Even a very slow telephone internet connection at 28 kilobits per seconds would be fast enough for the hub. Remember the other side of the hub is a serial port at 9600 bits per second !!!!
I can say to you that: When the internet rush like a friday night, my receiver freeze, but this is the over trafic on the net.
Another thing, if the server who provide the keys to the receiver is surcharged with a slow connection you don' t get the packet needed in time for keep your receiver up.
Note that I have a 8 Mbites and real 6.2 Mbites connection.
Plymouth you told Danny (second message in this thread) his internet connection was too slow. This is nonsense period.
I don't need a Hub on hands to figure out it is a RS232 to Ethernet converter. I also know the serial port behind all the FTA receivers are not designed to go over 9600 bits per second. Even if you had Gigabit Internet, it would not accelerate the iHub a damn bit. The serial side of the hub cannot go over 9600 bits per seconds. Even if it could go at 110 kilobits (some RS232 connection can do it) well the an intermediate Internet connection at 256kbits would do the job.
Internet activity cannot slow down server connection activities. It is the server that is not capable to handle the trafic or worse, the Internet connection to that server that is insufficient.
Wait until millions get these hubs. Their servers will stall to a dead stop. Leaving millions with dead hubs !!!!
Freezing is expected as it is still in the Beta stage, they're still trying to work out the problems before coming out of beta testing. Today it's been performing much better with micro freezing instead of long black outs. Some channels work better than others, but overall things are getting better.