct electricity at each end of the tube. It supplies the initial electricity to the bulb that creates light, and then it regulates the amount of electricity flowing through the bulb so that it emits the right amount of light. My advise is to seek the help of a local technician in your area and make sure that the issue is directly related with your ballast and not necessarily with your bulb or lamp, I'm leaning towards the ballast.