Samsung color wheel replacement


New member
Username: Windsong

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-09
I asked Samsung Parts for the correct color wheel for my HLR4266WX/XAA and they asked if it was a L3 or L6 chassis. I didn't know, so checked the rear of the set, and told them it said L64C chassis. The Samsung rep then said it was a L6 chassis and that I needed the BP96-01103A color wheel, which I ordered.

Sadly this color wheel does not fit my set -perfectly-. It sort of fits, but is cocked off on one side by about 1/8", preventing one of the screws to line up with its hole. I was momentarily relieved when the set seemed to work well with this imperfect installation, but after a couple days of seeming success I now do not get a picture at startup and the set powers off after a couple minutes.

I think I should have ordered the L3 chassis wheel, BP96-00647A, as I can now identify the very minor difference in the housing between the two. (Their respective pictures seemed identical on the website!) Of course the mounting of the wheel onto the housing is not the same, so I cannot try the new wheel on the old housing.

Could this imperfect color wheel installation be the problem? When the original wheel broke I got the 3 lights failure and changed the bulb, then ballast, and only then found the color wheel busted. If the set believed that the color wheel had failed (rpms, etc.), wouldn't I get this same 3-flashing-light failure?

Note that the bulb lights and when the set did work previously, the screen would eventually freeze and it would shut off after about 10 minutes. Someone said it's probably the DMD board, but I can't stop wondering if the color wheel could be at fault.

Thanks for any opinions on this.

PS I've handled the new color wheel to the point that I could not possibly return it!
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