Viewtech is very pleased to report that its founder, Jung Kwak, has been released on bond. The government had initially sought to detain Jung without bail, but Jung and his legal team were able to convince the Federal Court to release him pending trial, in part, because the indictment was erroneous and overstated in several important aspects. Jung is obviously grateful to be a free man again, and is looking forward to continuing work on a N3 fix for his loyal customers. Jung`s legal team asked the judge to turn over the high powered microscope so he can get back to work on a fix, but the judge said no dice, it will remain with the court pending trial. Jung and his lawyer Mark Geragoes plan to establish his innocence of these false accusations. Viewtech stands solidly behind Jung, and has reason to believe that this criminal case was instigated by Echostar/DISH, as part of their unlawful campaign to destroy the legitimate FTA industry under the ruse of combating a small minority who allegedly commit satellite piracy. Viewtech remains ready, willing and able to support and protect the legitimate FTA industry and all of you who lawfully use Viewtech's products. Thank you for your continued support and patronage.
"Jung is obviously grateful to be a free man again, and is looking forward to continuing work on a N3 fix for his loyal customers."
Hey, are we viewsat owners looking at a light at the end of the tunnel, or is that just dim flashlight with almost dead batteries? If only Jung can get an N3 fix while he's out of jail....that would be just great.
There's nothing like an honest and truthful statement, and this one is nothing like an honest and truthful statement. Kwak is probably tying shoelaces around his pantlegs to keep the crap out of his shoes.
The arrest of "Ducklet" and 2 other people should be taken very seriously. He is rumored to have a stake in manufacturers other than Viewtech/Viewsat which are using IKS. If Ducklet gives up the IKS server logs in a plea deal, a whole lot of people will be busted!!!