Hi: Certain mods at nfusion forum have mentioned that nfusion has changed managment. Certain people in nfusion team have packed up and gone and nfusion may have either been sold or merged with another company. They say things are heating up over at nfusion. Anyway since this was stated by mods at certain site i did not put it in the romours because they are sure of these changes.
Anyway interesting things are happening and I think nfusion is at the start of its downfall. .and there is more worse crap to come... as the nfusion goes down hill...be sure of that...we are ready...when the lights go out we will be ready.. on stand by waiting for the dust to settle...will they make it or break it???? only time will tell but the HD prices are dropping and more.. this should tell you some thing...and also the mangement is threatend by whats going on on the court side of things as well those arrest like i told you was a sting and the information came from the private firm that dik hired and its in alberta canada to locate the IKS and also more.. the so called super secure suns BS its not that secure if it was it would be like KB"S server sure there freezeing yes but there not only on one server ethere.. thats all i can say..
From BZZPH also on another matter there haveing alot of problems with cash flow yes but also they wont admit it but they have a very heavy lawsuit to pay as well as judgement agasinst them. this has not been released yet but you will see...just be warned...
the courts as of yet dont know where the suns is but if they did.. we will make sure its usless to them.. thats in place already has been for months now..
BZZPH>>>>> this is what im saying ok.. and thats all stick left because of many reasons but mostly because of the crap in the mangement.. and secondly he is closer than you think...just because he has left nfusion does not mean he is not still here.. NO im not stick..
and NO im not spy for DN or BEV i have former inside background with the major leages here and thats because i was involved with it from the begining.. but i have morals and the story is that when you have a idea and come up with it and a company takes that idea as there own and corrupts it then you are corrupted because of the work..
the reason that i know so much is because i wrote it... now i cant say much more than that but ask digital about me.. i was another name back then my nic was Cypher and he will remember the 414's and also the days of SFS-infinite in the DTV days..
i have a code that i live by most will not understand this but stick did.. and thats we stand for some thing in the coder world and respect carrys along way in this world its demanded and given because of what you are.. Stick did not get this from the people that demanded so much from him or her and it was what burned him out..as a former with the powers to B ill tell you that while we are the brains we rarely are respected and thats how it is.. the lies and comments in the ranks of nfusion has made most of the good coders leave.. now SS while i dont agree with him on most of what he has said he is like a car sales men.. he does hit some points and trys to help.. i have not ever seen him bash any one..
what i had was a idea that he was not receptive to and when i went out and did it it was met with rude comments and was banned for that reason... me and SS coverd some ground on the suns i went over the suns with fine tooth colme and spoke the truith on the ways things were done.. now there calling it security upgrades and there right in the day that SS anounced the 24 hrs penetrations were done on the suns well that correct because i got tired of his bragging to the public how secure the suns is and what they were doing.. every time they changed some thing i told SS what it was they changed and told him that would not work.. he admited on the forum that i new what i was talking about that he asked that i not post it publicly.. why??? because it was a lie.. as i said i have a code that i live by.. and if its not the truith then i am not worth the words i speak.. thats what its all about in this hobby.. and thats why i have the support i do.. and i will not be threatend to stop or rudely banned i will continue.. and if the shoe fits wear it as i say..
from the inside and out the real game was to make it so that the Nova owners had to buy another box that was it.. and the othere is that nfusion has many problems right now they have enlisted coders to do the binfiles that have not worked with nfusion before SS knows this.. thats why things are where there at because the 3rd party they had has left them for the reasons i have described here.. thats the truith...
now the suns is there and i have sent help in ways of messages to them but they dont act like the pyros.. they act like kids that dont know what to do with the muscle of machine the suns is..
i am doing just that.. i have a iron clad agreement that once i have solved the freezeing on KB and SV because the same team that is both for the codeing the servers are diffrent.. but once i have finished and if you notice there is less freezeing on the syetems.. im working on that issue its takes alot out me.. so as soon as that is solved ill come out with the new bin that will allow the nova to use the servers for these.. now the bandwith is limited and thats one thing but the othere is load balance so thats what we are looking at..
now the othere.. nfusion cant say that the nova will not work there KUDOS and TOS just like any othere.. the secret is the way its writen.. and the codeing.. thats what makes the magic work.. i am how ever remotely only saying that i am working on a standlalone bin i wont say any thing othere than that.. to avoid conflict and to many questions..just know that.. the focus right now is to fix the KB and SV frezzeing the next ill have the full support of the team to resolve the nfusion nightmare...
thats all i can say...
i will..im not allowed to say any thing that is perdent.. but stick and also otheres have gone close at hand...because that there was better offer and also open minded people that respect there background and also long history...
thats all..nfusion has lost the best team they had...
check this out read on othere forums and also look in to this.. you will see.. and ask you own has nfusion ever been the clumbsy in the past????there clumbsy because the coders are trial and error on the suns...stick and match are not there any more..
if you look you will see there work in some fta's right now.. i cant say the names but you will see there style....as i said before some coders respect is demanded and when that is broken then there is reason to leave.. nfusion broke that when thet allowed some information to pass to the official channels to the Law.. by the way SS knows this he has been told...
What site is this from? He has been banned from all the nfusions sites, makes me wonder why he still wants to work on the nfusion.
I'm not doubting what he says, I think that the pyros are gone. I also believe that SS is either digital or blindscan.
They are pumping more bs out on their official site than I have ever seen. They cannot come up with a plan and make it work.
B3v was working before the pyro's left and undoubtedly had the token bin for Dik done, but if you notice they haven't come out with anything else. It's always a security thing, which is getting old.
They are leading people down a path, as they did with the koolsats.
I would not buy anything with nfusion name on it and expect it to work for very long.