1. Download the file mac_and_cheese_1x.zip, Unzip, run mac.exe, Wait till it says "Ok we're done." 2. This creates a file called flash_me.bin in the folder you launched the application from (or your desktop). 3. "Now load up the flash_me.bin onto your nFusion Nova using the webloader and enjoy your new MAC " 4. That's it! Enjoy it while it lasts!
The kind of "fix" that nFusion, Kbox and Sonicviewihub offer is different from the usual "fix". Others can offer it and, in fact, it is within reach of many of the manufacturers. There may be other reasons why the major manufacturers do not offer it.
Nfusion Nova support has been discontinued. This is a file by independent hopbbyists. If you want to watch TV buy Nfusion Solaris or Phoenix, or Kbox or Sonicview 360 +ihub
Instructions are.... 1. Download the file mac_and_cheese_1x.zip, Unzip, run mac.exe, Wait till it says "Ok we're done." 2. This creates a file called flash_me.bin in the folder you launched the application from (or your desktop). 3. "Now load up the flash_me.bin onto your nFusion Nova using the webloader and enjoy your new MAC " 4. That's it! Enjoy it while it lasts! I like the Mac and Cheese..... lol
The flash_me.bin file is not being created for me after I run the mac.exe file. I have tried running it many times now and it still will not create the bin to the desktop (this is where I saved the .zip file). I am getting the "Ok we're done" prompt but still no bin..Is anyone else experiencing this problem or know how I can resolve it? Thanks in advance.
I uploaded the flash_me bin in Nova, scanned 110W, good internet connection, good signal and quality but no picture or sound on any channels. Any help?
This is what I could find on the sunset date for the Nova regardless if you have your Nova with Mac & Cheese or just plain. Either way, as of Sept. 1st they become a doorstop.
Well I guess you have done very little reading to come to that conclusion. It has been stated on Sept 1st that the Nova will no longer get BEV and now will not get DN. Mac and Cheese or not.... If they implement the security they claim to have it looks like it will be all over for the Nova.
Keep reading.... It's only been talked about for the last 3 days in just about every way possible....
If they use the Chip for itrs intended purpose then its over for the Nova. -----
This is the only post I was able to find at that site. The informative post, I read, is now a Poll and I could not locate it. If you really want to know then go to the www dot dummy chat dot com site and do some reading. Or wait until the first part of next month.
It may be a good idea to keep an extra house fuse or two around for your fuse box in the event the nFusion coders are not bluffing...or know how to reset a popped breaker in your service box.
The Nfusion coders have no source code of the box, the bins are hack and very different to the factory bins (less features). If they don't activate the security yet, it's because they don't know how without revelating the 'polichinelle' secret.
We are JTAG ready and i think they are enough stupid to bomb Solaris by playing that way. ;-)